Ironman Guide/Melee

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Ironman Guide

Melee training involves training Attack, Strength, Defence, and Hitpoints through combat. Ironman melee training is similar to the normal training methods, with a heavy emphasis on Slayer for resources.

Early training: Quests

Early levels can be skipped by completing quests granting Attack, Strength, or Defence experience. Notably, Waterfall Quest has no requirements and grants enough experience for 30 Strength and 30 Attack, going straight to 22 combat level.

Waterfall Quest, Death Plateau, Fight Arena, Vampyre Slayer, Witch's House, Tree Gnome Village and The Grand Tree involve no combat, or can be safespotted and easily defeated with Magic.

Hardcore ironmen are recommended to train Hitpoints before attempting the above quests. With at least fire strike and decent Hitpoints, complete Witch's House, then continue with the other quests.

Quest Requirements Attack XP Strength XP Defence XP Enemies
Waterfall Quest None 13,750 13,750 N/A Evadable
Death Plateau None 3,000 N/A N/A None
Vampyre Slayer None 4,825 N/A N/A Level 34
Tree Gnome Village None 11,450 N/A N/A Level 112, safespottable
Fight Arena None 12,175 N/A N/A Levels 44, 63, 137, safespottable
The Grand Tree Agility 25 18,400 N/A N/A Level 172, safespottable
Holy Grail Merlin's Crystal, Attack 20 N/A N/A 15,300 Level 127, flinchable
Haunted Mine Priest in Peril, Crafting 35 N/A 22,000 N/A Level 95
Dragon Slayer I Quest points 32 N/A 18,650 18,650 Levels 3, 19, 22, 24, 43, 82, 83
In Aid of the Myreque In Search of the Myreque, Crafting 25 , Mining 15 , Magic 7 2,000 2,000 2,000 Levels 35, 54, 50s/75

Fastest experience

Ammonite/sand crabs

Ammonite crabs on Fossil Island are the best option for early melee training. They have relatively high Hitpoints and otherwise low stats. Little to no food is required and they also drop fossils. They are aggressive for 10 minutes, making it possible to stay in combat for long periods of time without any player input. Sand crabs in Hosidius are an alternative with no requirements, but they have lower Hitpoints and are usually more crowded.

The experience rates achieved here are similar to Nightmare Zone up to level 65, as long as aggression is reset without wasting much time.


With decent melee stats and equipment, most melee experience should be gained through Slayer. Powerful equipment is locked behind Slayer levels for ironmen, such as the abyssal whip, dragon boots, occult necklace, and trident of the seas.

Nightmare Zone

With base 70 melee stats, melee can also be trained in the Nightmare Zone. Using normal customisable rumble and absorption potions offers a very straightforward and the most AFK-able way of training melee stats, allowing the player to stay in combat for 20 minutes without any player input. However, Nightmare Zone dreams require a coin fee to start and there are no valuable drops.

Using the boss list from the Nightmare Zone AFK absorption method, up to 85,000 experience per hour is possible. In terms of experience per hour, the best setups are, in order: obsidian equipment with avernic defender, bandos equipment with avernic defender and finally, obsidian equipment with dragonfire shield. However, most of that gear is not ironman-friendly; expect closer to 70,000 experience per hour using mid-game ironman gear (zombie axe, dragon defender, fighter torso, etc.). Using a dwarven rock cake or locator orb can help extend trips to 6 hours to maximise absorption point efficiency, while bringing overloads can improve xp/hr at the cost of being less afk.

Sulphur Naguas

Sulphur Naguas can be fought in Neypotzli after the Perilous Moons quest. They provide some of the highest melee experience per hour in the game (140,000 experience per hour when praying Piety, or 110,000 experience per hour if not), in addition to being AFK and requiring no supplies. This is comparable to Dharoking in NMZ, but is much more accessible for Ironmen since it doesn't require special gear. Additionally, they provide around 4,000 experience per hour in Runecrafting from sulphurous essence, ~1-1.3 hard clue scrolls per hour, and chaos/death rune drops. If carrying an ectoplasmator, they also provide ~6500 Prayer experience per hour.

The best weapon to use is the dual macuahuitl, closely followed by Glacial temotli, then sulphur blades; both these weapons have two hitsplats, taking advantage of sulphur nagua's -4 flat armour. You can kill frost naguas with your best melee gear until receiving the glacial temotli as a drop.

Since you will be praying protect from melee at all times, you can significantly increase AFK times at the cost of some experience per hour by bringing prayer-boosting gear such as proselyte, a stole, holy sandals, and an Ardougne cloak. Praying Piety will significantly decrease AFK times, but will increase experience per hour. If using the dual macuahuitl, wearing the full blood moon armour set will further increase experience per hour.

Moonlight potions should be used when killing sulphur naguas, as they both restore prayer and boost melee stats. Thus, you need no supplies for this method. The eastern spot is best, as it has 5 spawns in close proximity to each other, and is less likely to be interrupted by players doing Moons of Peril. Note that sharing this spot will reduce experience per hour, and it shouldn't be hard to find an empty world.

It's common to receive multiple hard clues from sulphur naguas in one trip. They should be picked up when they spawn and dropped again, after which they will stay on the ground for one hour. It's beneficial for Ironmen to do these hard clues for the chance of receiving rewards such as blessed d'hide armour, but those wanting to maximize experience per hour can ignore hard clues. You can use a calcified moth to quickly get back to Cam Torum to ferry all your hard clues. Note that you should turn in sulphurous essence before leaving Neypotzli, as they will disappear when you leave.

Other methods

Barbarian fishing

Barbarian Fishing gives small amounts of passive Strength experience in addition to Fishing and Agility experience. It is recommended to get passive Strength experience from Fishing before doing melee training, as the passive Strength experience has a much bigger benefit at lower than higher levels.


Prioritize weapons with fast attack speed over stronger weapons with slower speeds.

Special attack weapons


  • All armour pieces up to and including rune can be purchased from various shops.
  • Completion of Dragon Slayer I is required to use the rune platebody.
  • Maximise strength bonus for efficient training when fighting monsters with low defence.
    • For monsters with high defence and bossing, you will have to balance accuracy and strength bonus. Searching up a DPS calculator will allow you to determine, for example, whether an amulet of strength or glory is better for fighting a specific monster with your current stats.




  • With few options for Strength bonus, use the best defensive gear possible.
  • Obsidian platelegs have low defence, but do give Strength bonus.
  • Bandos tassets have better defence and more Strength bonus.
  • Torva platelegs also require Smithing and bandosian components after getting the damaged version from Nex.





