Tombs of Amascut/Strategies

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The Tombs of Amascut is a raid located within the Jaltevas Pyramid in the necropolis. The raid makes use of the invocation system, allowing players to customise the difficulty of the raid by choosing to enable various invocations that act as difficulty modifiers to the raid.

The tombs' nexus, where all the paths can be found.

The raid is composed of four paths, with each comprising a challenge section followed by a boss. These can be taken on in any order the player(s) choose to do so, although the order in which they are fought can slightly change clear times.

By default, players may die any number of times if the team does not have a limited attempt invocation enabled. If one of these invocations are enabled, however, then an attempt is counted once the entire team dies during a challenge. Additionally, the team will have to restart the room they all died in, with previous raid progression being conserved. If the entire team is killed and no more attempts are remaining, the team will "fail" to survive the raid, and be placed back outside in the lobby room with normal death rules applying.

If the player logs out during the raid (including disconnects), the game will have considered the player to have wiped and apply normal death mechanics. Therefore, assuming that Hardcore Run is not active, the player should simply suicide in the room they're in and leave through the exit to avoid paying unnecessary death fees. Hardcore ironmen should always bring a teleport regardless.


Suggested skills

Invocations and Raid Level

Mode Raid Level
Entry Mode 0 - 149
Normal Mode 150 - 299
Expert Mode 300 - 600

There are a total of 44 invocations that the player can activate, and they increase the level of the raid, as well as the player's loot potential at the end of the raid, affecting the player's quantity of loot and the chances of receiving the unique rewards.

For every 5 raid levels, enemy hitpoints, defence, accuracy, and damage increases by 2% additively, with damage capping out at +150%. For example, a raid level of 100 will modify these stats for all enemies within the raid by +40%, whereas a raid level of 500 will modify enemy hitpoints, defence, and accuracy by +200%, and their damage by +150%.

Boss invocations are listed in their respective section instead of here. In each boss section is a recommendation whether or not the invocation should be toggled on or off in both solo and group settings. The recommendation assumes that the team is doing general runs and not one-offs or special ones (e.g level 500 raid).

Invocation Details Raid lvl modifier Category
Try Again Players have ten attempts to complete a raid; an attempt is failed if every member of the party dies during a challenge or boss fight. If the team wipes when a boss is killed, it will not count as a fail.

Only one invocation in the Attempts category can be active.

+5 Attempts
Persistence Players have five attempts to complete a raid. +10 Attempts
Softcore Run Players have three attempts to complete a raid. +15 Attempts
Hardcore Run Players have one attempt to complete a raid. +25 Attempts
Walk for It Players have 40 minutes to complete the raid, including time spent between each Path. If unsuccessful, the raid level will decrease by 20.

The timer begins upon entering the first Path and ends when the Warden reaches 0 health in the final phase of the fight.

Only one invocation in the Time Limit category can be active.

+10 Time Limit
Jog for It Players have 35 minutes to complete the raid.

If unsuccessful, the raid level will decrease by 30.

+15 Time Limit
Run for It Players have 30 minutes to complete the raid.

If unsuccessful, the raid level will decrease by 40.

+20 Time Limit
Sprint for It Players have 25 minutes to complete the raid.

If unsuccessful, the raid level will decrease by 50.

+25 Time Limit
Need Some Help? The quantity of items offered by the Helpful Spirit sometimes reduced to 66%, with a minimum of one of that supply.

Only one invocation in the Helpful Spirit category can be active.

+15 Helpful Spirit
Need Less Help? The quantity of items offered by the Helpful Spirit will be reduced to 33%, with a minimum of one of that supply. +25 Helpful Spirit
No Help Needed The quantity of items offered by the Helpful Spirit will be reduced to 10%, with a minimum of one of that supply. +40 Helpful Spirit
Walk the Path Completing a path during the raid can cause other paths to level up. Four level ups are given per raid, although the path selected is random.[1] Completing the first path randomly adds levels to two other paths; the second adds a level to one of the other two paths, and then the third path adds another level to the final path.

The first path level will modify most enemy hitpoints and damage by +8%, with every additional level modifying these stats by +5%, up to six levels. Furthermore, every two path levels changes each path's boss mechanics, capping at four path levels:

  • Akkha: Every two levels adds one additional iteration to his Memory Blast attack and increases damage from the white orbs in enrage phase.
  • Ba-Ba: Her Rockfall attack will fall much quicker, and energy blasts from open sarcophagi will have a wider range of attack. The boulders that spawn also have their health increased.
  • Kephri: Her auto-attacks will be faster. In addition, groups of three scarab swarms may spawn during the shield charging phase.
  • Zebak: His auto-attacks will be faster, even more so during his enrage phase. In addition, every two levels will also tighten the Tidal Waves' gap by 1 tile.

When an uncompleted path is leveled up, a message will appear in the game box stating You hear a mysterious rumbling coming from the Path of [Menaphite Pantheon god].

+50 Paths
Pathseeker All paths will level up once upon entering the raid.

Only one invocation in the Path Level category can be active.

+15 Path Level
Pathfinder All paths will level up twice upon entering the raid. +40 Path Level
Pathmaster All paths will level up three times upon entering the raid. +50 Path Level
Quiet Prayers Protection prayers will be 10% less effective within the raid. +20 Prayer
Deadly Prayers Prayer is drained by 20% of damage taken in the raid, outside of self-inflicted damage (e.g a hit of 5 will drain prayer by 1).

This invocation can be activated alongside Quiet Prayers.

+20 Prayer
On a Diet Players can no longer eat food within the raid, though Snowy knights and potions that restore health (such as Saradomin brews) can still be used.

Players will also no longer be offered silk dressings and honey locusts should this invocation be active.

+15 Restoration
Dehydration Players can no longer drink potions that restore health. +30 Restoration
Overly Draining All special attacks use 100% special attack energy.

Drinking liquid adrenaline will temporarily reduce the cost to 50%.

+15 Restoration


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Better melee dps than bandos on high invocations. Best used if not using the bow of Faerdhinen and wishing to save inventory space, such as when completing a 500 Raid Level run for the first time.
  2. ^ Set to stab.
  3. ^ Taken in high invocation raids with Overly Draining on over BGS, due to the bone dagger special attack having a guaranteed hit and both requiring 100% special attack energy with Overly Draining on.

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Only if bringing full crystal armour and the bow of Faerdhinen.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Better melee dps than bandos on high invocations. Best used if not using the bow of Faerdhinen and wishing to save inventory space, such as when completing a 500 Raid Level run for the first time.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Only if bringing a crossbow.
  4. ^ Only if bringing a twisted bow.
  5. ^ Only if using a bow of Faerdhinen, toxic blowpipe, or crystal bow.
  6. ^ Taken in high invocation raids with Overly Draining on over BGS, due to the bone dagger special attack having a guaranteed hit and both requiring 100% special attack energy with Overly Draining on.

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Unlikely to be worth bringing. Mage helms are worth bringing if they give you a max hit while under the effects of Smelling salts. Instead just wear your melee helm.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Only if using a Tumeken's shadow. Better to bring than primordials if not bringing both.
  3. ^ Reduces magic level, which can be useful when combined with a Tumeken's shadow for high invocation raids

Example setups
Minimum/Entry mode Main Max
File:Saradomin brew.pngFile:Super restore(4).pngFile:Ranging potion(4).png
File:Saradomin brew(4).pngFile:Saradomin brew(4).pngFile:Super restore(4).pngFile:Stamina potion(4).png
File:Saradomin brew(4).pngFile:Saradomin brew(4).pngFile:Super restore(4).pngFile:Super combat potion(4).png
File:Saradomin brew(4).pngFile:Saradomin brew(4).pngFile:Sanfew serum(4).pngFile:Super combat potion(4).png
File:Super combat potion(4).png
File:Super restore(4).pngFile:Super restore(4).png
File:Saradomin brew(4).pngFile:Super restore(4).png
File:Saradomin brew(4).pngFile:Saradomin brew(4).pngFile:Sanfew serum(4).png
File:Super restore(4).pngFile:Super restore(4).pngFile:Super restore(4).pngFile:Super restore(4).png
File:Saradomin brew(4).png


  • The example setups above assume casual raid setups, not including active invocations such as Dehydration, Overly Draining or any raid level of 450+.
  • A stabbing weapon is highly encouraged for the raid as Akkha, Ba-Ba and Kephri are weakest to stab attacks.
  • A dragon dagger, used in phase 2 of the Wardens.
    • If Overly Draining is active, the dagger is not needed.
  • The lightbearer is the best-in-slot ring for the raid due to the importance of dumping special attacks. A magus ring swap is encouraged if space allows and the player has a shadow.
  • Consider bringing an amulet of blood fury over an amulet of rancour or amulet of torture if using too many brews. If doing so, swap a brew for an additional restore/serum.
  • A super restore should be replaced with a sanfew serum for poison protection if the player is not in possession of a serpentine helm or its variants:
    • This will prevent poison at Zebak and Kephri, however the protection is more vital at Kephri due to the Spitting Scarab's poison starting at 7.
    • This will also remove venom if the player gets envenomed by a Cursed Baboon, however it will still remain as poison. The player should not run into a venom pool however.
    • Pre-potting with an antidote before starting a raid if one is available provides poison protection of 12 minutes, which is more than enough to clear Kephri's room even if another one is started before her.
      • However, if going from Ba-Ba to Kephri, getting caught in a venom pool will remove poison immunity.
  • The rune pouch should contain runes for Ice Barrage and Blood Barrage (if using Ancient Magicks) or for thralls (if using the Arceuus spellbook)
    • A book of the dead is additionally required to summon thralls. Chinchompas can be used deal AoE damage at Apmeken's challenge (and Kephri fight if path level 2+ if intending to clear swarms), though they are optional.
    • Death Charge may also be used, but this requires five rune types. Players using Tumeken's shadow can uncharge the staff to get the soul rune needed with a divine rune pouch; otherwise, this should not be used.
  • An array of special weapons can be brought along as needed:
    • A Bandos godsword to lower Defence levels; despite a cap, the drained levels do impact overall time for Ba-Ba and Zebak (if ranging) If Overly Draining is active, bring a bone dagger or skip instead.
    • A damaging weapon, such as dragon claws, voidwaker or zaryte crossbow is recommended for additional damage, assuming Overly Draining is not active. If it is, do not bring them.
      • Ideally the player should have both the voidwaker and crossbow; the voidwaker excels at Kephri, while the crossbow excels at Ba-Ba, Zebak and the Wardens. Claws perform the worst out of the three due to being rolled on slash accuracy, of which every boss is highly resistant to.
      • Use Ruby dragon bolts (e) with the crossbow - this will require an extra inventory space when using a twisted bow unless the player has Dizana's quiver.
        • If solely using for the special, they can be substituted with ruby bolts (e) instead.
    • When considering which special attacks to use and when, the following table shows the maximum base defence level reduction of each boss. For example, if you hit a 27 bgs and your friend hits a 42 bgs (sum yielding a potential 69 defence level reduction outside toa), the defence reduction is equivalent to if the sum of your specs was only 20 damage total.
Maximum defence reduction
NPC Notes
Zebak -20
Kephri -20
Akkha -10 (regens quickly)
Ba-Ba -20

(Warden p1)

Warden p3


Warden p3



The Nexus

The Nexus serves as a secondary lobby that allows players to pick the path they want to complete the raid. The timer will not count down until they begin their first path. The leader must enter the path in order for any other team members to follow.

After each challenge is cleared, any active poison or venom effects will be removed from the player. Upon entering a boss chamber, the player's run energy will be restored to full. After clearing a boss challenge, the player's health, prayer, run energy and special attack will be fully restored alongside removing any active poison or venom effects. This will also apply in the case of wipes.

Once two paths are cleared, a Helpful Spirit will appear to provide raid-only supplies to the team. The spirit will provide three selections of bundles to choose from. The amount of supplies offered varies based on the raid's active invocations: "Need Some Help?", "Need Less Help?", and "No Help Needed" reduce the given supplies down to 66%, 33%, and 10% respectively, although there will be a minimum of one of that supply if guaranteed. A Deposit pot will also be present near him, where players can clear up inventory space if needed - the items must be used on the pot in order to send them to the bank.

Bundle Contents
Life Supportive bundle, consisting of nectar, tears of elidinis, silk dressings, blessed crystal scarabs, and ambrosia. The nectar and tears are given in a set of 5; dressing and scarabs are 1-3 and ambrosia at 1-2. If "On a Diet" is enabled, the dressings are removed. Assuming no supply reduction invocations are active, this will be replaced with two scarabs and ambrosia.
Chaos Mixed bundle, consisting of a subset of nectar, tears of elidinis, smelling salts, ambrosia, and liquid adrenaline. Quantity for nectar varies from 1-8, tears 0-6, salt 0-2, ambrosia 0-1, and adrenaline 0-2; latter two are rare.
Power High-burst bundle, consisting of 2 smelling salts and 1 liquid adrenaline.
Item Effect
Stacks in the inventory. Heals 20 Hitpoints (can overheal), and restores prayer points equal to a dose of prayer potion. Automatically given during wipes, unless the "On a Diet" invocation is enabled.
Has 2 doses. Fully restores hitpoints, prayer points, and run energy, as well as acting as a dose of antidote++.
  • Hitpoints are fully restored, then boosted by:
  • Prayer points are fully restored, then boosted by:
Has 2 uses. Restores 8 Prayer points every 4 ticks (2.4 seconds), 9 times.

This yields a total restoration of 72 Prayer points over the course of 40 ticks (24 seconds).

Has 2 doses. Halves special attack costs for the next 150 seconds.
Has 4 doses. Heals Hitpoints (can overheal), and drains Attack, Strength, Defence, Ranged, and Magic.
  • Hitpoints are restored by: .
  • Combat stats are drained by: .
Has 2 uses. Heals 5 hitpoints every 5 ticks (3 seconds), 20 times.

This yields a total restoration of 100 hitpoints over the course of 100 ticks (60 seconds). Not provided if the "On a Diet" invocation is enabled.

Has 2 uses. Restores run energy by 25% and boosts Attack, Strength, Defence, Ranged, and Magic by .

The combat boost is refreshed every 15 seconds for 8 minutes.

Has 4 doses. Restores combat stats and prayer points, and affects party members in a 3x3 area.
  • Stat restoration:
  • Prayer restoration:
  • Prayer restoration (receiver):

The bundle selected should be based on the current invocations set:

  • If Dehydration is active, Power should be the only bundle taken, since the ambrosia and nectar from Life become useless. If added with the latter below, this also nulls the Chaos bundle. Take two Power bundles.
  • If No Help Needed is active, avoid Chaos as this will only guarantee one nectar and tears every time, as the latter three items are not a guarantee. Take a Power bundle followed by Life or another Power, depending on needs.
  • If Need Some Help? take Power and then Life.
  • If no supply handicap is set, take Power (unless Chaos has salt and adrenaline), then Life.

Path clearing

The four paths can be cleared in any order. Unless the team is attempting a specific boss challenge (requiring a path level of 4+ and 450+ raid level), the order should be as follows:

  • Ba-Ba > Kephri > Akkha > Zebak - this format is more efficient for solo players with Need Less Help? or No Help Needed, since the salt provides a greater boost to ranged and magic compared to melee; Baba and Kephri are predominantly fought with melee, whereas Akkha, Zebak, and the Wardens require a great deal more ranged and magic. While kill times can exceed a single dose for both Akkha/Zebak and the Wardens, the stat boost persists even after the eight minutes expire; it just doesn't reapply itself.
  • Zebak > Kephri > Akkha > Ba-Ba - usually done for group encounters.

Before entering the tombs, make sure to pre-pot as needed.

  • If entering Zebak first, the player can drink a dose of super combat and ranging potion (divine can be used) if ranging, or a saturated heart if maging
  • If entering Ba-Ba first, pre-pot with a dose of normal super combat and ranging potion, a saturated or imbued heart, and eat one anglerfish (optional, but recommended). If a divine ranging potion is being used, the boost will likely wear off before the second set of boulders.

Once all four paths are cleared, the path to the Wardens will open.

Path of Crondis

Challenge room

To walk the Path of Crondis, players must fully grow the Palm of Resourcefulness in the centre of the room. The tree requires 200 units of water for every player in the raid.

Players must pick up the water containers on the ground and fill them with the water from the waterfalls in the room. The waterfalls are guarded by statues intent to prevent players from easily acquiring the water; the statues on the side launch long spikes in a retracting motion and the statue in front of the waterfall discharges poisonous clouds on the tiles in front of it that flow to the other end of the path. The poison only damages on the darker cloud; the lighter clouds serve as a warning to move out of the way. Getting hit by either of these traps will reduce any water in the container by 50% of its total amount, alongside lowering the player's Defence by 6, Agility by 3 and also two prayer points per hit.

After taking water from the waterfall, it will take time for it to recover, so players are advised to head to another waterfall to collect more water. In group encounters, the water will respawn accordingly to team size.

Periodically, red crocodiles will also spawn from the corners of the room, whose number varies depending on the number of the players in the raid. If the palm is watered, they will focus on reducing it down in size. The crocodiles follow a unique aggression mechanic in which they prioritise the tree if it has been watered, then players carrying water, and finally players without any water as highest to lowest priority. While the crocodiles do not scale with raid level, they will always hit a max of 18 if they successfully hit that player. If the player in question had been hit by the spears or acid pools, an additional 3 damage is added for each hit to a maximum of 36. If Protect from Melee is active and the crocodile would have hit the player, the player will lose 12 prayer points and take 33% of the damage dealt. This will also reduce any water in the container by 50% much like getting hit by the traps.

In solo encounters, it is possible to ignore the crocodile entirely. There is time to fill the water container at the north east then north west waterfall, beating the crocodile to the tree and completing the room provided the player is sufficiently quick and does not lose water to traps. If this method is not used, then the two southern waterfalls are more efficient to use due to having a very easy pattern, however the spawning crocodile will need to be dealt with.

Making use of run and tile-skipping (similar to avoiding wall beasts) can allow players to bypass most of the traps. The traps in each section follow a specific pattern which can be used to avoid damage.

Zebak, Guardian of Crondis

Zebak is the Guardian of Crondis, Tumeken's avatar of resourcefulness. Zebak is considered the easiest boss in the raid due to his blockable attacks and fairly simple mechanics.

Zebak attacks with all three attack styles, however, his melee attack hits the hardest (out of all the bosses) also has a chance to apply a bleed that causes the player to take damage if they move. It is possible to dodge the melee attack, but this is highly discouraged as it is possible to get killed in one hit on higher raid levels. Zebak's standard attacks will be indicated by visual and audio cues: his magic attack spits a pot into the air that splits into red orbs, while his range attack spits a large rock in the air that splinters into smaller rocks. The magic and ranged attacks can be fully blocked against if Quiet Prayers are not enabled, whereas the melee can hit through prayer, albeit with reduced accuracy and damage. The attacks will only deal damage right before impact with the player, so the magic and ranged attacks can be easily flicked. Zebak has an attack speed of 7 (4.2 seconds), assuming the path level is not modified.

His Defence can be lowered to a minimum level of 50 from 70, therefore it can be beneficial to use a Defence-draining attack. If the player is ranging, a Defence-draining weapon like a bandos godsword can be beneficial to slightly increase accuracy. The twisted bow is very strong against Zebak. If maging, Tumeken's shadow is required, as all other weapons are unlikely to hit due to his high Magic level and defence bonus. Using magic deals less overall damage to Zebak, but is more useful for conserving supplies for the sake of challenge runs.

Once Zebak reaches 85%, 70%, 55%, and 40% health, he will queue up one of two special attacks listed below and alternate between them. Should Zebak's health fall to the enrage point threshold before a queued attack, it will be discarded.

  • Great Roar - Zebak will throw jars, poison and two/three rocks onto the arena. Several attacks after doing so, he will let out a great roar, dealing massive damage to any players caught in these soundwaves for three hits. The only way to avoid this attack is to stand behind a rock (up to three tiles behind one), causing the rock to take 50 damage (each rock has 150 health).
    • Every pattern that Zebak throws out will always have at least one jug that will create safespot(s).
    • Rarely, acid may not cover a tile behind a rock.
    • Jars can be pushed or pulled straight or diagonally, so make use of direction to find a jar suitable to destroy near the rocks. However, be wary of diagonally pushing or pulling jars into rocks, as indirect hits (jug not on the rock) can cause the water to be applied incorrectly.
  • Tidal Waves - Zebak will throw jars and poison before slamming his tail, causing boulders to drop from one direction and cause a massive tidal wave to sweep from that side of the arena. Much like Galvek's tsunami, players must avoid these tidal waves; getting caught by one will push the player down the direction it was going and deal moderate damage. The waves will also push jars down if they collide into one. If a player is washed out of the arena, they must make their way back up through the two bridges at each side; they cannot attack and are reduced to walking speed while in the water. Crocodiles lurking in the water will also bite players if they see them for low damage.
    • The jars don't need to be destroyed to avoid the mechanic, although it's recommended to do so if any poison is in the way or if the wave has been modified due to path levels.
    • Each wave has a three-tile gap to safely move past it, assuming Zebak is fought with no level modifiers.

The first Great Roar will always splatter the area in front of Zebak, with solves (jugs) to his sides. It is best to stand in the mid-centre of the arena, as one of these solves may occasionally have poison completely surrounding it. The second Great Roar will splatter poison further east from the first iteration, so standing in the area in front of Zebak will provide the best reaction time. Solves are more easier and numerous, though care should be taken regardless.

Zebak will never splatter poison at the ramp tiles in either of his special attacks, so these can be used as reasonable safespot, particularly for the Tidal Waves. Players should still be cautious of blood attacks if enabled, as the player may have to handle both the blood clouds and incoming waves. Tidal Waves are very easy to avoid due to the waves sweeping patches of poison away. At raid levels 2/3, the player should mindful of the easternmost solve, as it is an eleven-tile gap from Zebak and will drag players into the wave if they attack from there. At raid levels 4+, shattering a jug is required to avoid the waves if not wave skipping.

The jugs for these mechanics have 5 health and can be attacked while being rolled or attacked on the spot by selecting the "Hit" option. Upon shattering, they spread water in a 5x5 AoE, rinsing all poison tiles in its reach. If pushed into the water, they simply disappear. Standing on top of a tile where a jug would land will cause 1-5 damage to the player.

Caution: stationary (non-moving) jugs can not be 'targeted' by magic attack, and thus have to be destroyed with melee/range or attacked while they are still moving.

The poison from these mechanics will splatter on a random tile in the arena and may splatter additional times in a 3x3 radius around the impact tile. The poison pools generally remain in the arena permanently unless a jug shatters near them, automatically dispersing the acid pool. Passing waves can also clear pools, but it isn't as consistent. Standing on a poison pool will deal fairly low damage at the start, but will quickly spike to dangerous levels that they will easily kill a player in a few ticks, so it is imperative to avoid them at all costs. Regardless, standing in these pools will also inflict poison status starting at 2 damage.

During the fight, if the Not Just a Head invocation is enabled, Zebak will periodically cast a blood spell which will either result in a special version of Blood Barrage or summons a Blood Cloud. This barrage attack will always land regardless of the player's defence bonuses, but will usually deal light damage. In groups, players must spread apart for this attack, or it will deal increased damage and hit accordingly to the amount of players overlapping with each other. At a path level of 0 or 1, this will likely have to be tanked as it will hit the same time as one of his auto-attack does; at higher path levels, it can be safely flicked. Zebak will usually heal for ~66% of the damage inflicted from the attack if not mitigated.

If a Blood Cloud is summoned instead, they will spawn to either side of the arena by the ramps and will follow a random player upon spawning, dealing 2 damage to itself every tick. If it touches a player, it will siphon their health to prolong itself. In the off chance the blood clouds and the rocks from the roar attack are simultaneously present, players can use the rocks as a safespot from the blood clouds should their pathing bring them towards the rocks. If no targets are within range when they initially spawn, they will wander about aimlessly, making them harmless.

The fight is very simple and has nothing particularly dangerous, outside of the Great Roar attack. If Upset Stomach is active, players will need to be considerate of the jars to ensure that their AoE can provide safe tiles to walk on. At paths level 2 and 4, it is usually required to begin pushing jars to create safe areas to stand on for the wave attack.

Once Zebak falls below 25% of his health, he will become enraged and attack significantly faster, increasing his attack speed to 4, or every 2.4 seconds assuming the path level is not modified. This is indicated with a distinct roar if sound effects are active, alongside his examine text changing. The attacks can still be easily flicked at raid levels 0-3, although level 2 and 3 will require slightly faster reactions. At level 4+, the attacks become so fast that it is significantly harder to flick an offensive prayer at the same time. Depending on raid level, gear and overall luck, it is possible to skip the last special attack.

  1. ^ Only with a full set of crystal armour.

Zebak's Invocations

The fight with Zebak can be made more challenging with the use of the following invocations. Should players have the Path Level invocations active, every two levels will cause the following:

  • Zebak's auto-attacks will be faster. This speed only affects the projectile launch, not when it shatters into the team below.
  • The Tidal Waves open gap is tightened by one tile.
Invocation Effect Raid lvl modifier Toggle (solo) Toggle (group) Reason
Not Just a Head Zebak will gain access to blood magic. He can also summon Blood Clouds and he will occasionally perform a unique Blood Blitz on all players. This attack will always hit regardless of defensive bonuses unless Protect from Magic is used; if damage is inflicted, Zebak will slightly heal. +15 Yes Yes Harmless invocation.
Arterial Spray The radius and healing of Zebak's blood magic will be increased.

Not Just a Head must be active in order to activate Arterial Spray.

+10 Yes Yes Harmless invocation.
Blood Thinners Three blood clouds appear rather than one each time they appear.

Not Just a Head must be active in order to activate Blood Thinners.

+5 Yes Yes Harmless invocation.
Upset Stomach The acid pools and the jugs' AoE are swapped; acid can now splatter in a 5x5 AoE whereas the water from jugs is reduced to a 3x3 AoE. +15 Yes Yes While this invocation may initially seem daunting, it builds up experience and is harmless when mastered.

Path of Scabaras

Challenge room

To walk the Path of Scabaras, players must test their wits in a series of puzzles. There are five puzzles to complete between two branched paths. While solving the puzzles, scarabs will appear from the first two puzzle rooms. These attack with ranged and serve little outside of being a nuisance, so use Protect from Missiles to block incoming damage. The scarabs' spawn point is the start of the first room, though in larger groups they may move up to the second room.

Players must complete the puzzles in both paths before moving forward. In a solo raid, once the first puzzle is cleared, they must head to the other side to solve the puzzle there; there are shortcuts between the rooms to facilitate this. Solo raiders should always avoid the pillar room, as it is the most complex of the four puzzles.

Puzzle Image
The tiles will light up in a specific order, and players must step on the correct tiles in succession afterwards without stepping on other tiles. You need to press the button to activate the sequence. If you forget the sequence you can press it again for another order. Stepping on an incorrect tile will inflict damage to the player.
Players must hit the obelisks in a specific order. If the wrong obelisk is struck (i.e. the obelisk doesn't light up), rocks will drop from the ceiling, though they are avoidable. Whilst standing at the lower step of the stairs leading to the room when shooting, no rocks are targeted at the player. This requires a weapon with an attack range of 10.

Initially, there are 5 unlit obelisks. Meaning there are 5P5 = 120 permutations with only 1 correct. Thus, you have a 1/120 chance to complete this puzzle on the first attempt.

Players must light up all the pressure plates by stepping on them. However, stepping on one tile causes adjacent tiles to shut off, so players must step on them in a certain arrangement. The light on a single plate can also be flipped via the right-click option, although this will result in the player taking 20 unavoidable damage.

On the right is a list of some of the solutions for the puzzle, where players will simply need to step on the tiles highlighted red in any order. This assumes the player can light the tiles to one of the nine listed configurations.

All previous puzzles must be completed before players can read the nearby tablet that is essential to this puzzle.

Reading it will give the players a random number between 20 and 45 and they must step on tiles with the corresponding symbols that represent numbers to add them up to the given number. Going over the stated number will inflict damage to the player.

On the right is a list of solutions for the puzzle, assuming the player is facing east towards the exit.

For example, if the tablet reads 24, players can step on the tiles with the symbols representing 7, 8, and 9.

The value of each symbol can be found on the north and south wall near the entrance of the path.

Solutions to the number puzzle on the path of Scabaras, while facing to the east.
Solutions to the number puzzle on the path of Scabaras, while facing to the east.
Players must step on identical tiles for both boards, requiring memorisation of their arrangements to quickly complete. In solo runs, four of the nine sets are already solved and the statue is moved up one tile to allow the player to move between both grids. Otherwise, the statue blocks access and all sets will be unsolved.

In solo runs, you have a 1/120 chance to get this on the first attempt with blind pair guessing. In group runs, your team has a 1/9! chance to get this on the first attempt with blind pair guessing.

Kephri, Guardian of Scabaras

A player fighting Kephri, the Guardian of Scabaras. Kephri has performed her Mass Incubation attack, laying eggs throughout the lecture hall.

Kephri is the Guardian of Scabaras, Tumeken's avatar of isolation. Kephri is one of the easier bosses in the raid, although some coordination is needed to handle her mechanics properly.

Kephri's main attack is a fireball that she launches into the air every few ticks. A shadow forewarns the targeted tile(s) to avoid, otherwise immense damage will be taken; Protect from Magic will mitigate ~66% of the damage if hit. Her Defence can be lowered to a minimum level of 60 from 80, however this will get restored when she enters her shieldless state. Due to her high defence bonuses, it is recommended to dump damaging special attacks instead of debuffing her stats.

Kephri has two special attacks she can use whilst shielded:

  • Dung Strike - Kephri will target a player for a dung strike, indicated with scarabs flying around the targeted player. The scarabs will scatter shortly afterwards before Kephri sends them flying to the back of the arena, indicated with the message Kephri throws you back!, stunning them for 2 seconds. Piles of dung will then fall down the direction the player was knocked back in, limiting the amount of space the player can use. If the player doesn't move out of the way of the strike, they'll take light damage and be shoved into a walkable tile within ten tiles of the player.
    • The attack will generally prioritise players orbs in order from the top to bottom row then left and right - e.g in a trio encounter, the first instance of dung would apply on the first player, then the second would apply onto the second player. The same rule still applies with Blowing Mud - the first instance would target the first and second player, while the second instance would target the third and first player.
    • If there are no walkable tiles within a ten tile radius, the player will instead take rapid damage, resulting in a quick death.
  • Mass Incubation - Kephri will splatter eggs around the arena. There are two types of eggs, a small light-coloured egg and a large darker-coloured egg. If left unattended, they will explode in a 3x3 area, and the large dark-coloured eggs will hatch Agile Scarabs. They attack with ranged and will run away from players if approached. The ranged attack is very accurate despite their low ranged level (in part due to their accuracy bonus) and has a max hit of 5. Their stats are not affected by raid levels.
    • If too many scarabs are present, Dung Strike will be used in its place.
    • If dung lands on a dark egg, the egg will not be destroyed, although the scarab will be instantly killed once it hatches.
    • Players will deal their max hit on the eggs regardless of combat style.
Kephri's children coming to their mother's aid. On the bottom right, a Bomber Scarab homes in on the player, while the Arcane Scarab prepares to charge an explosive swarm.

Once Kephri's shield is depleted, she will become temporarily dazed, calling upon her "children" to assist and restore one shield charge. Players will deal max damage to the swarms when they appear, who have negative defence bonuses in all combat styles. The remaining attackable scarabs are weak to stab like Kephri.

  • Scarab swarms recover Kephri's shields, usually ~10% or lower (for larger teams) per swarm. These appear all over the arena. They can overcharge Kephri's shields, but are capped to roughly ~15% over her max capacity.
  • Bomber Scarabs are the same as Kephri's auto-attack (including the 3x3 AoE if Aerial Assault is active) and have the same flight distance regardless of where they spawn.
  • Arcane Scarabs slowly charge up an explosive swarm around it. If allowed to charge fully, it will unleash the swarm and deal well over 65 damage if not using Protect from Magic; doing so reduces the damage by ~66%. This scarab will always appear south-east of Kephri.
    • A heavy hit (over 40+ damage within 4 ticks), three moderately damaging hits or successful use of the charge attack will force it to relocate to another quadrant, automatically dispersing the swarm. The locations are always the same. (southeast > northwest > mid-south > northeast)
  • Spitting Scarabs attack with ranged and can inflict poison starting at 6 damage. They are fairly accurate and can hit through prayers. This scarab will always appear north-east of Kephri. This scarab attacks all players within 8 tiles of it.
  • Soldier Scarabs attack with melee and send out an unattackable scarab swarm which recharges Kephri's shield roughly every 5 seconds for ~5-7 charges. If Kephri is on actual health, they will heal her instead. The amount recharged/healed scales on the scarab's current health. This scarab always appears east of Kephri.

The swarms will spawn in a clockwise pattern around Kephri, which can be easily managed with a fast ranged weapon such as a blowpipe although care should be taken not to accidentally run back into a tile targeted by a bomber scarab. At path level 2 and higher, a trio of scarabs will periodically appear. While any AoE attack works in dispelling this trio, chinchompas are highly recommended as they have a range of 9 and an attack speed of 4, making it somewhat in sync with a blowpipe. On the other hand, AoE Ancient Magicks would struggle to sync with the blowpipe and would still result in a large number of swarms leaking onto Kephri.

In all encounters, the player can attack a combat scarab twice (with a 4-tick weapon) or once (with a 5-tick weapon) before attempting to clear swarms. Done properly, a solo player will usually leak three swarms onto Kephri; it is possible to only leak two swarms, but is much more harder. The second cycle depends on how fast the arcane scarab is killed, which is usually not an issue if a voidwaker is brought along. In group encounters, one or two players (depending on team size) can focus on killing the swarms while others kill the larger scarabs, which allows the phases to be cleared faster at the cost of some points.

The first shield threshold will cause a single Spitting Scarab to spawn, while the second threshold causes a Soldier and Arcane Scarab to spawn, assuming More Overlords were not toggled on. Both the ranged and melee scarabs can be trapped, although to do so the player has to follow the images below. While the ranged scarab is present, always keep Protect from Missiles on, as it is extremely accurate and damaging; with prayers, its damage is reduced significantly. If the melee scarab is attacking, use Protect from Melee; if both the ranged and melee scarab are attacking, then try to flick both. In a solo encounter with the invocation active, the player should have the first instance of dung placed between the two spawns to force the melee scarab to go around, which should be more than enough time to defeat the ranged scarab; otherwise, place it between the melee and mage spawns. In a group encounter, the targeted dung players instead trap the melee scarab so it can be safely ignored.

To successfully trap the ranged scarab, the player has to run west (towards the teleport crystal), as the scarab will force walk itself into the enclosed area and prevent it from moving; moving to the south will cause it to walk out and attack normally. Trapping the ranged scarab is only recommended with More Overlords toggled on in solo encounters, since trying to handle a melee, mage and range scarab at once will likely overwhelm the player.

The melee scarab can be trapped by simply standing east of Kephri on the top and bottom tiles aligned with her while minimising the amount of dung that can spawn. If the dung lands in any other position, the scarab will walk out of it. The scarab will heal Kephri based on its health, so some players can opt to leave it at low health, while others may simply kill it off instead.

After the third shield is cleared, the swarm surrounding Kephri dissipates, prompting her to use a single instance of Dung Strike on all players. This marks the start of her fourth and final phase; Kephri's health pool is now able to be damaged directly. If another instance of the attack was used just before the transition, players can be stun-locked by the chained knockback, which could force them into an unfavorable position - therefore, only phase when the attack is not in use.

When Medic! is active, a player should periodically switch to a ranged weapon to kill the swarms that appear around the room, as they will significantly prolong the fight if not checked. This invocation is only toggled in group encounters, as they're far too tedious to deal with in solo encounters.

  1. ^ Only at a raid level of 300 or higher
  2. ^ Only at a raid level less than 300

Kephri's Invocations

The fight with Kephri can be made more challenging with the use of the following invocations. Should players have the Path Level invocations active, every two levels will cause the following:

  • Kephri's auto-attacks will be faster.
  • During the shield recharge phase, groups of three scarab swarms may appear instead of one. The frequency of these increase at raid level 4.
Invocation Effect Raid lvl modifier Toggle (solo) Toggle (group) Reason
Lively Larvae The number of dark brown eggs launched during Kephri's Mass Incubation attack will increase from 2 to 3-5. +5 Yes Yes Harmless invocation.
More Overlords An additional scarab is summoned during Kephri's shield transition phases, with a Soldier Scarab appearing for the first threshold and a Spitting Scarab for the second. Spawn locations are still the same as the original. +15 No Optional Slows down kill times in solo encounters.
Can be handled easily in group encounters.
Blowing Mud The number of players targeted by Kephri's Dung Strike attack is increased to two.

This invocation has no effect in solo encounters.

+10 Yes Yes Harmless invocation.
Medic! Scarab Swarm will periodically appear from the edges of the arena outside of shielding phases. +15 No Yes Similarly to More Overlords, but much more time consuming. Not an issue in groups.
Aerial Assault Kephri's auto-attack will do more damage, and her attack range will increase from a single tile to a 3x3 AoE. Also applies to bomber scarabs. +10 Yes No Can be easily dodged in solo encounters, but watch health.
Not recommended for large groups with poor coordination; otherwise not an issue.

Path of Het

Challenge room

The Path of Het, where players must place mirrors to redirect the energy beam to the shielded statue to weaken Het's Seal.

To walk the Path of Het, players must break Het's Seal in the centre of the room. The Seal has 130 health in solo encounters; its health scales with the number of players but not with raid level or invocations.

There are statues at the entrance, exit and within the challenge room itself that hold a pickaxe. By default these hold a bronze pickaxe, but players can store a higher-tier pickaxe in the statue, where it will remain for subsequent raids. Better pickaxes break the stone barriers faster and deal more damage to the Seal.

Breaking the seal involves using mirrors to reflect the energy beams shot by the caster statue, and redirecting it to shoot the shielded statue. There are three mirrors that can be picked up, placed, rotated and pushed in a desired direction. The other mirrors are fixed; in group encounters, some of these are dirty and must be cleaned first to reflect light. The undamaged stone barriers block the light's path, but the worn barriers can be broken using a pickaxe to create a path for the light. The light can always be reflected correctly using 1-3 mirrors, with the removal of some barriers.

To destroy Het's Seal in one cycle, stand on any of the marked tiles, then click the seal the tick before the statue fires its light beam.

Throughout the room Orbs of Darkness will appear at the edges and move in a straight line to the other end of the room, dealing moderate damage to players they hit. Sometimes two orbs will appear on the same tile, and both will deal damage if they hit. In group encounters orbs may cause mirrors they collide with to become dirty, forcing players to clean it in order for it to reflect light again. Getting caught in the light beam will also inflict damage, albeit lower than the orbs.

Once the light beam hits the shielded statue, the seal is removed from the obelisk and players can proceed to mine the obelisk for 15 ticks (9 seconds) before the seal is protected once more. It is possible to hit the statue 8 times per cycle by standing 1 tile away from the seal and clicking to mine the seal one tick before the statue fires the beam. Runelite plugins such as "Visual Metronome" can be very useful to assist with the timing required for this technique.

If the team wipes during this room, the statue progress is reset, along with a new puzzle being drafted in the process.

Damage dealt to the seal scales in stages with the player's Mining level as well as with the pickaxe used, but is not influenced by the mining speed. The Dragon pickaxe, Crystal pickaxe, and 3rd age pickaxe are equivalent. Only visible boosts will affect the damage dealt; invisible boosts like the celestial ring will not have any effect. For example: a player with a mining level of 65 has the same max hit as a player with a mining level of 84, and a player with level 85 is equivalent to one with level 95, assuming both players are using equivalent tools and no level boosting special is used. A player at level 82+ can use the Dragon Pickaxe special to boost to the next bracket, however, though will leave them with insufficient energy for special attacks at Akkha (such as an emergency keris heal).

Players whose max hit is not equal to or greater than 17 (as per the chart below) will be unable to consistently 1-cycle this puzzle.[a 1] A player with a Dragon Pickaxe and a mining level boosted to level 100 can always 1-cycle the room even by only hitting 7 times.

The following table shows the damage dealt to Het's Seal using different pickaxes at different Mining levels,[2] bold text indicates enough damage to 1-cycle the room if hitting 8 times:

Visible mining level
Dragon pickaxe

Rune pickaxe

Bronze - Adamant pickaxe
100+ 19-21 17-19 14-16
85-99 17-19 15-17 12-15
1-84 10-12 8-10 5-7
  1. ^ The average damage across 8 hits needs to be 16.25 damage. Because the Rune Pickaxe at 85-99 only hits an average of 16 damage, it is only occasionally possible to 1-cycle with this tool.

Akkha, Guardian of Het

Akkha is the Guardian of Het, Tumeken's avatar of health. Akkha is generally considered to be the hardest boss due to his mechanics, especially for solo encounters.

Akkha will become aggressive towards the first player that enters his arena. He will not focus on other players until performing a mechanic, upon which he becomes aggressive to a player based on distance; if all players are in the same distance, then he checks defence bonuses and targets the one with the highest bonus. Therefore, a designated "tank" can be assigned after a special attack by standing close to him so he will always target them and not other players. The tank may switch into melee gear during memory blast to retain aggression.

He will always have protection prayers active against two attack styles, so players may only attack him with one. He will use special attacks every seven auto-attacks, which is also indicated with him changing his overhead prayers by slamming his spear to the ground. By default, Akkha begins with melee and will cycle through melee, ranged and magic auto-attacks respectively until reaching his final stand phase.

While using melee, he is immune to melee and ranged; when using ranged, he becomes immune to ranged and magic; and when using magic, he is immune to magic and melee.

The melee attack is only directed at his target, but it is capable of cleaving nearby targets and he will still use it anyway if a non-target is in his path while chasing his main target. The ranged and magic attacks hit everyone in the arena. Akkha's ranged attack consists of a sand projectile, while the magic attack is a glowing red sand projectile. It is possible to flick the ranged and magic attacks much like Zebak, though not recommended.

Unlike the other bosses, Akkha has a lower Defence reduction, with a minimum of level 70 from 80, and he also restores stats significantly faster. Due to the boss' protection prayers and intermittent changing throughout the fight, it is not recommended to use special attacks outside of the Keris partisan of the sun in the event that too much damage is accumulated.

Similar to The Nightmare or the effects of Quiet Prayers, protection prayers do not negate the full damage from all combat styles. Akkha's magic and ranged attacks deal ~80-90% less damage when protected against, while the melee attacks deal ~75% less damage when protected against.

The arena is divided into four quadrants; a symbol of fire, skull (shadow), lightning and ice to the north-west, north-east, south-east and south-west respectively, which modifies the boss' special attacks depending on where the player is standing. This is inflicted alongside a heavy hit:

  • Fire-based attacks will inflict a burn that periodically deals 5 damage for several hits and can spread to unaffected players if next to them.
  • Shadow-based attacks will deal low, but rapid damage on the player and drain all stats by 3.
  • Lightning-based attacks will temporarily disable protection prayers.
  • Ice-based attacks will temporarily slow players' attack speed by 1 tick. Players will be notified when the ice thaws out, indicated with the message The ice around you melts away.
A player fighting Akkha, the Guardian of Het. With the hourglasses full, the player stands in a safe section of the arena after having killed the shadow there.

When Akkha reaches 80% of his health, he will enter an invulnerable state and four shadows will appear, indicated with the message Shadows appear throughout the room!. The shadows do not directly attack players, but in order to force Akkha out of his invulnerable state, one of the shadows needs to be dispelled and he must be lured there. Only focus one shadow at a time, as the mechanic is repeated at 60%, 40% and 20% thresholds, with the message instead stating The shadows in the room are restored!, which fully restores all damaged shadows. The shadows share the same combat stats as Akkha himself, but with lower Defence. Tumeken's shadow is the strongest, though players who don't have it should swap to a blowpipe instead.

Regardless if the shadow is invulnerable or not, the shadows will charge an attack on their respective quadrant through the hourglass and a bar appears on their head. Defeating the shadow before the bar fills will spare that quadrant from an incoming attack. If the bar is filled, the shadow will slam its spear to the ground to envelop the quadrant in its respective element from the edge to the centre. It is possible to avoid the attack with precise timing, but this should only be done if the shadow cannot be dispelled in time. If the shadows do charge to full, it is recommended to run to the ice quadrant since it has the least dangerous effect of the four should the player be unable to skip or improperly time the run. The shadows will resume charging after a short time should this occur. The shadows will continue charging during the fight, but progress will be reset during any triggered health thresholds and will be temporarily halted during the Memory Blast attack. If the bar fills at the same tick the attack would have been performed, then it will be put on hold until the attack ends.

Akkha has a number of special attacks he will use:

  • Detonate - Akkha will mark all players for detonation, indicated with the message You have been marked for detonation! The damage from this attack can be avoided by not standing in the same row or column as another player, as the player will detonate in a plus-shaped pattern. This attack can also be negated by having every player stand on the same tile. This attack is not used in solo encounters.
  • Memory Blast - Akkha will disappear into the shadows; at the same time, the markers on the floor will begin to glow in a set pattern, indicating the safe areas for each quadrant of the incoming blasts. This is indicated with the message Sections of the room start to glow..., with the markers on the floor flashing as an indicator as to the order to safely avoid the attack, as the other three will be engulfed in a blast of energy. The player has four ticks to move into the safe quadrant between each burst of energy. The markers will always be perpendicular to each other - for example, if the skull marker was lit up, the next marker in line would either be the fire or lightning marker; never the ice marker. If the player isn't in the correct quadrant, they'll take heavy damage and suffer from the quadrant's side effects. Similarly to the shadow charge attack, it is possible to dodge the incoming blasts with proper timing.
  • Trailing Orbs - Akkha will summon orbs in a trail behind the player as the players move around his arena, indicated with the message Magical orbs begin to materialise around you! The orb will detonate if a player is on top of it (with a minor delay), dealing heavy damage and activating the quadrant's effects. This attack can be avoided by simply standing still, as no orbs will be able to spawn behind you, or simply avoiding stepping on any spawned orbs. The mechanic ends with the message The magical orbs stop materialising.
The layout for the butterfly method. The marked tiles indicate the tiles used to use the method. Double-layered tiles are for running clockwise/counter-clockwise to avoid getting hit depending on how the player runs. The tiles to the north/south of each quadrant are tiles where the player can attack Akkha without issue.

In his melee form, it is possible temporarily kite Akkha as he will only change attack styles whenever he is able to attack players. An advanced tactic for higher raid levels is the "butterfly" method, which involves running clockwise or counterclockwise in each quadrant when Akkha is in his melee form. As with most melee-using monsters, Akkha is incapable of diagonally attacking players, which causes him to simply run around in circles chasing the player. This method is only recommended when using Tumeken's shadow, as it surpasses all other weapons in damage output, thus making it vital to keep Akkha in his melee form as long as possible. A 4-tick weapon such as powered staves can be used to butterfly, but is discouraged as the extra tick can mess up timing and the player would have much better damage with melee and ranged weapons.

When butterflying with Feeling Special, it is very common for Akkha to use Trailing Orbs. If the player starts on the north or south attack tile on a quadrant when the attack starts, Akkha can still be kited without issue as long as the player does not lag, since the player has to run immediately after hitting the west/east tile to avoid getting clipped by the orb.

In solo encounters, should Feeling Special and Double Trouble be active, Akkha will always perform Memory Blast and Trailing Orbs together, which can be daunting for inexperienced players. There are two methods as to handling both mechanics at once:

  • The normal method, which involves using the centre of the arena to dodge attacks. Players will need to run two tiles instead of walking one, however, to avoid getting clipped by the orb.
    • At level 0 or 1, the blasts will expire before the orbs do. At level 2 and higher, it is the opposite way around.
  • The staircase method, which involves walking in a "staircase" motion in a quadrant to avoid the blasts. This is a more advanced tactic that should only be used with minimal lag, as this is a tick-centric method. Start at the edge of the arena (one tile from the visible line in the cardinal directions) and do not move until the last light shines and proceed to move one tile accordingly up/down and left/right until the sequence ends.

Enrage phase

Upon depleting all of Akkha's health, he will restore 20% of his health and enter a final stand. He will also enable Protect from Magic and Missiles simultaneously, making melee the only way to damage him. Rather than attacking players, he will launch numerous Unstable Orbs all over the arena. The orbs are white in colour and will only go in one direction, indicated with an arrow underneath them. Getting hit by an orb will deal moderately high damage. The damage scales to the raid and path level, but will cap at 25 damage. Using Protect from Magic will mitigate a sliver of the damage.

Akkha will occupy one shadow at a time and will switch places with another shadow when he takes three successful attacks in solo encounters (the hits of multi-hitting special attacks like dragon claws will all be treated as individual hits, much like how Xarpus' final phase works); in larger sizes, he will take an additional hit per player before swapping places. Deploying a thrall is optional but helpful, as their attacks will not count towards Akkha's counter.

It is highly important to avoid the orbs to the best of your ability, as getting hit by multiple orbs will deal rapid damage, drain a substantial amount of prayer (if Deadly Prayers are active) and likely spell a swift death. Do not rush towards Akkha; slowly path around the orbs to reach him, then remain vigilant for other orbs in the vicinity. This will help reduce a significant amount of damage, and in some cases, you may take no damage at all.

  1. ^ Only with dragon darts.
  2. ^ Only with a full set of crystal armour.

Akkha's Invocations

The fight with Akkha can be made more challenging with the use of the following invocations. Should players have the Path Level invocations active, every two levels will cause the following:

  • An additional iteration to the Memory Blast attack
  • The unstable orbs deal more damage (still capped at 25 damage)
Invocation Effect Raid lvl modifier Toggle (solo) Toggle (group) Reason
Double Trouble Akkha will perform two special attacks at once. +20 No No Significantly slows down kill times and increases chances of wipe with Feeling Special?
Keep Back Akkha's ranged and magic attacks will also deal melee damage to anyone next to him. The melee attack will strike first with no animation before the ranged/magic attack. +10 No No Akkha's melee attack can easily wipe players in a few hits if unprotected and requires too much effort.
Stay Vigilant Akkha will randomly switch combat styles and overhead prayers to the next in line rather than lining up a special attack to do so. +15 Yes Yes Invocation is worth learning on higher levels. Essentially free when using the butterfly method.
Feeling Special?
  • The Detonate attack will trigger in more directions. This is not applied in solo encounters.
  • The Memory Blast attack will only provide two ticks for players to move between safe quadrants.
  • The Trailing Orbs attack spawns an additional orb in front of the player (regardless of walking or running)
+20 Yes Yes Mostly free invocation, will only need practice on memorising the memory blast attack. Also builds up experience if Double Trouble has to be activated.

Path of Apmeken

Challenge room

The Path of Apmeken is the only path that is not a puzzle room, rather it is a pure combat room where players must battle Ba-Ba's pack while handling quick-time events to avoid taking damage while fighting them. The baboons have the same amount of health regardless of raid level. Players must clear 11 waves of baboons to clear the challenge.

The baboons are somewhat strong for their level, moderately high accuracy and damage. Their health varies, though this is static regardless of raid level and party size. Most importantly, the baboons are extremely resilient to combat styles they are neutral to or strong against, with massive defence bonuses against that entire combat style. Each combat baboon is weak to their corresponding style in the combat triangle, including the shamans. The volatile and cursed baboons are equally weak to ranged and magic.

When using the corresponding combat style strongest against a baboon, the player will always land a maximum hit regardless of accuracy bonuses. This only applies to the brawler, thrower and mages; special baboons, such as shamans, volatiles, cursed and thralls do not provide this bonus, though they have very little health to begin with.

Monster Weaknesses Description Hitpoints
Baboon Brawler Magic Magic These baboons use melee against the player. 25 (small)
30 (large)
Baboon Thrower Attack Melee These baboons use ranged against the player. 30 (small)
35 (large)
Baboon Mage Ranged Ranged These baboons use magic against the player. 20 (small)
25 (large)
Baboon Shaman Ranged Ranged These baboons can summon Baboon Thralls to assist their fellow simians in combat. Each shaman can summon up to four or five thralls; if the cap is hit it will switch to a magic attack instead of summoning. If successfully poisoned or envenomed, they will stop spawning thralls. Their magic attacks will also drain prayer by the amount they hit if not protected against. 16
Baboon Thrall Attack Melee
Ranged Ranged
Magic Magic
These weak baboons are summoned by shamans and attack with melee. They have lower health compared to other baboons. They share a similar prayer drain mechanic as the shamans, draining some prayer based on a percentage of what the hit dealt, including successful hits that would otherwise be blocked by prayer. 5
Volatile Baboon Ranged Ranged
Magic Magic
These explosive baboons will pick a random player and attempt to reach them. When they reach their target, they will charge up slightly before exploding in a 3x3 AoE around it, dealing heavy damage to anyone near them. The damage dealt appears to be based on the amount of health they had prior to exploding, much like the Zombified Spawn of Vorkath. If any other nearby baboons are caught in the explosion, they are automatically killed regardless of how much health they have left. 8
Cursed Baboon Ranged Ranged
Magic Magic
Unlike the other baboons, this baboon is not aggressive, but will wander around the room, dripping venom pools in the process. Stepping on a pool will cause 6-8 damage per tick as well as inflicting venom if the player lacks venom immunity. The baboon will never walk over a vent tile or the tile in front of a pillar, it will usually not walk under the player. 10

Upon entering the challenge room, players will be greeted with a room with pillars on either side, four vents located in the corners of the room, and crates containing hammers and neutralising potions. Players should take a hammer and potions.

The Path of Apmeken. Apmeken's Sight can be seen by the vents, indicating players to pour neutralising potions on it.

The first player who enters the room will be given "Apmeken's Sight". This allows for groups to decide who is given the sight first. Throughout the encounter, messages will appear in player's chat boxes stating, You sense an issue somewhere in the room. The player that has Apmeken's Sight will need to communicate with the other players what needs to be fixed in the room:

  • Roof supports - Players should click on the roof supports once to repair them with a hammer. A dragon warhammer works as a substitute. Call "P" (pillars).
  • Floor vents - Players should step into the center of the vent and pour the neutralising potion by clicking it in their inventory. Call "V" (vents).
  • Corruption - Players with Apmeken's Sight will see the rest of their team glow dark red. When this occurs, players should all gather on the same tile together, and the player with the sight should then pour a neutralising potion in order to cure the team of corruption. This status will only occur in group encounters. Call "DD" (death-dot). Alternatively, the player with the sight can use the potion on a corrupted player to remove it.

If players fail to meet the necessary amount of roof support repairs, vents cleansed, or fail to cleanse the corruption, every player in the room will take damage, scaled to the amount of actions missed in group encounters. If a player attempts to fix a pillar or cleanse a vent without it needing to be performed, that player will also take damage. The amount of actions required depends on the player count in the raid. Solo players will only be required to pour liquid on one vent or fix one pillar. This scales up in single increments. For example, three players will be required to pour liquid on three vents or repair three pillars. Apmeken's Sight will randomly cycle between players until the encounter is completed in group encounters.

The waves and enemies are listed below, although the table assumes that the player is completing the raid in a solo encounter. In group encounters, an extra combat baboon is added into the mix.

Wave Monsters
1 2x Brawler
2 1x Thrower, 1x Mage
3 2x Brawler, 1x Shaman
4 2x Thrower, 1x Volatile
5 2x Mage, 1x Cursed
6 2x Thrower, 3x Special
7 2x Mage, 1x Shaman, 2x Special
8 2x Brawler, 1x Shaman, 2x Special
9 1x Brawler, 1x Thrower, 1x Shaman, 2x Cursed
10 1x Shaman, 2x Volatile, 2x Special

Waves 1 and 2 require the player to kill all the enemies in order to proceed. Waves 3-9 will start as soon as all but two of the baboons (not thralls) are defeated. Wave 10 starts as soon as all but three of the baboons are defeated. Waves 6-10 will introduce stronger combat baboons, who have higher stats; they're also slightly bigger.

Players should pray accordingly to the baboons that are present, with Protect from Missiles/Magic taking priority depending if a thrower or mage is present. After these are killed, swap to Protect from Melee and kill off the shamans before handling the thralls. Volatile baboons are not a concern as they will simply explode upon reaching the player with a short delay. Cursed baboons can also be ignored unless more than two are present, as this can cause a lot of tiles to be splattered with venom and could pose a problem when handling random events.

In group encounters, the baboons will pick their own targets but can be forced to change aggro if they're attacked while making their way to the target. This also includes summoned thralls, where they may target another player even if their host shaman is targeting another one.

With good gear and fast reactions, the player should be able to clear the room under 3 minutes without taking too much damage. Make sure to pick up any dropped potions before leaving the room.

Ba-Ba, Guardian of Apmeken

Ba-Ba is the Guardian of Apmeken, Tumeken's avatar of companionship.

Ba-Ba will utilise a number of mechanics that can be quite difficult to negate without proper communication in a team. Ba-Ba only uses melee, which similarly to Zebak's melee, can deal hefty damage through prayer. Protect from Melee reduces the strength of her attacks by 75%. Her Defence can be lowered to a minimum level of 60 from 80, which does not reset throughout the fight.

Like Akkha, Ba-Ba will aggro on the first player that enters her arena. After that, she will aggro based on her enemies' current Hitpoints, so the tank can intentionally keep their health low to ensure she always targets them. This is not an automatic aggro, as she will only change targets after a few attacks and if they are in combat with her.

Although Ba-Ba is undead, the salve amulet gives no bonuses when fighting her.

Ba-Ba also utilises a number of special attacks used throughout the fight:

  • Rockfall: Ba-Ba will swipe her claws, causing rocks to fall from the ceiling. One will spawn for every player in the arena, and will always land on the tile the player is on when the ability was used. This will deal heavy damage if a player is underneath the shadow. Two large piles of debris will also drop at the same time, also indicated by the same shadow. This has a 3x3 AoE, though players are only damaged if directly under the shadow; otherwise, they will be harmlessly pushed aside. The debris has 10 health, increasing by 10 for every player in the room.
  • Rock Throw: Ba-Ba will throw a large boulder at every player in the arena, which will hit them ~6 ticks after being used. This will deal massive damage, but can be mitigated by standing next to debris, an unopen sarcophagi or a baboon. The game will prioritise damage reduction via debris, sarcophagi and baboon; debris reduces the damage by ~94%, a sarcophagi by ~45%, and a baboon by ~55%.
    • This attack deals less damage in a group encounter than solo ones, though still very high damage.
    • Debris takes 10 damage (instantly destroying it), an unopen sarcophagi 30 damage, and a baboon 12 damage in the process.
    • After the attack is used, if debris was destroyed, Ba-Ba will use Rockfall again.
  • Shockwave: Ba-Ba will face one of eight directions and shadows will appear on the ground in front of her. Shortly afterwards, she will swipe the area, dealing damage dependent on the player's position if they did not move out of the way. This attack has a rough 5x5 AoE, or 7x7 if Shaking Things Up is active.
    • This attack is also used as a "stomp" attack if Ba-Ba's target is underneath her for a prolonged amount of time, and she reacts much faster if prompted to use it in this manner.
  • Baboon's Discharge: Ba-Ba will periodically call her troupe to assist her in the form of level 77 baboons, ranging from 2-4 depending on party size. These have 35 health and attack with ranged. Periodically, one of the baboons will stop attacking players and attempt to open a sarcophagi. They will deal 20 damage per hit to it. If the sarcophagi is opened, it will begin launching unstable energy in a conal pattern in front of it, dealing damage to anyone caught in the blast, increasing in damage the lower the player's Prayer points if Gotta Have Faith is active.
  • Rolling Stones: After reaching 66.6% and 33.3% of her health, Ba-Ba will stop attacking, leap to her throne and unleash a massive scream, knocking all players to the other side of the arena. She will then proceed to throw large boulders of rubble that will roll down the slope, which must be destroyed to avoid taking damage. If the player makes contact in front of a boulder, they will be knocked back four tiles and take heavy damage in the process. Ba-Ba will stop the attack after throwing ten sets of boulders or if attacked with melee past the boulder starting point.
    • One of the five boulders in each column is cracked; attacking this boulder with ranged will always land as a maximum hit regardless of accuracy bonuses.
    • The first column of boulders will always have the cracked boulder appearing in the middle three starting points. After that, subsequent columns will have the cracked boulder appearing up to two positions north or south of the last one.
    • The subsequent scream will destroy any debris present in the arena, though it is possible for one to persist if phased at the right time.
    • Boulders will instantly destroy any debris and instantly kill any baboons they run into.
    • In a solo encounter, the health of the boulders starts at 25 and increases every 2 path levels for Apmeken, meaning they have 27 health in a path level of 2/3 and 31 in a path level of 4+.

Depending on the raid level Ba-Ba is fought on, players can tackle her normally or use a "red-X" option that involves walking under her to force her to use shockwave attacks. The latter option is recommended for conserving supplies at a raid level of 450+, since Ba-Ba can hit quite hard and conserving supplies is very important without salts. Red-x can involve one of two methods; using the teleport crystal, or a dropped potion. While both are just as effective, the latter is more useful after the rolling stones attack as it avoids having to reposition and drag Ba-Ba all the way back.

When Ba-Ba reaches 66% and 33% of her health, she will stop attacking and grant a three second reprieve to allow players to quickly move away, launching a scream that sends players flying back to the other end of the room as she initiates Rolling Stones. If the player is already at the bottom of the arena, they can immediately swap to their ranged gear and skip a few seconds of the fight. If Mind the Gap is active, staying near the sides of the arena will prevent the scream from pushing players into the gap and killing them. In parties of two or more, Ba-Ba will change aggro to the party member with the lowest health after the attack ends. If the player with the lowest health was being focused by Ba-Ba going into the boulder phase, the player with the second lowest health is instead focused. For this reason in group encounters, the primary tank, if using red-x, should have Ba-Ba reaggro on another player and then lower their health during boulders to ensure she targets them again.

Quickly eliminate the stones with the best ranged weapon possible to reach Ba-Ba. Do not brew down while destroying the boulders, as this will drop the player's max hit that they will be unable to destroy them in one go until restored and/or reboosted.

In group encounters, try to synchronize the movement and attacks to avoid wasting any ticks, as it is important to let Ba-Ba focus on the walker rather than another member in the team, as it can cause panic and activate undesired mechanics in the fight which increases the chances of death.

  1. ^ Only with a full set of crystal armour.

Ba-Ba's Invocations

The fight with Ba-Ba can be made more challenging with the use of the following invocations. Should players have the Path Level invocations active, every two levels will cause the following:

  • The speed of which the boulders drop from the ceiling will significantly increase.
  • The potential AoE from an opened sarcophagi increases.
  • The boulders will gain additional health - an additional 2 at level 2 for 27 health, and an additional 4 on top of this at level 4 for 31 health.
Invocation Effect Raid lvl modifier Toggle (solo) Toggle (group) Reason
Mind the Gap! When Ba-Ba knocks back the player to the bottom of the room at 66% and 33% health, the pit now becomes a danger zone and any player knocked into it will be instantly killed. +10 Yes Yes Mostly harmless, only remember to run to sides of arena before thresholds.
Gotta Have Faith Energy blasts from open sarcophagi in Ba-Ba's room will deal additional damage based on the player's remaining prayer points. +10 Yes Yes Harmless invocation.
Jungle Japes Ba-Ba's baboons will drop a banana peel on the floor on death. If stepped on or run past, players take a small amount of damage and are stunned for 3 seconds. +5 Yes Yes Mostly harmless invocation.
Shaking Things Up The shockwave from Ba-Ba's slam attack has its AoE increased from 3x3 (+1 tile on all center cardinal directions) to 5x5 (+1 tile on all center cardinal directions). +10 Yes Yes Harmless invocation.
Boulderdash Doubles the speed in which Ba-Ba sends boulders. +10 Optional Optional Mostly harmless invocation.

The Wardens

Once all paths have been completed, the entry to the lower level will open, where players fight the final bosses of the raid: Tumeken's Warden and Elidinis' Warden, large automatons imbued with divine power. All party members must speak to Osmumten (or Amascut during the Into the Tombs miniquest) before the fight can begin.

Before starting the fight, reapply any salt if necessary. If special attacks are being used, also drink a dose of liquid adrenaline.

Phase 1

A player blocks the eastern (left) energy trough to disrupt Tumeken's Warden's charging, while Elidinis' Warden unleashes the UFO attack.

During the first phase of the battle, the obelisk will begin to emit orbs that transfer energy to the Wardens. They initially flow out on one trough, but it soon branches into three. Players can block these orbs by standing on either side of the energy troughs. This will significantly reduce, although not prevent, the Wardens' energy gain, however each orb absorbed will cause the player to take 3 damage. It is recommended to block one side of the energy troughs to desynchronise the Wardens' charged attacks, as it is much harder and troublesome to deal with if both simultaneously go off. Players may also choose which Warden to fight in the second phase by selectively blocking the flow of energy to the Warden that they would rather avoid. The obelisk can have its Defence lowered to a minimum level of 60 from 100.

If using special attacks, dump them until the special attack bar reaches 25%, so they may be used on the next phase. If players are using melee or ranged, they should dump defence-draining specials as necessary to allow their primary weapons to hit more frequently. Magers can simply use Tumeken's shadow, and if available, use two zaryte crossbow specials; assuming both hit, this will deal 220 damage, significantly speeding the phase up.

When a Warden is charged up (the red circle filled up under them and Amascut's seal forming in front of them), it will discharge one of two types of attacks:

  • Charged Shot - slow-moving balls of energy will be shot towards players for unavoidable damage, indicated with the warning A large ball of energy is shot your way.... Elidinis' energy is small and the warning message is blue; Tumeken's is larger and the message is orange.
    • In group encounters, stand apart from other players for Elidinis' attack to avoid clipping other players with the damage. For Tumeken's attack, stand next to or on top of each other to disperse damage, otherwise massive damage will be taken.
    • In solo encounters, there is no way to mitigate the damage dealt. However, Tumeken's attack is ~33% weaker than Elidinis'. The damage is capped at 45 for Elidinis and 30 for Tumeken's shots.
  • UFOs - small floating pyramids will spread throughout the area and discharge damaging lights. If the Wardens perform this attack simultaneously, players can avoid the attack by standing at the edge of the arena, adjacent to the stairs. Otherwise, blocking the energy paths can cause the timings between each to be offset.

The Wardens will alternate between UFOs and Charged Shot respectively until the phase ends. In a solo encounter, block the flow to Tumeken's orb; at 360+ raid level in solo encounters, keeping health at 76 or higher will allow for Redemption, albeit at the cost of slightly faster Warden attacks. Alternatively, to delay Tumeken's shot, the player can tank the orbs to 46 health, which will be enough health to survive an Elidinis orb. Using Rapid Heal is recommended to restore health quicker. It is possible to tick-heal the orbs, but timing must be perfect or the player will be killed.

Once the obelisk's health hits zero, the Warden whose energy gain was disrupted the most will be destroyed, but the other will activate and engage players in the fight. If an orb is mid-air with ~3 seconds to spare, it will deal damage; otherwise, it will not, so heal accordingly to avoid unexpected deaths.

Depending on invocations, either heal ambrosia or a sun keris special. The latter will prevent players from two-downing the core however.

It is generally recommended to tackle Elidinis' Warden for this phase, since Tumeken's Warden during phase 2 is much more tedious to handle and Elidinis' phantom bosses are even moreso than Tumeken's in the third phase.

Phase 2

Regardless of which Warden powers up, the second phase of the fight is nearly identical.

The Warden, like Akkha, will always have protection prayers active against two attack styles, with Protect from Melee being always active; however Tumeken's Warden will always initially pray against magic, while Elidinis' will always initially pray against ranged.

During this phase, the Warden will have an active shield (similarly to The Nightmare's totems), with the player having 100% accuracy regardless of equipment; however, the damage dealt corresponds to the player's accuracy bonuses. Maximising accuracy bonuses by removing equipment will help increase damage, although this is optional. The twisted bow and Tumeken's shadow are highly recommended if available due to their high accuracy bonuses, resulting in significantly increased damage over any other weapon in their respective combat style. If not attacked for a while, the Warden will restore its shields.

Do not stand near the north, east, south or western central tiles and edges as this will make the player susceptible to the Windmill Beam and Converging Beam attacks, causing unnecessary damage. Likewise, do not stand around the tiles next the obelisk, as players may get zapped for unnecessary damage.

Players must attack the Warden until it is thrown off balance (i.e. the yellow bar above them being full), resulting in the ejection of the core from its body.

The Warden's attacks

The Warden attacks with all styles, with a red skull as a magic attack and a normal skull as a ranged attack. They also have different attack animations before launching, although this is less distinguishable. Similarly to Zebak, the attacks will only damage on impact, so it's possible to reduce the damage even with late reactions. The Wardens can also perform a melee attack which cannot be reacted to, so praying melee is recommended when in melee distance.

While the Wardens can target and chase players, Elidinis' Warden will stop a few tiles short of its target. On the other hand, Tumeken's Warden will close the gap.

The Warden also has two special attacks of its own. The special attacks are launched using the magic attack animation, so make sure to watch carefully.

  • Divine Projectile - the Warden will disable all players' overhead prayers and fire either a red scimitar (melee), white arrow (ranged) or blue spell (magic) at everyone. Depending on the projectile launched, use the according prayer to block it, or high damage will be taken. This attack is used when the Warden has more than 55% its health.
  • Imprisonment - the Warden will fire a dark-coloured projectile at the player's last position when the attack was initiated. Getting hit by this projectile will encase the player in stone, temporarily preventing them from moving or attacking. It is still possible to change overhead prayers and eat while imprisoned. This attack is used when the Warden has less than 55% of its health.

Obelisk's attacks

While the player is fighting the Warden, the obelisk will also discharge a series of attacks in a set pattern; it can only perform a special attack again after the other attacks in that set have been exhausted. Getting caught in any of these will deal moderately high damage and, if the Penetration invocation is enabled, temporarily disable overhead prayers:

  • Converging Beam - the obelisk will shoot out two beams heading north and south of the arena before shooting another two beams to the east and west. Each beam will spread out and converge towards the obelisk. Players can avoid the beams by staying within the opposite quadrant of where the beams had initially irradiated. Skilled players may avoid the damage from the incoming beams by running over them with proper timing. Red lightning will surround the obelisk as a warning indicator for the attack.
  • Windmill Beam - the obelisk will periodically shoot out beams clockwise in four directions like a windmill. The floor will briefly glow before the beam is discharged, giving players some time to move away from it. Orange lightning will surround the obelisk as a warning indicator for the attack.
  • Lightning Skull - the obelisk will launch several red skulls and discharge lightning outward in a 7x7 area from where the skull landed. The two tiles in each cardinal direction (not diagonally) of the tile where the skull will land are safe to stand and will allow the player to avoid taking damage from the lightning. Yellow lightning will surround the obelisk as a warning indicator for the attack.
The player unleashes a barrage of special attacks on the Warden's core.

Once the Warden's core is ejected, players must damage it as it essentially acts as the Warden's "true" health. Damage dealt to the core deals five times the damage towards the Warden, so a hit of 55 would deal 275 damage. Players will always deal their max hit when using melee against the Warden's core, so it is highly recommended to bring the strongest and fastest melee weapon possible (e.g. a Blade of saeldor or Ghrazi rapier).

This table shows how long the core is exposed, with the duration increasing as the Warden's health falls:

Warden HP Core Exposure
100%-80% 21 ticks (12.6s)
79.9%-60% 29 ticks (17.4s)
59.9%-0% 37 ticks (22.2s)

Due to melee attacks landing as maximum hits, a common and popular method is to use the dragon dagger special attack while under the effects of liquid adrenaline, causing every special attack to cost 12.5% energy. With best-in-slot (or near, such as not bringing an ultor ring, using an amulet of blood fury instead of amulet of torture), the player can easily deal upwards of 450+ damage per special attack, quickly whittling away at the core's durability.

Teams can choose between a two or three-down cycle, depending on the needs of the team and their equipment. While a two-down cycle results in a faster kill by avoiding a third fight with the Warden, it does result in slightly less points compared to a three-down due to the extra "damage" inflicted towards the boss.

Ideally, all player(s), assuming the invocations and gear allow for it, should dump at least five dragon dagger specials and finish up with a two-handed weapon for the first core exposure. This should drop the Warden's health below 55% in most scenarios, resulting in it launching a binding projectile rather than the prayer disabling one. If the team is intending to do a two-down phase, use Death Charge when the core is exposed, as the game considers it to be "dead" once the Warden returns it back into its body, restoring special attack energy. If the effects of liquid adrenaline expire, drink it again before the core is exposed a second time, then dump all available special attacks, use a 4-tick weapon such as a Ghrazi rapier or voidwaker for the remaining hits, and if necessary, a two-handed weapon finisher. With a strength bonus of 93 or more, piety and under the full effects of salt, solo players can consistently two-down around a raid level of 400 by themselves.

If intending to do a three-down phase, swap to the 4-tick weapon during the second core. Three-downs, while a bit slower, give a significant point increase (roughly a 0.3-0.4% increase in a solo 400 raid level); subsequent downs after the third will not yield any additional points.

Once the Warden's core is destroyed, its body will collapse. However, it will use the last of its power to restore the Warden that was destroyed at the end of the first phase. The obelisk will grow unstable and explode, and the room becomes warped in a void, beginning the final phase of the fight. If any potions are dropped to make room for space, quickly pick them up before the next phase begins.

Phase 3

Tumeken's Warden uses the floor slamming attack. The player is standing in the correct area to avoid damage.

The restored Warden will not use any protection prayers or perform any combat style attacks. Rather, it will raise/slam the ground as its primary means of attack, dealing typeless damage. Its Defence can be lowered to a minimum level of 120 from 150.

The Warden will always raise the floors to its right first, then its left, and lastly slam the ground in both directions. For the Warden's side attacks, players must stand at least one tile left/right from the center opposite of where the Warden is facing. When the Warden slams in both directions, players must stay in the center tiles in front of its face. It is best to stay within the three central floor columns to minimise unnecessary movement. Failing to stand in the correct areas for these attacks will result in the player being hit for moderate or heavy damage. Like Akkha's quadrant attacks, the attack takes time to travel, so the player can avoid the attack with late reactions as long as they are 6-9 tiles away from the boss.

The frequency of the slams depends if Overclocked, Overclocked 2 and/or Insanity is active; by default, the Warden has an attack speed of 7, and these will decrease them to 6, 4 and 3 ticks between attacks.

The player equips their melee weapon to quickly destroy the Energy Siphons.

Upon reaching 80%, 60%, 40%, and 20% of its health, the Warden will stop slamming the ground and activate all three protection prayers at once, becoming invulnerable in the process. During this time, the player should immediately switch to a melee weapon. It will then launch Energy Siphons, shaped as red skulls, onto the arena; standing on a tile where a siphon would spawn will cause the player to be knocked away with no damage taken.

The energy siphons are always launched in the same pattern, with solo players getting a different layout compared to group encounters. Group patterns are always the same regardless of size, but an additional point of health is added in four, six and eight-man encounters, for a total of 2, 3 and 4 health respectively. In group encounters, the siphons will adjust accordingly if player(s) die during the fight; in an eight-man encounter, should one player die and the boss deploys siphons afterwards, they would have 3 health instead of 4.

The two tiles players can stand on to avoid the explosion from the skulls. Run towards the centre when the skulls explode.

The siphons can only be damaged with melee, but players will have no attack delay when doing so. It is important that these energy siphons be disabled as soon as they appear, as failing to do so in time will result in the Warden unleashing an explosive shockwave that deals immense damage from the centre of the arena. The amount of damage that the siphons deal are based on raid level and amount of siphons left intact. Like Akkha's quadrant attacks, the shockwave takes time to travel outwards, making it possible to avoid the damage if timed correctly.

If the siphons are disabled in time, they instead converge onto the Warden and explode on it, dealing damage that scales to team size and raid level. It will then reset the slam sequence to the right, unless the Insanity invocation is active which lets it pick back off from before. For this reason, teams using Insanity should stay to the back unless they know where the next attack is targeting.

An alternative method to handling the skulls involves ignoring the skulls and running over the explosion, known as "skull skip". This tactic is very useful for players seeking the most out of their run, as the rebounded damage does not contribute points and adds even more points to the run. However, this is only feasible in solo runs, having Tumeken's shadow and at a raid level of 400 and higher; if any of these three are not met, it is better to clear the phase normally, as skull skipping will delay the kill slightly and the rewarded points are generally insignificant below level 400. There are two tactics involved in utilising the method; spam-clicking the furthest skull from as far as possible with a ranged or magic weapon, or knocking all but one siphon and running over the explosion. The former is much more dangerous, as a mistake will instantly kill the player, whereas the latter will only result in roughly 70 or so damage, which can be easily recovered from.

At the second and third thresholds, phantoms of the bosses from earlier in the raid will appear and assist the Warden against the player. The first phantom will spawn east; if Elidinis' Warden is being fought, this will be Akkha's Phantom, with the other phantom being Kephri's. If Tumeken's Warden is being fought, this will be Zebak's and Ba-Ba's Phantom respectively.

  • Akkha's Phantom will attack with the same Ranged and Magic projectiles as Akkha himself used during his encounter. It will only attack with ranged and magic, always starting with ranged first. It will change combat styles after every three attacks, indicated with it slamming its spear into the ground. If Stay Vigilant is active, then the phantom can change at random. Like the real Akkha, the damage is dealt as soon as the projectile is launched and pierces protection prayers.
  • Kephri's Phantom will use her normal magic fireball attack; should the Aerial Assault invocation be active, the fireball will deal more damage and have a 3x3 area of effect instead.
  • Zebak's Phantom also uses Ranged and Magic which can be fully blocked on impact (even with late reactions), although it can swap between the two at random.
  • Ba-Ba's Phantom will simply drop a boulder on the players' location which can be easily avoided. Path leveling affects the attack speed and boulder drop-down rate.

In most solo raids, it is thus recommended to have Tumeken's Warden serve as the final boss of the raid; Ba-Ba's attacks are relatively easy to avoid, while Zebak's attacks are easily predictable and can be fully blocked even with late reactions. In group raids, players tackling Tumeken's Warden should be wary of Ba-Ba's boulder attacks, as they can cause some havoc to uncoordinated teams.

Enrage phase

Tumeken's Warden makes its final stand. The floor begins to be torn away, and shadows seen on the ground indicate where red lightning will strike.

When the Warden reaches ~5% or less of its health, it will heal 20% of its maximum health and enrage. Its Defence will also be restored and increased; this can be lowered down to a minimum level of 120 from 180. It will no longer slam the arena, but will instead begin to emit unstable bolts of energy across all walkable tiles in the arena that deal moderate damage to any player standing on a targeted tile. A shadow will appear prior to the strike as a warning indicator.

During the fight, the dark phantom behind the Warden will begin to tear the tiles from the floor, limiting the amount of space players can move around in, up to the first row next to the Warden. Standing on where a tile would be ripped will force the player into the next row and take damage in the process. The phantom will stop briefly when a row of tiles are removed.

Players ranging or meleeing the boss should apply Defence-draining special attacks to increase hit chance against the boss. This is extremely important on expert runs, as anything outside of Tumeken's shadow will usually struggle to hit high and consistently enough. Players who are using Tumeken's shadow can simply conserve their special energy for an emergency keris special if absolutely necessary.

If Insanity is active, the phantom bosses will attack significantly faster, so make sure to keep prayer and health high and watch the primary phantom attacker to change prayers as needed.

Due to the importance of damaging the Warden as quickly as possible, it is highly advised that players do not use any ambrosia until now. Using brews are highly discouraged as players will be significantly penalized with decreased stats and focus on avoiding attacks and changing prayers, which will most likely result in the player dying. If ambrosia is not available, a sun keris special will work, though this will require at least 60+ prayer to sustain prayer and avoid getting smited if a mistake is made with Deadly Prayers active.

If the team enters the last row of tiles, survival can be extremely difficult, as there is very little space to move around, greatly increasing the chances of the player taking damage from lightning or the second phantom boss' attack. This is exacerbated in groups, as the phantom boss' attacks are even more likely to hit someone. Reaching and staying on the last row of tiles for a prolonged time is very common, especially if the team is not maging with Tumeken's shadow. To increase the chances of survival if the last row is reached and the Warden has high health, try to prioritise larger shadows on the ground if no safe tiles are seen, as the tile is given a short moment of respite after being struck.

Once the Warden is finally defeated, the phantom will consume the Warden. In its place will be left a white teleport crystal, which takes players to Osmumten's burial chamber, where players can then claim their rewards for the raid.

The Wardens' Invocations

The fight with the Wardens can be made more challenging with the use of the following invocations:

Invocation Effect Raid lvl modifier Toggle (solo) Toggle (group) Reason
Ancient Haste During the first phase of the Wardens' fight, the Wardens will charge at a faster rate. +10 Yes Yes Phase can be cleared fast with decent gear.
Acceleration During the second phase of the Wardens' fight, the Warden attacks faster while the obelisk charges faster. +10 Yes Yes Warden does not deal much damage through prayers, obelisk attacks can be easily avoided.
Penetration During the second phase of the Wardens' fight, the obelisk will deal more damage with successful attacks and also temporarily disable overhead prayers. +10 Yes Yes Dodging obelisk attacks nulls this invocation's effects.
Overclocked During the final phase of the Wardens' fight, the slam attack is performed 1 tick faster. +10 Yes Yes Harmless invocation.
Overclocked 2 During the final phase of the Wardens' fight, the slam attack is performed 2 ticks faster.

Overclocked must be active in order to activate this invocation.

+10 Yes Yes Harmless invocation.
Insanity During the final phase of the Wardens' fight, the following are applied:
  • The slam attack is performed 3 ticks faster.
  • There is less time to disable the Energy Siphons; mainly, a few ticks over the required amount needed. The reduced time is more lenient in group encounters.
  • The slam attack resumes based on where the Warden left off prior to launching Energy Siphons rather than resetting to the right.
  • Red lightning strikes faster.
  • Each row of floor tiles are removed at a faster pace.
  • The phantom bosses will attack significantly faster when the enrage phase starts.

Overclocked 2 must be active in order to activate this invocation.

+50 Yes if experienced; no otherwise Yes Free invocation once mastered. Also allows for skull skipping which adds more points to overall raid in solo encounters.


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