Magic damage

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The staff of the dead gives a 15% boost to magic damage.

Magic Damage is an equipment statistic that functions as a damage multiplier that increases the maximum magic hit and therefore the damage dealt by a player to a target. The effects of most equipped items can be seen at the bottom of the stats window (labelled Magic damage: +x%). Both players and non-player characters can utilize magic damage, although when casting Monster Examine on an attackable NPC, their magic damage is instead labelled as "Magic str bonus".

Temporarily boosting Magic increases magical attack accuracy, making it more likely to successfully hit a target. Except for Magic Dart, increasing the Magic level does not increase the damage of spellbook combat spells. It does, however, increase damage for Magic Dart, salamanders, powered staves (such as trident of the seas/swamp, Thammaron's/Accursed sceptre, Sanguinesti staff, and Tumeken's Shadow), and Magic special attacks.

A detailed list of how all magic damage bonuses are calculated and applied can be found under the maximum magic hit page.

Damage boosting

Most damage boosting comes from wearing specific gear. Invisible bonuses (not shown in stats) require a special condition, such as the target being part of a Slayer task, a demon, in the Wilderness, etc. Besides the gear listed in the table below, there are two other bonuses that are independent of gear.

The first is if Charge has been cast by the player and remains active when casting a god spells while also wearing their respective god cape, the base max hit is increased from 20 to 30.

Secondly, if Mark of Darkness has been cast by the player onto a demon monster and remains active when casting a Demonbane spell from the Arceuus spellbook, the damage is increased by 25%. This is applied after the hit roll.


Equipment Damage boost Levels required Shows in Stats Conditions/Notes
Elder chaos druid robes 3% Magic 40 Yes 1% per piece (hood, top, robe).
Is the only armour set to provide a Magic damage bonus that does not have a Defence requirement.
Infinity robes 3% Magic 50
Defence 25
Yes 1% per piece (hat, top, bottoms).
3rd Age mage robes 3% Magic 65
Defence 30
Yes 1% per piece (hat, robe top, robe bottom).
Dagon'hai robes 3% Magic 70
Defence 40
Yes 1% per piece (hat, robe top, robe bottom).
Blue moon armour 3% Magic 75
Defence 50
Yes 1% per piece (helm, chestplate, tassets).
Has a set effect when used alongside the blue moon spear.
Bloodbark armour 3% Magic 60
Defence 60
Yes 1% per piece (helm, body, legs).
Each piece of armour increases the amount that blood spells heal by 2% of the damage dealt.
Ahrim's equipment 3% Magic 70
Defence 70
Yes 1% per piece (hood, robetop, robeskirt).
Has a set effect when used alongside Ahrim's staff. Amplified when wearing the amulet of the damned.
Elite Void Knight equipment 5% Attack 42
Strength 42
Defence 42
Magic 42
Hitpoints 42
Ranged 42
Prayer 22
Yes Requires completion of Hard Western Provinces Diary.
The Void mage helm must also be worn.
Also increases magic accuracy by 45%.
Virtus robes 6% Magic 78
Defence 75
Yes 2% per piece (mask, robe top, robe bottom).

Bonus per piece is increased to 5% when using Ancient Magicks combat spells, for a total of 15%.

Ancestral robes 9% Magic 75
Defence 65
Yes 3% per piece (hat, robe top, robe bottom).
Black mask (i) 15%[a 1] Combat level 40
Strength 20
Defence 10
No Only works against monsters assigned as a Slayer task. Does not stack with salve amulet(i), salve amulet(ei), or amulet of avarice.
Slayer helmet (i) 15%[a 1] Defence 10
Chaos gauntlets +3[a 2] None No Requires completion of Family Crest, which requires 59 Magic (boostable). Only affects bolt spells.
Imbued god capes 2% Magic 75 Yes Requires completion of Mage Arena II.
Eternal boots 1% Magic 75
Defence 75
Yes None.
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 This applies after visible magic damage and does not stack with Salve amulet variants or amulet of avarice.
  2. ^ This bonus applies before any other damage bonuses.


Equipment Damage boost Levels required Shows in Stats Conditions/Notes
Tumeken's shadow 0% Magic 85 No Does not provide any magic damage boost itself, but all other equipment have their magic damage bonus tripled - or, inside the Tombs of Amascut, quadrupled - to a maximum of 100%. This only applies to visible damage bonuses, excluding Elite Void Knight equipment.
Staff of the dead 15% Attack 75
Magic 75
Yes Can cast Slayer Dart and auto-cast Flames of Zamorak.
Has a 12.5% chance of negating runes being used for that spell.
The Toxic staff of the dead can inflict venom.
The Staff of light and Staff of balance have the same abilities as the Staff of the dead, but have the ability to cast Saradomin Strike and Claws of Guthix respectively, in place of Flames of Zamorak.
Toxic staff of the dead 15%
Staff of light 15%
Staff of balance 15%
Kodai wand 15% Magic 80 Yes Provides unlimited water runes, and also has a 15% chance of negating runes being used for that spell. Can autocast Ancient Magicks.
Nightmare staff 15% Hitpoints 50
Magic 72
Yes These staves, except the harmonised nightmare staff, can autocast Ancient Magicks.

The harmonised nightmare staff can cast standard spells one tick faster. The volatile and eldritch nightmare staves have special attacks.

Harmonised nightmare staff 15% Hitpoints 50
Magic 82
Eldritch nightmare staff 15%
Volatile nightmare staff 15%
Smoke battlestaff 0% Attack 30
Magic 30
No Invisible 10% increase in damage and accuracy only when casting spells from the standard spellbook.
Mystic smoke staff 0% Attack 40
Magic 40
Ahrim's staff 5% Attack 70
Magic 70
Yes None.
Ancient sceptre 5% Magic 70
Strength 60
Attack 50
Yes Increases the effect of Ancient Magicks spells by 10% and can autocast them.
The blood ancient sceptre can also overheal up to 10% over the player's base Hitpoints.
The ice ancient sceptre also has an additional 10% accuracy bonus given to ice spells on targets that can be frozen and are not currently frozen.
The shadow ancient sceptre can also lower the target's Attack, Strength, and Defence levels when casting shadow spells.
The smoke ancient sceptre also reduces a poisoned target's healing by 20% for 6 seconds after taking damage.
Blood ancient sceptre 5% Magic 75
Strength 60
Attack 50
Ice ancient sceptre 5%
Shadow ancient sceptre 5%
Smoke ancient sceptre 5%
Thammaron's sceptre 50%[b 1] Magic 60 No When charged and used in the Wilderness, it provides an additional 50% magic damage.

When charged, the accursed sceptre and accursed sceptre (a) special attack will provide an extra 50% magic damage, even outside the Wilderness.

Thammaron's sceptre (a) 50%[b 1]
Accursed sceptre 50%[b 2] Magic 70
Accursed sceptre (a) 50%[b 2]
Blue moon spear 5% Attack 70
Magic 75
Yes When worn with all of the other pieces of the blue moon armour set, the player gains the Frostweaver set effect, where the spell spear has a 10% chance for its next melee attack to be unaffected by action delays (such as eating food).
Purging staff 10% Attack 50
Magic 77
Yes A demonbane weapon that doubles the bonuses of demonbane spells and those gained from Mark of Darkness.
Additionally, Mark of Darkness lasts 5 times longer if the staff is equipped when it is cast.
Dragon hunter wand 10% Magic 65 Yes A dragonbane weapon that increases accuracy by 50% and damage by 20% when fighting dragons.
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 This applies after visible magic damage and is added with the Black mask (i) or Slayer helmet (i).
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 This applies after visible magic damage and is added with the Black mask (i) or Slayer helmet (i). The special attack is applied afterwards.


Equipment Damage boost Levels required Shows in Stats Conditions/Notes
Mage's book 2% Magic 60 Yes Is the only offhand to provide a Magic damage bonus to all spells that does not have a Defence requirement.
Malediction ward 2% Defence 60 Yes None.
Ancient wyvern shield 2% Magic 70
Defence 75
Yes Protects against dragonfire and the icy breath of wyverns.
Arcane spirit shield 3% Magic 65
Defence 75
Prayer 70
Yes None.
Elidinis' ward 3% Magic 80
Defence 80
Prayer 80
Yes None.
Elidinis' ward (f) 5%
Tome of water 10% (PvM)[c 1]

20% (PvP)[c 1]

Magic 50 No Only affects water spells, and also increases the spells' accuracy by 10% (20% against other players).
Must be charged with soaked pages. Also provides unlimited water runes. Standard spellbook only.
Tome of fire 10% (PvM)[c 1]

50% (PvP)[c 1]

Magic 50 No Only affects fire spells. Must be charged with burnt pages or searing pages. Also provides unlimited fire runes. Standard spellbook only.
Tome of earth 10% (PvM)[c 1]

50% (PvP)[c 1]

Magic 50 No Only affects earth spells. Must be charged with soiled pages. Also provides unlimited earth runes. Standard spellbook only.
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 This applies after the visible magic damage and after the hit roll. Stacks multiplicatively with other Magic damage bonuses.


Equipment Damage boost Levels required Shows in Stats Conditions/Notes
Tormented bracelet 5% Hitpoints 75 Yes None.
File:Castle wars bracelet.png Castle wars bracelet 20%[d 1] None No Only applies in Castle Wars against a bearer of a flag. Must be worn before the game starts, not during the game.
Seers ring 0.2% None Yes None.
Seers ring (i) 0.5% None Yes None.
Magus ring 2% None Yes Requires completion of Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire.
Cursed amulet of magic −80% None Yes None.
Occult necklace 5% Magic 70 Yes None.
Salve amulet(i) 15% None No Requires access to the Nightmare Zone, Soul Wars, or Emir's Arena.
Only works against undead.
Does not stack with slayer helmet (i) or black mask (i).
Salve amulet(ei) 20% None No Requires completion of Lair of Tarn Razorlor and access to the Nightmare Zone, Soul Wars, or Emir's Arena.
Only works against undead.
Does not stack with slayer helmet (i) or black mask (i).
Amulet of avarice 20%
35%[d 2]
None No Equipping the amulet will cause the player to become skulled.
Increases accuracy and damage by 20% when fighting revenants. Activating Forinthry Surge by killing the revenant maledictus will provide an additional 15% accuracy and damage for 30 minutes.
All drops received from NPCs within the Revenant Caves and Wilderness Slayer Cave while this amulet is worn will be in the form of bank notes, except for secondary supply rolls.
Does not stack with slayer helmet (i) or black mask (i).
Amulet of the damned 30%[d 3] Attack 70
Magic 70
Defence 70
No Only has a 25% chance to occur. Both the set and amulet must be worn to get the damage boost. This does not include the 5% damage bonus from wielding the Ahrim's staff. Can autocast Ancient Magicks. Note that a player will see two different max hitsplats in-game. The "lower" max hit when this effect doesn't trigger and the "higher" max hit when it does trigger.
Ahrim's equipment
  1. ^ This is the last item factored into the hit damage. It's applied after the visible magic damage, after the hit roll, and after Tome of water, Tome of fire, and Mark of Darkness.
  2. ^ When Forinthry Surge is active, the damage and accuracy are increased from 20% to 35%.
  3. ^ This applies after visible magic damage.


Prayer Damage boost Levels required Shows in Stats Conditions/Notes
Mystic Lore 1% Prayer 27 No None.
Mystic Might 2% Prayer 45 No None.
Augury 4% Prayer 77
Defence 70
No Requires reading an arcane prayer scroll.