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Released 11 June 2001 (Update)
Also called Fish
Members No
Type Gathering
Players with
as of 1 November 2024 - update
Players with
200M XP
as of 7 October 2024 - update

Fishing is a skill which involves catching fish from selected spots around Gielinor. Higher Fishing levels enable different mechanisms of Fishing, the ability to catch a larger selection of fish and increases a player's catch rate. Caught fish may be cooked through the Cooking skill to create food which may be used later to regain hitpoints during combat. Alternatively, many players sell their excess stock of catches for gold.

Fishing level up - normal
The music that plays when levelling up.
File:Fishing level up (normal).ogg
Fishing level up - with unlocks
The music that plays when levelling up and unlocking new content.
File:Fishing level up (with unlocks).ogg


When caught, most fish will be raw and cannot be eaten until they are cooked. The name and colour indicates this. For example, when shrimps are first caught they are named "raw shrimps", but once cooked the name changes to "shrimps".

Clue in a bottle

While fishing, players may also occasionally receive clue bottles that contains a clue scroll of the following difficulties: beginner, easy, medium, hard, and elite. Master clue scrolls cannot be obtained from clue bottles.

Fishing methods


Players need the right kind of equipment to catch the fish they want. Basic Fishing equipment can be purchased in fishing shops. Players can buy fishing equipment from the fishing store in Port Sarim and from the fishing store in Catherby. More advanced fishing methods may need to be found or crafted.

Equipment Secondary Item Fishing Spot Associated Fish Level Members Other Requirements
None Net / Bait[s 1] Fishing 1 0
Net Fishing 5 1
Net Fishing 15 0
Net Fishing 7 0
Quest points Below Ice Mountain
Net Fishing 20 0
Quest points Below Ice Mountain
Net Fishing 33 0
Quest points Below Ice Mountain
Net / Bait Fishing 33 1
Harpoon / Net Fishing 62 1
Quest points Swan Song
Net File:Minnow.png Fishing 82 1
Show Kylie Minnow the full angler's outfit.
None Net / Harpoon Fishing 16 1
Fishing 23
Fishing 46
Fishing 46 1
Quest points Below Ice Mountain
None Drift net anchors Fish shoal Fishing 47 1
Hunter 44 see drift net fishing.
Net / Bait Fishing 5 0
Fishing 10 0
Lure / Bait Fishing 25 0
Net / Bait
or Bait[s 2]
Fishing 28 1
Fishing 38
Bait Fishing 82 1
Bait Fishing 87 1
Partial completion of Quest points Regicide.
Lure / Bait Fishing 20 0
Fishing 30
Lure / Bait Fishing 38 1
Bait Fishing 53 1
Fishing 80 Access to the inner city of Mor Ul Rek.
Rod Fishing 48 1
Agility 15 , Strength 15 , Barbarian Training
Fishing 58 Agility 30 , Strength 30 , Barbarian Training
Fishing 70 Agility 45 , Strength 45 , Barbarian Training
None Cage / Harpoon
or Harpoon / Net[s 3]
Fishing 35 0
Optional: Fishing 55 , Strength 35 , Barbarian Training to catch without a harpoon.
Fishing 50 Optional: Fishing 70 , Strength 50 , Barbarian Training to catch without a harpoon.
Net / Harpoon Fishing 76 1
Optional: Fishing 96 , Strength 70 , Barbarian Training to catch without a harpoon.
None Cage / Harpoon Fishing 40 0
Cage Fishing 85 1

King worm
or Fish chunks
Fishing spot
(Aerial Fishing)
Fishing 43 1
Hunter 35
Fishing 56 Hunter 51
Fishing 73 Hunter 68
Fishing 91 Hunter 87
Fish (Karambwan) Fishing 65 1
Completion of Tai Bwo Wannai Trio.
  1. ^ Shrimps can also be caught alongside raw karambwanji in the appropriate net spots.
  2. ^ Spots found in the Mort Myre Swamp only offer the bait option.
  3. ^ The harpoon/net spots found at the Piscatoris Fishing Colony.

Fishing shops

Locations of fishing shops where players can buy supplies are:




A player fishing on a fishing spot.

The first few fish players can catch require nets. Players can use small fishing nets and big fishing nets. The big nets only allow players to catch different types of fish and sometimes items, such as caskets. When a player has found a fishing spot, they can then use their net if the option "net fishing spot" is available. "Net fishing spot" can be found in: Draynor Village, Lumbridge Swamp, Musa Point, the coastline near Rimmington, the Wilderness Bandit Camp, Al Kharid, and Corsair Cove. A "cast fishing spot" is available at the park in Civitas illa Fortis. House keys, gems, key halves, and clue bottles, can be obtained from this spot.

Equipment Level Members
Fishing 1 0
Fishing 16 1

Fishing rods and bait

This player is using a fishing rod.

Fishing rods are required for mid level Fishing in both rivers and seas. Along with a Fishing rod, players also need bait. Bait can be bought in stores (3 coins each at the Port Sarim fishing shop), but is also dropped by some monsters and random events. When a player has found a fishing spot, they can then use their fishing rod if the option "bait fishing spot" is available. For every fish you catch, you lose one piece of bait.

The oily fishing rod is a members only item required to catch infernal eels when used with ice gloves and to catch lava eels for the Heroes' Quest. The pearl variants such as the Pearl fishing rod are cosmetic and not improvements over the basic fishing rod, although they can be equipped which frees up a single inventory slot.

Equipment Level Members
Fishing 5 0
Fishing 5 1
Fishing 5 1
Fishing 5 1

Fly fishing rods and feathers

Fly fishing rods are also required for mid level Fishing. These rods can only be used in rivers. Along with a fly fishing rod, players also need feathers. They can be bought from the Shilo Village and Port Sarim fishing shop, but are also dropped by chickens. When a player has found a fishing spot, they can then use their fly fishing rod if the option "lure fishing spot" is available.

Stripy feathers (introduced with the Hunter skill) can be used for fly fishing, as well. Those feathers work the same as normal feathers, but players will only be able to fish rainbow fish, rather than the usual trout and salmon. The Pearl fly fishing rod is cosmetic and not an improvement over the basic fly fishing rod, although it can be equipped which frees up a single inventory slot.

Equipment Level Members
Fishing 20 0
Fishing 20 1


This player is using a harpoon to fish.

Harpoons are required for mid and high level fish. Harpoons can only be used in the seas. When a player has found a fishing spot, they can then use their harpoon if the option "harpoon fishing spot" is available. Swordfish and tuna are caught in cage/harpoon fishing spots, while sharks are caught in net/harpoon spots.

There are five types of harpoons - the regular harpoon, the barb-tail harpoon, the dragon harpoon, the infernal harpoon, and the crystal harpoon. The dragon harpoon and infernal harpoon both have a 20% faster catch rate than the regular harpoon, and the crystal harpoon has a 35% faster catch rate. The barb-tail harpoon, dragon harpoon, infernal harpoon, and crystal harpoon can all be wielded. Many players prefer these harpoons as it saves an inventory space.

After being taught by Otto Godblessed, a player can catch fish that are harpoonable with just their hands. The Fishing level requirement is 20 levels higher and it also requires a Strength level equal to the Fishing level needed to catch the fish normally, but a small amount of strength experience is gained and the player doesn't need a harpoon equipped or in their inventory.

Equipment Level Members
Fishing 35 0
Hunter 33 1
Fishing 61 1
Fishing 75 1
Fishing 71 1

Lobster Pots

This player is using a lobster pot to catch lobsters.

Lobsters are caught in the sea by using lobster pots. When a player has found a fishing spot, they can then use their lobster pot if the option "cage fishing spot" is available. This is also true for Dark Crabs, with the only difference being Dark Fishing Bait must also be in a player's inventory.

Equipment Level Members
Fishing 40 0

Cormorant's glove

Aerial fishing is a ranged fishing technique at the centre of Lake Molch requiring 35 Hunter and 43 Fishing. Players are given a Cormorant's glove for free by talking to Alry the Angler. While equipped the Cormorant eats King worms or Fish chunks (taken from inventory similar to bait) to fly over the lake's surface, collect and return various unique aquatic creatures to the player. Catches include Bluegill, Common tench, Molted eel and Greater siren based on the Fishing and Hunter levels of the player. A knife can be used on these catches to give Cooking experience and receive fish chunks which makes the process sustainable.

Additional rewards include the Molch pearl currency which can be used to purchase the Pearl fishing rod, Pearl fly fishing rod, Pearl barbarian rod and Fish sack. These are equipable versions of common fishing equipment for additional inventory capacity. Although pearls can also purchase parts of the Angler's outfit, it's a much slower method than the recommended Fishing trawler minigame.

Equipment Level Members
Fishing 43 Hunter 35 1

Drift Nets

Drift net fishing is a special fishing method that requires 44 Hunter and 47 Fishing accessible after completing Bone Voyage. Unlike fishing from a spot on the surface, this occurs in the Underwater area of Fossil Island where fish shoals are chased into Drift nets set by the player beforehand. Collecting fish shoals from the nets can reward various fish depending on your Fishing level including tuna, lobster, swordfish, sharks and at higher levels is one of the few methods to catch sea turtles and manta rays.

Equipment Level Members
Fishing 47 Hunter 44 1

Karambwan vessels

Karambwan vessels can be obtained from Lubufu south of Brimhaven once a player has started the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest and they can be bought from Tiadeche's Karambwan Stall in Tai Bwo Wannai once they have completed the quest. Karambwan vessels are loaded with karambwanji, which are caught from the lake that is near Lubufu. Karambwan are caught at the north-east shore north of the Ship Yard.

Equipment Level Members
Fishing 5 1
Fishing 65 1

Barbarian Fishing

Members with at least level 48 in Fishing can speak with Otto Godblessed in his home near Baxtorian Falls to learn special barbarian methods of fishing, Bare Handed Fishing and Heavy Rod Fishing.

Bare Handed Fishing

A player catches a shark with barehanded fishing.

Starting at level 55, the player can learn how to fish tuna, harpoonfish, swordfish, and sharks without a harpoon. Using this method requires a higher Fishing level as well as a Strength level equivalent to the Fishing level needed to catch the fish normally. However, it provides small amounts of Strength experience. At level 55, players can expect rates of 10,000 Fishing experience per hour, steadily increasing to 13,000 experience per hour at level 69. At level 70, catching both tuna and swordfish nets roughly 24,000 Fishing experience per hour.

Fish Level Experience
Fishing Strength Fishing Strength Skills
55 35 8.5 10 18.5
55 35 80 8 88
70 50 100 10 110
96 76 110 11 121

Heavy Rod Fishing

Starting at level 48, the play can learn how to do heavy rod fishing; this method requires a barbarian rod (found under Otto's bed) and any type of bait (except for stripy/coloured feathers), as well as a knife to gut the fish. In order to catch the special fish in Otto's lake or at Mount Quidamortem, a Strength and Agility level is needed in addition to the fishing requirement. The leaping fish obtained can be used with a knife to obtain roe and caviar for use in the Herblore skill, and catching them gives small amounts of experience in Strength and Agility. The Pearl barbarian rod is cosmetic and not an improvement over the basic Barbarian rod, although it can be equipped which frees up a single inventory slot.

Equipment Level Members
Fishing 48 1
Fishing 48 1

Other Equipment

Rada's blessing

Rada's blessing will give you an extra chance at catching a fish, with no additional experienced granted, starting at 2% for the Rada's blessing 1 to 8% with the Rada's blessing 4.

Equipment Effect
Gives a 2% chance at catching an extra fish
Gives a 4% chance at catching an extra fish
Gives a 6% chance at catching an extra fish
Gives an 8% chance at catching an extra fish

Spirit Flakes

Spirit flakes give a 50% chance of yielding double catch everywhere excluding Tempoross and the Ruins of Camdozaal, at the cost of one flake per fish caught (no additional XP is given). This stacks with Rada's blessing.

Equipment Effect
File:Spirit flakes.png 50% chance to double the number of fish caught.

Utility Equipment

Equipment Effect
Used to obtain a Pet fish from Harry's Fishing Shop in Catherby
Wearing a skills necklace with at least one charge while big net fishing will slightly increase the chance of finding a casket
Allows fishing for infernal eels in Mor Ul Rek
Stores most common fishing supplies and equipment in a single slot
Able to store a combined total of 28 raw fish of many types, effectively doubling inventory capacity
Able to store a combined total of 28 raw fish of many types, equipable in cape slot

Underwater Equipment

This equipment strongly recommended for accessing the Drift net fishing minigame in the Underwater section of Fossil Island

Equipment Effect
Allows breathing underwater
Allow sprinting underwater, improves catch rate while Drift net fishing

Angler's Outfit

Obtained through the Fishing trawler minigame and Aerial fishing, pieces of the Angler's outfit grant a bonus to Fishing XP gained, increasing to 2.5% with the full outfit.

Fishing spots

Players may fish at various fishing spots located around Gielinor, while fishing, the location of a fishing spot may move from one spot to another within the same area, requiring the player to move in order to continue. The only exceptions to this are select fishing spots located within the wilderness and Karambwan fishing spots.

Net and bait fishing spots

Lure and bait fishing spots

Big net fishing spots

Harpoon & Lobster Pot fishing spots

Other fishing spots

These generally are one specific place for one specific type of fishing.

Fishing Trawler

Fishing Trawler is a Fishing minigame found at Port Khazard. Level 15 Fishing is required to receive fish at the end of the trip. World 370 is the Old School RuneScape designated Fishing Trawler world. It can be overwhelming for a single player, so it is recommended to participate in a group.

Players board Murphy's trawler boat and work as a team to protect the boat from hazards and prevent it from sinking for five minutes as they sail across the oceans. Holes in the ship, flooding, sea monsters and broken netting are all hazards players must overcome to keep afloat. Failing these tasks may shipwreck players and force them to swim back to shore.

If the trawler net is not ripped at the end of the trip, players may receive fish based on their Fishing level. This is one of the few methods in which you are able to catch sea turtles and manta rays. There is a 1/12 chance to receive a piece of the Angler's outfit after a successful trip. This outfit increases Fishing experience gain and allows access to special fishing areas.

Item XP Bonus
Angler hat 0.4%
Angler top 0.8%
Angler waders 0.6%
Angler boots 0.2%
Sub-total 2%
Set bonus 0.5%
Full set 2.5%


Tempoross is a Fishing-based skilling boss found at the Ruins of Unkah. Players need at least level 35 Fishing to participate. World 341, 422, 463 and 531 are the Old School RuneScape designated Tempoross worlds.

Players board the boat on the dock and sail to Tempoross Cove to help the Spirit Anglers subdue Tempoross. As a skilling boss, players use Fishing to catch harpoonfish as ammunition, firing them out of cannons to weaken Tempoross while avoiding various special attacks. When Tempoross is weak enough it'll submerge and can be damaged directly by harpooning the pools near him. Players must be careful not to let Tempoross get too enraged as it'll wash them off the island.

Defeating Tempoross will grant Fishing experience and reward permits based on participation. These permits allow you to fish at the reward pool for a chance at many unique or high quality fishing items in addition to fish based on your Fishing level. This is one of the few methods to gather sea turtles and manta rays. Other rewards include the coveted fish barrel, the tackle box or the components to upgrade the Angler's outfit into the Spirit angler's outfit.

Item XP Bonus
Spirit angler headband 0.4%
Spirit angler top 0.8%
Spirit angler waders 0.6%
Spirit angler boots 0.2%
Sub-total 2%
Set bonus 0.5%
Full set 2.5%

Fishing pets

  • The Heron is a members-only skilling pet that can be obtained while training Fishing. The chances of getting it are dependent on the player's Fishing level, and the time it takes to gather a resource.
  • A tiny tempor may be obtained by fishing it from the reward pool outside the Ruins of Unkah after defeating the Tempoross.

Temporary boosts

Boost Level
Visibility Other info
1 Visible The Fishing cape provides unlimited teleports to either the Fishing Guild or Otto's Grotto.
3 Visible Uses 100% of Special attack bar.
3 Visible Uses 100% of Special attack bar.
3 Visible Uses 100% of Special attack bar. Requires 70 attack and 50 agility to wield.
File:Fishing potion(4).png Fishing potion 3 Visible N/A
File:Fishing mix.png 3 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 3 per dose.

Requires Barbarian training.

3 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 6 per bite.
±0-5 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 11
Depending on type of stew, any skill except Hitpoints can be boosted or reduced by 0 to 5 levels randomly.
5 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 8 per bite.
7 Invisible The boost takes effect while player is within the Fishing Guild. Does not enable your character to catch fish it would otherwise not be able to catch (e.g., 69 fishing does not allow you to catch sharks).


Quests requiring Fishing

Quest Fishing
Other skill requirements
Tai Bwo Wannai Trio Fishing 5 Agility 15 , Cooking 30 , Fishing 65 if catching your own Karambwan
Fishing Contest Fishing 10 -
Perilous Moons Fishing 20 Construction 10 , Hunter 20 , Runecraft 20 , Slayer 48
Land of the Goblins Fishing 40 Agility 38 , Thieving 45 , Herblore 48
Rum Deal Fishing 50 Crafting 42 , Farming 40 , Prayer 47 , Slayer 42
Heroes' Quest Fishing 53 Cooking 53 , Herblore 25 , Mining 50
The Fremennik Exiles Fishing 60 Crafting 65 , Slayer 60 , Smithing 60 , Runecraft 55
Swan Song Fishing 62 Magic 66 , Cooking 62 , Smithing 45 , Firemaking 42 , Crafting 40

Quests rewarding Fishing experience

Quest Experience
Other requirements
Recipe for Disaster
(Freeing Pirate Pete)
1,000 - Cooking 31
Fishing Contest 2,437 Fishing 10 -
Heroes' Quest 2,725 Fishing 53 Quest points 55 , Cooking 53 , Herblore 25 , Mining 50
The Fremennik Trials 2,812 - Fletching 25 , Woodcutting 40 , Crafting 40 if crafting your own lyre
Perilous Moons 5,000 Fishing 20 Construction 10 , Hunter 20 , Runecraft 20 , Slayer 48
Tai Bwo Wannai Trio 5,000 Fishing 5 Agility 15 , Cooking 30 , Fishing 65 if catching your own Karambwan
Rum Deal 7,000 Fishing 50 Crafting 42 , Farming 40 , Prayer 47 , Slayer 42
Sea Slug 7,175 - Firemaking 30
Land of the Goblins 8,000 Fishing 40 Agility 38 , Thieving 45 , Herblore 48
Swan Song 50,000 Fishing 62 Quest points 100 , Magic 66 , Cooking 62 , Smithing 45 , Firemaking 42 , Crafting 40
Total 86,149

Skill choice

Upon completing any of the following quests, players may choose to allocate experience to Fishing. These rewards usually come in the form of items, such as lamps or books, and are independent of any experience rewards directly received for completing the quest.

Skills availableSkill requirements
X Marks the Spot300AnyNone
Client of Kourend500 twiceAnyNone
Fairytale II - Cure a Queen2,500Any skill above 30Farming 49 , Herblore 57
A Tail of Two Cats2,500 twiceAny skill above 30None
The Great Brain Robbery5,000Any skill above 30Crafting 16 , Construction 30 , Prayer 50
King's Ransom5,000Any skill above 50Defence 65
Darkness of Hallowvale2,000 three timesAny skill above 30Construction 5 , Mining 20 , Thieving 22 , Crafting 32 , Magic 33 , Strength 40
A Taste of Hope2,500 three timesAny skill above 35Crafting 48 , Herblore 40 , Attack 40 , Agility 45 , Slayer 38
A Kingdom Divided10,000 twiceAny skill above 40Agility 54 , Thieving 52 , Woodcutting 52 , Herblore 50 , Mining 42 ,
Crafting 38 , Magic 35
In Search of Knowledge
10,000Any skill above 40None
Curse of the Empty Lord
10,000Any skill above 50Some players will need Prayer 31
One Small Favour10,000 twiceAny skill above 30Agility 36 , Crafting 25 , Herblore 18 , Smithing 30
Recipe for Disaster
(The final battle)
20,000Any skill above 50Quest points 175 , Cooking 70 , Agility 48 , Mining 50 , Fishing 53 ,
Thieving 53 , Herblore 25 , Magic 59 , Smithing 40 , Firemaking 50 ,
Ranged 40 , Crafting 40 , Fletching 10 , Slayer 10 , Woodcutting 36
Sins of the Father15,000 six timesAny skill above 60Woodcutting 62 , Fletching 60 , Crafting 56 , Agility 52 , Slayer 50 , Attack 50 , Magic 49


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:11 November 2020| |0}} {{#explode:11 November 2020| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:11 November 2020| |2}}]]

Players can no longer be dragged randomly if they spam click a Fishing spot before it moves.

[[{{#explode:14 October 2020| |0}} {{#explode:14 October 2020| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:14 October 2020| |2}}]]

The in-game skill guide has been reorganised; the "Catches" tab was split apart to specific types of fishing, ex. "Big Net", "Rod", "Aerial", etc.

[[{{#explode:19 March 2015| |0}} {{#explode:19 March 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:19 March 2015| |2}}]]

You can now catch fish with a full inventory if one inventory space would become available from the bait consumed.

[[{{#explode:11 September 2014| |0}} {{#explode:11 September 2014| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:11 September 2014| |2}}]]

You no longer encounter the river troll, big fish, and whirlpool random events while fishing.

See also