Trailblazer Reloaded League/Guide/Runecraft

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Trailblazer Reloaded Misthalin
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Guides Asgarnia


All players begin the league with level 5 Runecraft. The training methods are mostly the same as the main game, depending on which altars are available. There are many sources of pure essence drops such as spoils of war chests, brimstone chest, and Zalcano. Daeyalt essence provides 50% extra experience per essence and can be mined from the daeyalt essence mine if Morytania Morytania is unlocked.

Runecrafting is modified by the following relics:


Guardians of the Rift

With the Desert Desert unlocked and 27 Runecrafting players may train through the Guardians of the Rift minigame. There are requirements to create certain runes:

The minigame offers helpful rewards for Runecrafting such as the colossal pouch for holding more essence and Raiments of the Eye set for crafting extra runes. Additionally, when searching the rewards guardian, abyssal pearls found will be multiplied by the minigame modifier for the relic tier unlocked.

Runecraft altar locations

Altar Requirement Location and notes Region
Air Altar Runecraft 1 North-east of the Crafting Guild and south of Falador. Asgarnia Asgarnia
Mind Altar Runecraft 2 Between Ice Mountain and Goblin Village. Asgarnia Asgarnia
Water Altar Runecraft 5 South of Lumbridge in the swamps and south-east of Draynor Village. Misthalin Misthalin
Earth Altar Runecraft 9 North-east of Varrock, near the Lumber Yard. Misthalin Misthalin
Fire Altar Runecraft 14 North-east of Al Kharid. Desert Desert
Body Altar Runecraft 20 Between Ice Mountain and Barbarian Village, south of Edgeville Monastery. Asgarnia Asgarnia
Cosmic Altar Runecraft 27 The southern part of Zanaris. Requires Lost City. Misthalin Misthalin
Chaos Altar Runecraft 35 Wilderness level 9, north-west of Edgeville. Wilderness Wilderness
Astral Altar Runecraft 40 Southern part of Lunar Isle. Requires Lunar Diplomacy. No talisman required. Fremennik Fremennik
Nature Altar Runecraft 44 North of Shilo Village. Karamja Karamja
Law Altar Runecraft 54 Northern part of Entrana. No weapons or armour allowed. Asgarnia Asgarnia
Death Altar Runecraft 65 Temple of Light, bottom floor. Also accessible from the Underground Pass. Requires Mourning's End Part II. Tirannwn Tirannwn
False Blood Altar Runecraft 77 South of the Dark Altar. Requires dark essence fragments and 100% Arceuus favour. Kourend Kourend
True Blood Altar Runecraft 77 Requires completion of Sins of the Father. Located in Meiyerditch Laboratories. Morytania Morytania
Soul Altar Runecraft 90 East of the dense essence mine. Requires dark essence fragments and 100% Arceuus favour. Kourend Kourend
Wrath Altar Runecraft 95 South of the Myths' Guild through the Corsair Cove Dungeon. Requires Dragon Slayer II. Kandarin Kandarin
Fremennik Fremennik
Ourania altar Runecraft 1 Within the Ourania Cave south-west of West Ardougne. No talisman required. Kandarin Kandarin

Creating tiaras

Crafting tiaras can be a fast method to gain quick level starting at level 1. Tiaras can be crafted by using a talisman on the corresponding altar with a tiara in your inventory. It is possible to craft up to 13 tiaras in one trip, and can result in up to 50,000 base experience per hour.

Other equipment

Item Region Notes
Essence pouches Wilderness Wilderness or Desert Desert or Fremennik Fremennik Although essence pouches can be obtained in the starting region via ALR, they can be repaired in the Guardians of the Rift minigame or through the dark mage.
Colossal pouch Desert Desert The colossal pouch is created by combining all essence pouches with an abyssal needle obtained from the Guardians of the Rift minigame.
Daeyalt essence Morytania Morytania Requires 60 Mining and the Sins of the Father quest. Provides 50% extra Runecraft XP when used. This bonus is multiplicative with the 70% bonus at the Ourania Altar, for a total bonus of 155%. This is significantly faster overall to train Runecraft than using pure essence when including the time necessary to obtain each.
Blood essence Desert Desert or Asgarnia Asgarnia While activated and in the inventory, it will give a 50% chance to craft an extra blood rune per pure essence, daeyalt essence, guardian essence or dark essence fragment for no additional experience.
Pure essence Misthalin Misthalin Tirannwn Tirannwn Requires 30 Mining, pre-requisites are auto-unlocked. Zulrah provides an average of 120~ Pure essence per kill and can easily compete with normal mining methods. The Nightmare Zone reward shop cannot be used to obtain pure essence in the Trailblazer Reloaded League. Soul Wars can be utilized to obtain high amounts of pure essence in relatively little time by opening Spoils of war. The official Trailblazer Reloaded League Soul Wars worlds are 426 and 472.
Binding necklace Misthalin Misthalin Used to create combination runes with a 100% success rate. Degradable, has 16 uses. May be created with level 27 Magic and level 29 Crafting. Uncommon drop from the Abyssal Sire in increments of 25.

Temporary boosts

Item Region Notes
Spicy stew (orange spice) Desert Desert Boosts Runecraft by ±0-5. Requires manual completion of the Freeing Evil Dave subquest in Recipe for Disaster.
Oldak Asgarnia Asgarnia Boosts Runecraft by ±2. Requires completion of Death to the Dorgeshuun.


Item Region Master Notes
Runecraft Cape Misthalin Misthalin Aubury While equipped allows access to all runic altars and prevents essence pouches from degrading. This is the only way to use essence pouches to train without unlocking the Wilderness or using NPC contact from the Lunar Spellbook.


Quest Base XP
Requirements Required Regions Autocompleted Regions
The Fremennik Exiles 30,000 Crafting 65 Crafting
Slayer 60 Slayer
Smithing 60 Smithing
Fishing 60 Fishing
Runecraft 55 Runecraft
Fremennik Fremennik
What Lies Below 8,000 Runecraft 35 Runecraft Wilderness Wilderness

XP rewards with skill choice

Quest Base XP
Requirements Required Regions Autocompleted Regions
X Marks the Spot 300 - Asgarnia Asgarnia
A Taste of Hope 2,500 Agility 45 Agility
Attack 40 Attack
Crafting 48 Crafting
Herblore 40 Herblore
Slayer 38 Slayer
Morytania Morytania
A Tail of Two Cats 2,500 twice - Asgarnia Asgarnia
Desert Desert
Fremennik Fremennik
A Kingdom Divided 10,000 Agility 54 Agility
Thieving 52 Thieving
Woodcutting 52 Woodcutting
Herblore 50 Herblore
Mining 42 Mining
Crafting 38 Crafting
Magic 35 Magic
Kourend Kourend
Sins of the Father 15,000 3 times Woodcutting 62 Woodcutting
Fletching 60 Fletching
Crafting 56 Crafting
Agility 52 Agility
Attack 50 Attack
Slayer 50 Slayer
Magic 49 Magic
Morytania Morytania