Overload (Nightmare Zone)

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1 dose2 dose3 dose4 dose
Overload (1)
Released5 September 2013 (Update)
Quest itemNo
OptionsDrink, Drop
Examine1 dose of overload potion.
Value110 coins
High alch66 coins
Low alch44 coins
Weight0.02 kg
Advanced data
Item ID11733

An Overload is a potion purchased from Dom Onion's Reward Shop for 1,500 Nightmare Zone points per dose. Overloads cannot be used outside the Nightmare Zone. Drinking an overload raises a player's Attack, Strength, Defence, Ranged, and Magic levels by 5-19 (5 + 15% of the player's level, rounded down) for five minutes, while causing them to take 50 hitpoints worth of damage over the course of several seconds. This damage is not absorbed if the player has used an Absorption potion.

It is not possible to use an overload if the player currently has less than 51 Hitpoints. However, if a player drinks an overload and lowers their Hitpoints (such as by using a dwarven rock cake or locator orb) before the overload has finished causing damage, it is possible for the resulting damage to kill them.

Level boosts from an overload are reapplied every 15 seconds until the 5 minute duration ends, at which point the player is healed for 50 Hitpoints and the boosts wear off. Boosts from overloads do progressively decay over time, but given the 15 second reapplications, they effectively remain near or at full effect until the potion wears off.

A player drinking a dose of overload.

Stat boosts by level

Boosts to most combat skills is calculated with:

Level Boost Level Boost Level Boost
1-6 +5 34-39 +10 67-73 +15
7-13 +6 40-46 +11 74-79 +16
14-19 +7 47-53 +12 80-86 +17
20-26 +8 54-59 +13 87-93 +18
27-33 +9 60-66 +14 94-99 +19

Shop locations

Overload (1)

Lua error: The item "Overload (1) (Nightmare Zone)" is not sold in any shop, please check for typos.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:26 March 2020| |0}} {{#explode:26 March 2020| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:26 March 2020| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

A grammatical error has been fixed in Overload messages.

[[{{#explode:15 April 2016| |0}} {{#explode:15 April 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:15 April 2016| |2}}]]

Half full potions could now be turned into bank placeholders.

[[{{#explode:10 October 2013| |0}} {{#explode:10 October 2013| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:10 October 2013| |2}}]]

Overload now damages the player for 50 hitpoints when drunk, similarly to overloads in RuneScape 2.