Clue scroll (hard)

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Clue scroll (hard)
Released5 May 2004 (Update)
Quest itemNo
OptionsRead, Check steps, Drop

A set of instructions to be followed.
A clue!
A place of the world map, but where?
Part of the world map, but where?
Perhaps someone at the observatory can teach me to navigate?
Fairy ring:
A clue suggested by (Player's Name)!

I need to decipher this.
Value20 coins
High alch12 coins
Low alch8 coins
Weight0.02 kg
Advanced data
Item IDN/A

A clue scroll (hard) is a valuable random drop from a large variety of high-levelled monsters. A hard clue scroll can be 4-6 steps long. Clue scrolls are the start of a Treasure Trail - a treasure hunt that sends players hunting all around Gielinor and other realms.

At the end of the trail, players receive a reward of items randomly selected from a specific list, possibly including very rare and very valuable items. Hard clue scrolls are usually long and complex, and can give the player puzzle boxes to solve. They can also involve trips to the Wilderness, and fights with a Zamorak wizard, a Saradomin wizard, or the double agent. They can offer many valuable rewards in return, including rune, 3rd age and gilded weapons and armour.

These clue scrolls are much harder than easy and medium clue scrolls, due to the risk of being attacked, as well as requiring more quests to be at least partially completed. For this reason many players prefer to complete the easy or medium ones.

As for all tiers of clue scrolls, only one hard clue scroll can be held, kept in death's office or stored in a bank at one time.

If you have dropped the prior clue scroll while having done some of the steps on that, the next clue scroll you receive will NOT have retained the steps of the dropped clue.

If a player dies in the Wilderness with a clue scroll above level 20, it will disappear whether it's a PvP death or not, unless it is an item kept on death, or if that player has a clue box. Players will find that the clue scroll will be gone upon returning to their loot otherwise. Players may find it beneficial to carry a Wilderness Sword (to cut webs), Royal Seed Pod/Teleport Crystal and/or an Explorer's Ring, as clue scrolls are always kept above these items; these however will be lost upon death and duplicates are easily obtainable. In lower Wilderness however (level 20 or lower) in PvP death, the unprotected clue will stay on the ground for up to 1 hour. The same goes for reward caskets. If you die in lower Wilderness due to a monster you will always keep the clue whether protected or not.

Completion of hard clues will give a casket (hard), containing the final reward for the trail. After completing 300 hard clues, the player will unlock the Uri Transform emote.

Completion of Hard Combat Achievements gives a 5% increased chance to receive a hard clue scroll from all sources, excluding implings.

A hard clue scroll can be given to Watson along with an easy, medium and elite clue scrolls in order to receive a master clue scroll.

Types of clues

Please note that it is possible to receive the same clue more than once.


Skill requirements

Certain clues will require items that need a certain skill requirement in order to wear, wield or access. The table below shows the highest skill requirement, in order to complete every hard clue. Quest skill requirements are not noted in this table.

Skill level Details
Agility 56 (boostable) Required to get through the dense forest in Tirannwn.
Attack 40 (not boostable) Required to wield various rune weapons and the mystic fire staff.
Defence 40 (not boostable) Required to wield rune equipment and blue dragonhide body.
Fishing 68 (boostable) Required to access the Fishing Guild.
Prayer 60 (not boostable) Required to wield stoles and croziers.
Ranged 50 (not boostable) Required to wear blue dragonhide armour.
Strength 20 (not boostable) Required to wield rune halberd.

Additional Ironman requirements

Players playing the ironman mode need to meet some more skill requirements to be able to solve all the clues, with the amulet of glory being the only exception: it is possible to receive an amulet of glory (t) from hard clues.

Skill level Details
Crafting 58 (boostable) Required to make a diamond bracelet
Hunter 50 (boostable)
Crafting 68 (boostable)
Required to obtain blue d'hide chaps
Crafting 80 (boostable) and Magic 68 (boostable)
Hunter 83 (boostable)
Required to obtain an amulet of glory
Slayer 80 (boostable) Required to obtain rune boots
Quest points The Lost Tribe Required for access to bone spear

Quest requirements

Some clues require access to areas or NPCs which may require quests. Some only require to start the quest in order to access the area or NPC.

Quest Details
A Kingdom Divided Gives access to the song Regal Pomp.
Bone Voyage Gives access to Fossil Island and needed to unlock the Fossilised song.
Cabin Fever Gives access to Mos Le'Harmless.
Children of the Sun Gives access to Varlamore
Dragon Slayer I Grants ability to equip a rune platebody.
Elemental Workshop I Grants ability to equip an elemental shield.
Fairytale II - Cure a Queen Partial completion unlocks fairy rings, which are required for some clue steps. Also useful for navigating Gielinor quickly. Completion is required for Fairy Queen cipher clue (GBJSZ RVFFO).
The Fremennik Isles (started) Gives access to Neitiznot and ability to speak to Mawnis Burowgar.
The Giant Dwarf (started) Gives access to Keldagrim for the Dr Warden Funk anagram.
The Grand Tree Gives access to the Ship Yard.
Holy Grail (started) Gives access to the Fisher Realm.
Horror from the Deep Gives access to the Lighthouse.
Icthlarin's Little Helper (started) Gives access to Sophanem.
In Aid of the Myreque (started) Gives access to Burgh de Rott.
Legends' Quest (started) Gives access to the Kharazi Jungle.
Land of the Goblins Gives access to Yu'biusk
Monkey Madness I (started) Gives access to Ape Atoll and able to speak to King Awowogei.
Mountain Daughter (optional) Gives access to Mountain Camp, without the need of a rope everytime.
Mourning's End Part II Gives access to the song La Mort.
My Arm's Big Adventure Gives access to the song Roc and Roll.
Nature Spirit (started) Gives access to the Nature Grotto.
Perilous Moons (started) Gives access to the song "The Moons of Ruin"
Plague City (started) Gives access to West Ardougne.
Priest in Peril Gives access to Canifis.
Shadow of the Storm Access to Evil Dave west of Edgeville bank.
Regicide Gives access to Tirannwn. Highly recommended to complete the quest, as travelling becomes easier with using a charter ship to Port Tyras.
Shilo Village Gives access to Shilo Village.
Swan Song Gives access to the Piscatoris Fishing Colony and able to speak to Arnold Lydspor (only works after the quest).
Tree Gnome Village Allows you to speak to the Spirit tree in Tree Gnome Village.
Troll Stronghold Gives access to Trollheim.
Watchtower (started) Gives access to Gu'Tanoth.
Zogre Flesh Eaters (started) Gives access to Jiggig.

Music requirements

Music Track Unlock location Notes
Complication Chaos Altar N/A
Fossilised Wyvern Cave on Fossil Island Requires completion of Bone Voyage.
Hells Bells Trollweiss Mountain Usually acquired while sledding down Trollweiss mountain but can be acquired without starting Troll Romance.
The Moons of Ruin During Perilous Moons
La Mort Death Altar Requires completion of Mourning's End Part II.
Little Cave of Horrors Mos Le'Harmless Cave Requires completion of Cabin Fever.
Regal Pomp Coronation ceremony during A Kingdom Divided. Requires completion of A Kingdom Divided.
Roc and Roll Fight with the Giant Roc during My Arm's Big Adventure. Requires completion of My Arm's Big Adventure.
Scorpia Dances Scorpia's cave beneath the Scorpion Pit. The cave is located deep in the Wilderness.
Subterranea Crabclaw Caves or Waterbirth Island Dungeon. Crabclaw Caves access requires partial completion of The Depths of Despair.

Item requirements

'Minimum level requirements' indicates the level required to equip all items on the list in order to complete their respective clue steps.

Any quantities below indicate how many of each item is required to fill all available hard STASH units.

Minimum level requirements
Attack 40 Attack Ranged 50 Ranged Magic 40 Magic
Defence 40 Defence Prayer 60 Prayer
Items required
Adamant 2h sword Adamant sq shield Amulet of glory Amulet of power
Amulet of strength Blue d'hide body 2 × Blue d'hide chaps 3 × Blue d'hide vambraces
Bone spear Any god crozier Diamond bracelet Diamond ring
Elemental shield Fire battlestaff Any colour headband Any rune heraldic helm
2 × Any rune heraldic kiteshield Iron platebody Mithril platelegs Mystic fire staff
Mystic hat Mystic robe top 2 × Ring of life Rune axe
Rune boots Rune full helm Rune halberd Rune longsword
Rune pickaxe 3 × Rune platebody 2 × Rune platelegs Rune plateskirt
Rune spear Rune warhammer Any god Stole

Possible rewards

The average loot roll is worth 38,375.00. On average, hard clues are worth 191,878.00. The 1/15 chance of receiving a master clue scroll adds another 62,431.00, for a total expected value per clue of 254,310.00.

As well as the unique Treasure Trails rewards shown below, players may also receive a variety of other items. A more detailed overview of all possible rewards can be found at reward casket (hard).

Image Name
Rune trimmed armour
Rune gold-trimmed armour
Guthix rune armour
Saradomin rune armour
Zamorak rune armour
Ancient rune armour
Bandos rune armour
Armadyl rune armour

Gilded armour

Rune heraldic armour (h1 to h5)
Blue d'hide trimmed armour
Blue d'hide gold-trimmed armour
Red d'hide trimmed armour
Red d'hide gold-trimmed armour
Enchanted robes

3rd Age armour
3rd Age ranger kit
3rd Age mage robes
Guthix blessed d'hide armour
Saradomin blessed d'hide armour
Zamorak blessed d'hide armour
Armadyl blessed d'hide armour
Ancient blessed d'hide armour
Bandos blessed d'hide armour
Vestment stoles and croziers (Guthix, Saradomin, and Zamorak)
Chromatic dragon masks
Ornament kits

Item sources

The below rates have rarities provided by Jagex.[1]

No drop sources found. To force an update, click here.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:11 April 2019| |0}} {{#explode:11 April 2019| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:11 April 2019| |2}}]]

The item was graphically updated.

[[{{#explode:9 March 2017| |0}} {{#explode:9 March 2017| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:9 March 2017| |2}}]]

The item's value was increased from 1 to 20.

[[{{#explode:21 April 2016| |0}} {{#explode:21 April 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:21 April 2016| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

Hard clue scrolls have been added to nature, magpie, and ninja impling drop tables.

[[{{#explode:18 February 2016| |0}} {{#explode:18 February 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:18 February 2016| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

Hard clue scrolls are now dropped by black demons.

[[{{#explode:24 September 2015| |0}} {{#explode:24 September 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:24 September 2015| |2}}]]

A typo in the hard emote clue telling you to laugh in Jokul's tent has been fixed.

[[{{#explode:2 July 2015| |0}} {{#explode:2 July 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:2 July 2015| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

All clue scrolls now have a right-click 'Check steps' option that will allow you to see exactly how many steps you have completed so far.

[[{{#explode:18 June 2015| |0}} {{#explode:18 June 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:18 June 2015| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

You will now be able to have up to one clue scroll of each tier and will be able to complete clue scrolls of different tiers simultaneously.

[[{{#explode:14 May 2015| |0}} {{#explode:14 May 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:14 May 2015| |2}}]]

Clue scroll stages no longer increase when bouncing different clue scrolls.

[[{{#explode:2 October 2014| |0}} {{#explode:2 October 2014| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:2 October 2014| |2}}]]

A hard level coordinate clue where the wrong type of wizard was spawning has now been fixed.

[[{{#explode:6 March 2014| |0}} {{#explode:6 March 2014| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:6 March 2014| |2}}]]
(update | poll)
  • Bloodveld and Dark beasts now have a chance of dropping hard clue scrolls.
  • The item was renamed from "Clue scroll" to "Clue scroll (hard)".

Gallery (historical)

5 May 2004 –
11 April 2019
11 April 2019 –


  • After the update of 18 June 2015 it is now possible to have one clue scroll of each tier at a time, while previously the player could not get any clue scroll at all until completing or dropping their current one.


  1. ^