Slayer task

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A Slayer assignment is given by a Slayer master. Killing the assigned monsters grants players Slayer experience.

Some monsters can only be killed using the Slayer skill. For a list of these monsters, see Slayer monsters.

Task weighing

Task weighing is the system that Slayer masters use to assign Slayer assignments. Each possible assignment has a weight value — the higher this value, the more likely that task will be assigned. The percentage chance of getting assigned a given Slayer task can be calculated using the formula

where is the task's weight and is the sum of all weights for the particular Slayer master that the player has the requirements to be assigned. This means that the weights of blocked tasks, tasks that are toggled off, and tasks that the player does not have the Slayer level or quest requirements for are not added to the sum .

For example, below is a hypothetical list of monsters that a Slayer master may assign:

Monster Task weight
Iron dragon 7
Spiritual mage 8
Dark beast 10
TzHaar 9
Cave kraken 9
Abyssal demon 10
Aviansie 6
Steel dragon 8

If a player has level 85 Slayer, and has not unlocked TzHaar and Aviansie tasks via Slayer reward points, then the list will be filtered so that the player can only be assigned abyssal demons, spiritual mages, iron dragons and steel dragons.

The task weight for these four are 10, 8, 7 and 8 respectively. The list, therefore, has a total weight of 33, giving the player a 30.3% chance of being assigned abyssal demons, 24.2% chance of being assigned spiritual mages, 21.2% chance of being assigned iron dragons and 24.2% chance of being assigned steel dragons.

List of assignments

Note: Tasks assigned by Konar or Krystilia must be killed in their assigned locations in order to count towards their task.

Slayer Monster Location Required Items Attribute Attack style Alternatives Slayer master(s)
60 Aberrant spectres Slayer Tower, Stronghold Slayer Cave Undead Magic Deviant spectre File:Konar chathead.png
85 Abyssal demons Slayer Tower, Abyssal Area, Catacombs of Kourend N/A Demon Melee Abyssal Sire File:Konar chathead.png
1 Adamant dragons Lithkren Vault File:Antifire potion(4).png Draconic, Fiery Melee, Ranged, Magic, Dragonfire N/A File:Konar chathead.png
1 Ankous Stronghold of Security, The Forgotten Cemetery, Wilderness Slayer Cave, Stronghold Slayer Cave, Catacombs of Kourend N/A Undead Melee N/A File:Konar chathead.png
92 Araxytes Morytania Spider Cave N/A N/A Melee Araxxor
1 Aviansie[a] God Wars Dungeon Ranged or Magic [b] N/A Ranged Kree'arra, Flight Kilisa, Flockleader Geerin, Wingman Skree File:Konar chathead.png
1 Bandits Bandit Camp N/A N/A Melee Black Heather, Speedy Keith, Donny the lad
15 Banshees Slayer Tower Undead Magical melee Twisted Banshee
40 Basilisks[c] Fremennik Slayer Dungeon N/A Melee Basilisk Knights File:Konar chathead.png
1 Bats Paterdomus, Morytania, Coal Trucks N/A N/A Melee Giant bat, Albino bat, Deathwing
1 Bears East Ardougne, south of Varrock, south-east of Rellekka house portal N/A N/A Melee Black bear, Grizzly bear, Grizzly bear cub, Callisto, Artio
1 Birds Across west Lumbridge bridge, Port Sarim pier, south of Falador N/A N/A Melee Bird, Chicken, Mounted terrorbird gnome, Rooster, Seagull, Terrorbird, Vulture, Undead chicken, Chompy Bird
1 Black demons Taverley Dungeon, Edgeville Dungeon, Brimhaven Dungeon, Catacombs of Kourend N/A Demon Melee Demonic gorilla, Balfrug Kreeyath, Skotizo, Porazdir File:Konar chathead.png
1 Black dragons[d] Taverley Dungeon, Lava Maze, Evil Chicken's Lair File:Antifire potion(4).png Draconic, Fiery Melee, Dragonfire Baby black dragon, King Black Dragon, Brutal black dragon File:Konar chathead.png
1 Black Knights Lava Maze, north of Venenatis N/A N/A Melee N/A
50 Bloodvelds Slayer Tower, God Wars Dungeon, Meiyerditch Dungeon, Stronghold Slayer Cave, Catacombs of Kourend, Iorwerth Dungeon N/A N/A Magical melee Mutated Bloodveld File:Konar chathead.png
1 Blue dragons Taverley Dungeon, Ogre Enclave, Heroes' Guild, Corsair Cove Dungeon, Ruins of Tapoyauik File:Antifire potion(4).png Draconic, Fiery Melee, Dragonfire Baby blue dragon, Brutal blue dragon, Vorkath File:Konar chathead.png
47 Brine rats Brine Rat Cavern N/A N/A Melee N/A File:Konar chathead.png
1 Bronze dragons Brimhaven Dungeon, Catacombs of Kourend File:Antifire potion(4).png Draconic, Fiery Melee, Dragonfire, Ranged Dragonfire N/A File:Konar chathead.png
1 Catablepon Stronghold of Security N/A N/A Melee, Magic N/A
7 Cave bugs Lumbridge Swamp Caves, Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon N/A Melee N/A
10 Cave crawlers Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, Lumbridge Swamp Caves, Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon N/A N/A Melee, Poison N/A
58 Cave horrors Mos Le'Harmless Cave N/A Melee, Magical melee N/A
17 Cave slimes Lumbridge Swamp Caves, Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon N/A Melee, Poison N/A
87 Cave kraken Kraken Cove N/A N/A Magic Kraken File:Konar chathead.png
1 Chaos druids Edgeville Dungeon, Chaos Temple N/A N/A Melee Elder Chaos druid
25 Cockatrices Fremennik Slayer Dungeon N/A Melee N/A
1 Cows South of Falador, north of Al Kharid gate, various locations N/A N/A Melee Cow calf, Undead cow
5 Crawling Hands Slayer Tower N/A N/A Crush N/A
1 Crocodiles Near Elid, southern shore of Kharidian Desert N/A N/A Melee N/A
1 Dagannoths Lighthouse, Waterbirth Island Dungeon, Catacombs of Kourend, Jormungand's Prison N/A N/A Ranged or Melee Dagannoth fledgeling, Dagannoth spawn, Dagannoth Prime, Dagannoth Rex, Dagannoth Supreme File:Konar chathead.png
90 Dark beasts Path to Temple of Light (Mourner tunnels), Iorwerth Dungeon N/A N/A Melee, Ranged N/A File:Konar chathead.png
1 Dark warriors Dark Warriors' Fortress N/A N/A Melee N/A
1 Dogs Ardougne, McGrubor's Wood, Black Arm Gang hideout in Brimhaven, Brimhaven Dungeon N/A N/A Melee Guard dog, Wild dog, Jackal, Temple Guardian
84 Drakes Karuulm Slayer Dungeon or Achievement Diary [e] Draconic Melee N/A File:Konar chathead.png
65 Dust devils Smoke Dungeon, Catacombs of Kourend N/A Melee N/A File:Konar chathead.png
1 Dwarves Ice Mountain, Mining Guild, Keldagrim, Dwarven Mine, beneath White Wolf Mountain, south of Yanille N/A N/A Melee Black Guard, Chaos dwarf
1 Earth Warriors Edgeville Dungeon N/A N/A Melee N/A
1 Elves Lletya, Iorwerth Camp, Prifddinas, Iorwerth Dungeon N/A N/A Melee or ranged Mourner (Lvl 108 variant only)
1 Ent Forests north and east of the Chaos Temple N/A N/A Melee N/A
42 Fever spiders Braindeath Island (brewery basement) N/A Melee N/A
1 Fire giants Brimhaven Dungeon, Deep Wilderness Dungeon, Smoke Dungeon, Waterfall Dungeon, Stronghold Slayer Cave, Catacombs of Kourend N/A Fiery Melee N/A File:Konar chathead.png
1 Flesh Crawlers Stronghold of Security (level 2) N/A N/A Melee N/A
66 Fossil Island Wyvern Wyvern Cave Draconic Melee, Ranged, Icy breath Ancient wyvern, Spitting wyvern, Taloned wyvern, Long-tailed wyvern File:Konar chathead.png
75 Gargoyles Slayer Tower N/A Melee Grotesque Guardians File:Konar chathead.png
1 Ghosts Varrock Sewers, Draynor Manor, Melzar's Maze, Stronghold of Security, Taverley Dungeon, West Ardougne (graveyard), Scorpius Shrine, Lair of Tarn Razorlor, Death Altar, Haunted Mine, near Clan Wars, Forgotten Cemetery, Catacombs of Kourend N/A Undead Melee Tortured soul
1 Ghouls West of Canifis N/A N/A Melee Ghoul Champion
1 Goblins Lumbridge Caves, Goblin Village, Port Sarim, around the Digsite, Stronghold of Security, Underground Pass, Goblin Cave, Coal Trucks, holes in Myreque Hideout in Mort Myre, God Wars Dungeon (Bandos God Wars minions), cave near Observatory, Dwarven coal mine, east of Barbarian Village N/A N/A Melee Goblin Champion, Sergeant Strongstack, Sergeant Grimspike, Sergeant Steelwill, Cave Goblin
1 Greater demons Entrana Dungeon, Brimhaven Dungeon, Ogre Enclave, Demonic Ruins, Wilderness Volcano, Lava Maze Dungeon, Catacombs of Kourend, Isle of Souls Dungeon N/A Demon Melee K'ril Tsutsaroth, Tstanon Karlak, Skotizo, Tormented Demons File:Konar chathead.png
1 Green dragons West of the Dark Warriors' Fortress, north of the Graveyard of Shadows, South of the Lava Maze, South of Venenatis File:Antifire potion(4).png Draconic, Fiery Melee, Dragonfire Baby green dragon, Brutal green dragon, Elvarg
33 Harpie bug swarms Karamja N/A Melee N/A
1 Hellhounds Taverley Dungeon, east of the Deserted Keep, Karuulm Slayer Dungeon, Witchaven Shrine Dungeon, God Wars Dungeon, Wilderness Volcano, Stronghold Slayer Cave, Catacombs of Kourend N/A N/A Melee Cerberus File:Konar chathead.png
1 Hill Giant Deep Wilderness Dungeon, Edgeville Dungeon, Gnome Stronghold, Lava Maze, north of Observatory, Taverley Dungeon, Tree Gnome Village, Wilderness, Catacombs of Kourend N/A N/A Melee Giant Champion, Cyclops, Obor
1 Hobgoblins Asgarnian Ice Dungeon, Crandor, Hobgoblin Peninsula near Crafting Guild, Edgeville Dungeon, God Wars Dungeon, near Karamja Hunter area, north of Outpost, north of Rellekka, Tree Gnome Village dungeon, Waterbirth Island, Wilderness Hobgoblin Mine, Witchaven Dungeon N/A N/A Melee Hobgoblin Champion
95 Hydras Karuulm Slayer Dungeon N/A Draconic Magic, Ranged, Poison Alchemical Hydra
1 Icefiends Ice Mountain, God Wars Dungeon, Wilderness God Wars Dungeon N/A N/A Melee, Magic, Ranged N/A
1 Ice giants Asgarnian Ice Caves, Frozen Waste Plateau, White Wolf Mountain N/A N/A Melee N/A
1 Ice warriors White Wolf Mountain, Frozen Waste Plateau, Asgarnian Ice Caves N/A N/A Melee Icelord
45 Infernal Mages Slayer tower N/A N/A Magic N/A
1 Iron dragons Brimhaven Dungeon, Catacombs of Kourend File:Antifire potion(4).png Draconic, Fiery Melee, Dragonfire N/A File:Konar chathead.png
52 Jellies Fremennik Slayer Dungeon N/A N/A Magical melee Warped Jelly File:Konar chathead.png
1 Jungle horrors Mos Le'Harmless N/A N/A Melee N/A
1 Kalphite Kalphite Lair, Kalphite Cave N/A Kalphite Melee Kalphite Queen, Kalphite Worker, Kalphite Soldier, Kalphite Guardian File:Konar chathead.png
37 Killerwatts Killerwatt plane N/A Magical melee, ranged N/A
70 Kurasks Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, Iorwerth Dungeon File:Broad arrows.png File:Broad bolts.png Leafy Melee N/A File:Konar chathead.png
1 Lava dragons Lava Dragon Isle File:Antifire potion(4).png Draconic, Fiery Melee, Dragonfire N/A
1 Lesser demons Wizards' Tower, Karamja Dungeon, Crandor, Melzar's Maze, Demonic Ruins, Lava Maze, Catacombs of Kourend,Chasm of Fire N/A Demon Melee Zakl'n Gritch
48 Lesser Nagua Neypotzli, Ruins of Tapoyauik N/A Spectral Melee, Magic N/A File:Konar chathead.png
1 Lizardmen[a] Lizardmen Settlement, Lizardman canyon N/A N/A Melee, Ranged Lizardman brute, Lizardman shaman File:Konar chathead.png
22 Lizards Kharidian Desert N/A Melee Desert Lizard, Grimy Lizard, Lizard, Small Lizard, Sulphur Lizard
1 Magic axes Magic Axe Hut N/A Melee N/A
1 Mammoth West of the Chaos Temple N/A N/A Melee N/A
1 Mithril dragons[a] Ancient Cavern File:Antifire potion(4).png Draconic, Fiery Melee, Magic, Ranged, Dragonfire N/A File:Konar chathead.png
1 Minotaurs Stronghold of Security N/A N/A Melee N/A
32 Mogres Mudskipper Point N/A Melee N/A
39 Molanisks Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon N/A Melee N/A
1 Monkeys Karamja, Mos Le'Harmless, Ardougne Zoo N/A N/A Melee Monkey Guard, Monkey Archer, Zombie monkey and more (like Padulah)
1 Moss giants Brimhaven Dungeon, Crandor, west of Fishing Guild, Moss Giant Island, Wilderness, Varrock Sewers, Pirates' Cove, Glarial's Tomb, Catacombs of Kourend, Iorwerth Dungeon N/A N/A Melee N/A
80 Nechryael Slayer Tower, Catacombs of Kourend, Iorwerth Dungeon N/A Demon Melee Greater Nechryael File:Konar chathead.png
1 Ogres Gu'Tanoth, west of Yanille, south of Castle Wars, south of Gu'Tanoth, Toban's Island, Chaos Druid Tower dungeon, Clock Tower Dungeon, Witchaven Dungeon, Underground Pass, Combat Training Camp, God Wars Dungeon N/A N/A Melee Ogre chieftain, Enclave guard, Ogress Shaman, Ogress Warrior
1 Otherworldly beings Zanaris N/A N/A Melee N/A
1 Pirate Pirates' Hideout, Chaos Temple (Wilderness) N/A N/A Melee N/A
30 Pyrefiends Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, Smoke Dungeon, God Wars Dungeon, Wilderness God Wars Dungeon N/A Fiery Magical melee Pyrelord
1 Rats Throughout Gielinor N/A N/A Melee Giant rat, Dungeon rat, Crypt rat, Brine rat, Hell-Rat Behemoth, Scurrius
1 Red dragons[a] Brimhaven Dungeon, Catacombs of Kourend (brutal variant) File:Antifire potion(4).png Draconic, Fiery Melee, Dragonfire Baby red dragons, Brutal red dragons File:Konar chathead.png
1 Revenants Revenant Caves N/A Undead Melee, Ranged, Magic N/A
20 Rockslugs Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, Lumbridge Swamp Caves, Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon or N/A Melee N/A
1 Rogues Rogues' Castle, south-west of Mage Arena N/A N/A Melee N/A
1 Rune Dragons Lithkren Draconic, Fiery Slash, Ranged, Magic, Dragonfire N/A File:Konar chathead.png
1 Scabarites Dungeon under Sophanem, dungeon east of the Agility Pyramid N/A Kalphite Melee, Magic, Ranged Locust riders, Scarab mages, Scarab swarms
1 Scorpions Al Kharid Mine, Dwarven mines, Ardougne Zoo Scorpion Pit, Stronghold of Security, Varrock Sewers, Wilderness, above Karamja Volcano N/A N/A Melee King Scorpion, Poison Scorpion, Pit Scorpion, Scorpia, Lobstrosity
1 Sea snakes Miscellania & Etceteria Dungeon N/A N/A Melee (and Ranged for Giant Sea Snake) Sea Snake Hatchling, Sea Snake Young, Giant Sea Snake
1 Shades Mort'ton, Shade Catacombs, Temple Trekking, Catacombs of Kourend N/A Shade, Undead Melee Loar, Phryn, Riyl, Asyn and Fiyr shades
1 Shadow warriors Legends' Guild basement N/A N/A Melee N/A
72 Skeletal Wyverns Asgarnian Ice Dungeon Draconic Melee, Ranged, Icy breath N/A File:Konar chathead.png
1 Skeletons Edgeville Dungeon, Draynor Sewers, Karamja Volcano, Ogre Enclave, Stronghold of Security, Taverley Dungeon, Temple of Ikov, Varrock Sewers, Waterfall Dungeon, Wilderness Agility Course, Barrows, Melzar's Maze, Wilderness Volcano, Ape Atoll Dungeon, Underground Pass N/A Undead Melee Skeleton Champion, Vet'ion, Calvar'ion
93 Smoke devils Smoke Devil Dungeon N/A Magical ranged Thermonuclear smoke devil, Nuclear smoke devil File:Konar chathead.png
1 Sourhogs Sourhog Cave N/A Melee, Ranged N/A
1 Spiders Melzar's Maze, Sorceress's house, Lumbridge Castle basement, behind Lumbridge Castle, Stronghold of Security, Ape Atoll temple, Ogre Enclave, Wilderness, Karamja, Underground Pass, Morytania Spider Cave N/A N/A Melee Giant spider, Shadow spider, Jungle spider, Deadly red spider, Poison spider, Blessed spider, Kalrag, Crypt spider, Temple Spider, Sarachnis, Venenatis, Araxyte, Araxxor
1 Spiritual creatures God Wars Dungeon, Wilderness God Wars Dungeon N/A N/A Varies with target N/A
1 Steel dragons Brimhaven Dungeon, Catacombs of Kourend File:Antifire potion(4).png Draconic, Fiery Melee, Dragonfire N/A File:Konar chathead.png
1 Suqahs Lunar Isle N/A N/A Melee, Magic N/A
40 Terror dogs Tarn's Lair N/A N/A Melee N/A
1 Trolls Trollheim, tunnel outside of Keldagrim, Death Plateau (Mountain troll), icy islands north of Neitiznot and Jatizso, Ice Path north of Trollheim (Ice trolls) N/A N/A Melee, Ranged Mountain troll, Ice troll grunt, Runt, Male and Female, Ice troll, River troll File:Konar chathead.png
55 Turoth Fremennik Slayer Dungeon File:Broad arrows.png File:Broad bolts.png Leafy Melee N/A File:Konar chathead.png
1 TzHaar[a] Mor Ul Rek N/A N/A Melee, Ranged, Magic TzTok-Jad, TzKal-Zuk
1 Vampyres[f] God Wars Dungeon, Wilderness God Wars Dungeon, Haunted Woods, near Abandoned Mine, Meyerditch, Darkmeyer or [g]
Vampyre Melee Vyrewatch, Vyrewatch Sentinel
35 Wall beasts Lumbridge Swamp Caves N/A Melee N/A
56 Warped creatures[a] Poison Waste Dungeon N/A Melee, Ranged N/A File:Konar chathead.png
1 Waterfiends Ancient Cavern, Kraken Cove, Iorwerth Dungeon N/A N/A Magic, Magical ranged N/A File:Konar chathead.png
1 Werewolves Canifis, God Wars Dungeon, Wilderness God Wars Dungeon N/A N/A Melee N/A
1 Wolves Stronghold of Security, White Wolf Mountain, Feldip Hills N/A N/A Melee Big Wolf, Dire wolf, Jungle wolf, Desert Wolf, Ice Wolf
62 Wyrms Karuulm Slayer Dungeon N/A Draconic Melee, Magical ranged N/A File:Konar chathead.png
1 Zombies Tree Gnome Village dungeon, Entrana Dungeon, Edgeville Dungeon, Graveyard of Shadows, Stronghold of Security, Varrock Sewers, Wizards' Guild basement, Draynor Sewers, Lair of Tarn Razorlor N/A Undead Melee Any zombie-class except Zogres and Zombie monkeys
57 Zygomites Fossil Island, Zanaris N/A Magical melee, Magical ranged Ancient Zygomite File:Konar chathead.png
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Task must be unlocked with Slayer reward points to be assigned.
  2. ^ Ranged or magic is required to harm Aviansie.
  3. ^ Task must be unlocked with Slayer reward points to be assigned by Konar, Duradel and Nieve.
  4. ^ The King Black Dragon does not count towards a black dragon task assigned by Krystilia.
  5. ^ Boots of stone and its derivatives are not required with completion of the elite Kourend & Kebos Diary.
  6. ^ Task must be unlocked with Slayer reward points to be assigned by Chaeldar, Konar, Duradel and Nieve.
  7. ^ Silver weaponry or Efaritay's aid is required to harm tier 2 vampyres.
  8. ^ An ivandis flail or blisterwood flail is required to harm Vyrewatch Sentinels.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:24 March 2016| |0}} {{#explode:24 March 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:24 March 2016| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

It is now possible to unlock the chance to receive a Lizardmen slayer task from Duradel, Nieve and Chaeldar. Unlocking this task costs 75 Slayer points.

[[{{#explode:10 September 2015| |0}} {{#explode:10 September 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:10 September 2015| |2}}]]
  • Gargoyles, nechryaels, abyssal demons, spiritual mages, spiritual rangers and spiritual warriors can now be assigned by Vannaka.
  • Chaeldar will now assign between 110 and 170 spirit creatures and aviansie.
  • Removed a number of terrible assignments from Duradel.
  • Duradel will now assign between 130 and 200 nechryaels, spiritual mages and spiritual rangers.
  • Nieve can now assign between 10 and 20 black dragons.
  • Nieve can now assign dark beasts.
[[{{#explode:3 September 2015| |0}} {{#explode:3 September 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:3 September 2015| |2}}]]

Players who click out of the dialogue by accident when being offered a Jad slayer task now have 1 minute where they can talk to the master and be re-offered this choice.

[[{{#explode:16 April 2015| |0}} {{#explode:16 April 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:16 April 2015| |2}}]]

Vultures now count toward a birds slayer task.

[[{{#explode:5 March 2015| |0}} {{#explode:5 March 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:5 March 2015| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

You now receive 10% more Slayer experience when killing a creature on task in the Slayer Tower if you have completed the Morytania Elite Diary.