Dagannoth Kings/Strategies

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A trio of players take on the mighty Dagannoth Kings.

Dagannoth Kings are a trio of bosses found in the Waterbirth Island Dungeon, known for their dragon axe, berserker ring, archers ring, warrior ring and seers ring drops. Their bones are also valuable, making them consistently rewarding to kill.

The Kings

The Kings reside on the sixth floor (the deepest) in Waterbirth Island Dungeon.

  • Dagannoth Prime: The Dagannoth King who uses magical attacks. Whenever he is attacking, Protect from Magic must be on at all costs as Prime can hit up to 50 damage and easily kill in two hits. Prime is weak to ranged attacks.
  • Dagannoth Rex: The Dagannoth King who uses melee attacks. He is extremely easy to deal with, as he can be either binded or lured to the edges of the islet where he can get stuck easily.
  • Dagannoth Supreme: The Dagannoth King who uses ranged attacks. Supreme is also easy to deal with, hitting harder than Rex but lower than Prime. Supreme's attacks can hit multiple players if they are facing his direction.
  • Spinolyps inhabit the moat surrounding the Dagannoth Kings' island. They are generally weak and have 75 Hitpoints. Their attacks are not very accurate, especially if the player has armour with high ranged defence, but their ranged attacks can inflict poison, and their magic attacks drain one prayer point if they hit. The poison damage starts at 6, so it is worth bringing Antidote++ potions. They can be used to heal with the use of Guthan's set or Saradomin godsword while waiting for the Kings to respawn.
Dagannoth Prime Dagannoth Rex Dagannoth Supreme
Uses Magical Attacks.
Uses Melee Attacks.
Uses Ranged Attacks.
Fight with Ranged Fight with Magic Fight with Melee

Suggested skills

  • Attack 70+
  • Strength 70+
  • Magic 75+
  • Ranged 70+
  • Defence 60+ (80+ Recommended)
  • Hitpoints 70+
  • Prayer 45+ for Mystic Might, 70+ for Piety
  • Agility 85+ for shortcuts skipping the tunnels and need for Rune Thrownaxe/Pet Rock


As the Kings all attack with different styles, reducing the amount of time spent attacking multiple Kings is essential for staying alive and extending trips. This can be done by killing the Kings in a cycle and utilizing the downtime before they respawn to safely kill the other kings, by safespotting, or by attacking a King outside the aggression range of the others.

Entering the Lair

Upon entering the lair, the player can be targeted by any amount of Kings at the same time. It is recommended to use Protect from Magic or Protect from Missiles in case you are immediately targeted.

For players wishing to safespot Rex or Prime, they should enter and exit the room (leaving via the ladder will nullify some incoming attacks if done quickly enough), until they can safely run along the southern side of the island without being targeted by Supreme or Prime. Once on the eastern wall, players can attack Rex with magic and use either safespot freely.

For players planning on killing all 3 Kings, there are a few common options.

  • You can head to the eastern wall as if you were performing the Rex safespot and start the rotation from there.
  • If Supreme is not aggressive, you can run north and begin attacking Prime with ranged.
  • If Prime is not aggressive, you can attempt to kill Supreme quickly with melee.
  • If multiple Kings begin attacking the player, you can attempt to off-tick their attacks and correctly pray against all of them. Otherwise, praying Protect from Magic while quickly killing Supreme or safespotting Rex is the safest option as Prime is very accurate.

Tribrid Rotation (3 Kings)

Depending on gear and stats, the Kings can be killed quickly enough that there is very little overlap where multiple kings are alive and able to reach the player. Rex can easily be safespotted on the north-eastern, south-eastern, or north-western walls. With a long range ranged weapon, Prime can be reached from the northern side while staying out of the aggression ranges of Supreme and Rex. Supreme, however, is very close to Prime, and Rex and should be defeated with melee. Ideally, defeat Supreme after Prime so both aren't attacking the player at once.

A detailed map of the lair and tackling the Kings.

A safe example rotation:

  • Enter the room without drawing aggression and head counter-clockwise along the southern wall to the east side of the room.
  • Attack and safespot Rex with magic along the east wall.
  • Rotate counter-clockwise north and begin attacking Prime with ranged along the northern wall.
  • Rotate counter-clockwise south and begin attacking Supreme with melee while staying as west as possible to avoid Rex when he spawns.
  • Move to the eastern wall and safespot Rex again.

A faster rotation, best done with powerful equipment capable of defeating the Kings quickly.

  • Enter the room and attack Supreme with melee, taking care to either avoid Prime or correctly pray against its attacks.
  • Attack Rex with magic while dragging him to the north-western safespot, praying against Prime if they have noticed the player.
  • Move to the north side and attack Prime with ranged, avoiding being too close to Supreme when he spawns.
  • Attack Supreme with melee, avoiding Rex by staying as north/west as possible.
  • Attack Rex with magic and use the north-west safespot again.

Rex Only

Luring Rex to the south-east safespot (note that the right side of the image is north; safespot's map location shown in the upper-right).

Once safely on the eastern wall of the lair, Rex can be attacked with a long range magic spell or staff without alerting the other Kings. As Rex approaches the eastern wall, pray Protect from Melee and move north or south until they are stuck on a wall and unable to reach the player. From there, you can attack with magic. Bring equipment with high range defence, as Spinolyps attack with Magical ranged and will be the main drain on your supplies. Players can utilise blood spells, Guthan's equipment, Regen bracelet, Hitpoints cape, the Saradomin godsword, or Sanguinesti staff to passively heal off Rex or Spinolyps to greatly extend trips.

Prime Only

Prime can be reached in a similar manner to Rex from the eastern wall with ranged attacks. However, he will not approach the player and instead attack from a distance. This means the player needs to wait until it is safe to grab his drops or bring Telekinetic Grab to loot. Players can safely alternate between Rex and Prime if desired.


The Dagannoth Kings can take a long time to reach and can be difficult to setup properly, so it is often more valuable to reduce unecessary gear switches and bring extra supplies in order to extend trips. Balance damage output between each style, (if killing all 3 Kings), with ranged defence and prayer bonus to reduce unnecessary damage taken from the Spinolyps.

A tribrid setup means a single player using Magic, Ranged and Melee to kill all three Dagannoth Kings. It is only recommended for people who can afford good enough equipment to be able to kill all Kings fast enough. If the player is not experienced, an alternative to attacking all three kings is to have another person targeting Rex, while the player targets Prime and Supreme. The person targeting Rex may help defeat Prime/Supreme if needed. Because the run there takes so long, overall kills per hour are maximized by ensuring you complete a full Slayer task in only 1 trip, or as few trips as possible. It's preferable to sacrifice some DPS in favour of sustainability if you need to do so in order to last the full task. It's often worthwhile minimizing gear swaps to bring more supplies (e.g. using Barrows gloves instead of Ferocious gloves + Zaryte vambraces, ignoring Bandos tassets) or favouring sustainability oriented gear (e.g. using Spectral spirit shield instead of a defender, using Guardian boots over Primordials, using SGS + Lightbearer over offensive options)

  1. ^ Wearing the serpentine helm provides immunity to poison.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Only recommended if using a bow of Faerdhinen (c) or crystal bow.
  3. ^ Worse than a Sanguinesti staff without additional mage switches
  4. ^ Only recommended if using crystal armour. Does not require Ava's device.
  5. ^ Cheaper alternative at the cost of 6 ranged strength
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 If using a toxic blowpipe or bow of Faerdhinen (c).
  7. ^ Bring one or the other. Pegasian boots are only relevant when using Blowpipe; otherwise melee boots are always preferable.
  8. ^ Although the granite boots have 1 less strength bonus, they have a handy +8 ranged defence bonus.

This setup is used to solo Dagannoth Rex. Rex is the easiest out of all the Kings as it can be safespotted, and offers the chance of receiving the berserker ring. Long trips can be achieved using Guthan's armour set, a Saradomin godsword or blood spells on the Spinolyps in between kills. Magic is highly effective against Rex due to his extremely low magic defence. With a decent Magic level, players can wear full melee armour for the increased ranged defence and still hit Rex consistently.

  1. ^ If using the Serpentine helm, antipoisons are not needed as you will be immune to poison.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Guthan's equipment should be brought if you plan to bring the whole set for its set effect. Otherwise, Any barrows piece will work.
  3. ^ If the amulet of the damned is used while using Guthan's armour set, players can heal a maximum of 10 Hitpoints above their base Hitpoints level.
  4. ^ All versions of the Ardougne cloak provide a good combination of both magic and prayer bonuses
  5. ^ If using Flames of Zamorak or Magic Dart.
  6. ^ If using Claws of Guthix.
  7. ^ Equal with Void knight mace at 99 Magic
  8. ^ If using Iban Blast.

Players may wish to kill only Dagannoth Prime for its unique drops or the pet. Once inside the northeast corner of the room, Prime can be ranged while remaining out of aggression range of Supreme and Rex. Use of Telekinetic Grab will aid in collecting drops. Maximize ranged strength and accuracy, or bring additional tank gear or switches to heal while waiting for Prime to respawn.

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 With the full crystal set and a Bow of faerdhinen or Crystal bow
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Guthan's equipment should be brought if you plan to bring the whole set for its set effect. Otherwise, Any barrows piece will work.


Your inventory should consist of the following:

Rex Safespot inventory

File:Stamina potion(4).pngFile:Antidote++(4).png


File:Super defence(4).png

Tips and tricks

  • The use of the dwarf multicannon with 1,000–2,000 cannonballs to kill Dagannoth Prime can be helpful to smooth out the rotation when fighting all three Kings. Place the cannon on Prime's spawning area, and only load cannonballs when it spawns; do not keep reloading, as it is less effective on Rex and Supreme and will cause them to attack you immediately upon being struck by a cannonball.
  • Attune a portal in your house to Waterbirth. This will make travel time significantly easier and will negate the need of having to have your house in Rellekka or have redirecting scrolls for it.
  • The suggested food is Super restore potions and Saradomin brews, although for simplicity and cost-effectiveness, sharks and a few Saradomin brews/Super restores for emergency will suffice. Bringing Guthan's set and Saradomin godsword can help reduce the use of food.
  • If bringing Saradomin brews for food, always try to use a super restore before re-boosting your combat potions. IF timed correctly, (with when you would normally reboost with a combat potion), this can greatly increase the amount of healing in your inventory with little to no loss of your damage output.
  • Various Ancient Magicks can prove useful: Ice Barrage can be used to freeze Dagannoth Rex and Blood spells can be used in combination with a Trident of the seas or swamp to heal.
  • Antipoisons are important to bring, as the Spinolyps residing in the water around the lair will poison players. This is not the case if the player wears a Serpentine helm throughout the trip. Sanfew serums are also useful, as they function as both an antipoison and a super restore, however it is worth noting the resistance to poison given to the player lasts half as long as that of an antidote++.
  • There is a safe spot if you jump over the root slightly east of the Dagannoth Kings' ladder where you can 'peek' to see if there is someone within the arena. This is also a convenient spot to hop worlds looking for a vacant lair.
  • Completion of the elite Fremennik Diary will cause Dagannoth Kings' bones to drop in noted form, substantially increasing the profitability of extended trips.
  • Bringing an explorer's ring in place of a stamina potion for high alchemy will bring a bit more profit.
  • If your melee stats are high enough (80+) and you're on a dagannoth task, consider using a Saradomin godsword or any other godsword as your spec weapon and your melee weapon to kill Supreme with, saving an inventory space.
  • Bringing Divine boost potions along with a Menaphite Remedy can significantly increase how long your boosts last while saving an inventory slot over bringing 2 Super Combat and 2 ranging potions
  • A shortcut requiring 85 Agility (or 80 Agility with the boost from a Summer pie) may skip the need for the Pet rock and a Rune thrownaxe, saving 2 inventory spaces.