Ultimate Ironman Guide/Prayer

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UIM Guide

Prayer is a challenging skill to train for ultimate ironman players, due to inventory space restrictions and their inability to use some of the faster training methods. However, there are a number of ways to train the skill, including many passive training methods that can provide decent amounts of experience over a long period of time. Early on, the primary focus of Prayer training is to reach level 43 Prayer, to unlock the protection prayers. Because of how important these core protection prayers are, some players opt to "rush" to level 43 Prayer early on their training, through fast and risky training methods such as those in the Wilderness.

Early training: Quests

Some early quests reward Prayer experience, and can be used to jump-start Prayer training with some quick levels:

Completion of Ghosts Ahoy also rewards the ectophial, which can be useful for early Prayer training.

Early training methods

These low-level methods are only recommended for getting protection prayers, as later on there are much faster and more efficient methods available.

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Safespotting blue dragons in Taverley Dungeon and offering the bones at the Chaos Altar in level 38 Wilderness is one of the fastest ways to train Prayer at lower levels. Blue dragons are very weak to Magic, which makes Magic very effective against them even without good Magic equipment. While this method involves the Wilderness, the player can deathpile their items and only risk the dragon bones in the Wilderness. The altar within the Chaos Temple gives 3.5x experience gains on any bone used on it, and also has a 50% chance that the bone will not be consumed in the process.

For this method, it is recommended to have the dwarven rock cake from the Mountain Dwarf subquest of Recipe for Disaster. The rock cake allows the player to lower their Hitpoints faster for deathpiling their items. Players who do not have level 70 Agility will also need to get the dusty key to access the blue dragon area.

Wearing an anti-dragon shield is recommended for running past aggressive dragons. Players who do not wish to start Dragon Slayer I are advised get level 37 Prayer from quests beforehand, so they can use Protect from Magic when running past the dragons. Alternatively, players have a baby blue dragon attacking them while running past the dragons, or simply wait for an opportune moment for it.

Players should use the best spell available for killing dragons. Iban's Blast is recommended for its relatively high damage output. If using Iban's Blast, having the upgraded version of the Iban's staff is strongly recommended. Weaker spells, such as blast spells, bolt spells, or Fire Strike will suffice, though the experience rates will be lower.

This method goes as follows:

  1. Kill blue dragons in Taverley Dungeon for a full inventory of dragon bones.
  2. Teleport to Falador, and run south to the Falador Castle courtyard. While running, lower your Hitpoints with the dwarven rock cake.
  3. Attack a White Knight to suicide.
  4. Pick up the dragon bones from the ground.
  5. Minigame teleport to Last Man Standing, and exit Ferox Enclave east. Teleport with the Wilderness Obelisk until you are in level 27, 35, or 44 Wilderness.
  6. Run to the chaos temple in level 38 Wilderness, and use the dragon bones on the altar.
  7. Suicide to the Chaos Fanatic to get back to Falador.
  8. Pick up the dwarven rock cake and the items needed to kill blue dragons. If using Fire Bolt with the chaos gauntlets, get the gauntlets back from Dimintheis.
  9. Repeat the process. Reset the deathpile on the Falador Castle courtyard every 45–50 minutes to prevent the items from despawning.

Players can gain up to around 35,000 Prayer experience per hour when using Iban's Blast. With weaker spells, players can expect to gain somewhere around 15,000–25,000 Prayer experience per hour depending on the spell used.

Training from level 1 to 43 would require 100 dragon bones on average. If the player starts from level 37, getting level 43 would require 46 dragon bones on average. If using Iban's Blast, the player would need around 11–12 death runes per blue dragon kill.

The Bone Yard in the Wilderness.

Another low-level training method is to collect big bones in the Bone Yard, and offer them at the Chaos Altar in level 38 Wilderness. The altar within the Chaos Temple gives 3.5x experience gains on any bone used on it, and also has a 50% chance that the bone will not be consumed in the process. This method does not have any requirements, although it is strongly recommended not to have any risk so that the player does not have to deathpile their items.

This method goes as follows:

  1. Collect big bones from the most south-western spawn. Avoid getting hit by the skeletons. Hop worlds until you have a full inventory big bones.
  2. Head to the chaos temple in level 38 Wilderness. Offer the bones at the altar.
  3. Head back to the Bone Yard, and repeat the process.
Players can gain up to to 15,000–20,000 Prayer experience per hour. The rates may vary depending on inventory space and luck with the altar. On average, it would take 480 big bones to get from level 1 to 43.


Killing blue dragons and offering the bones at the Ectofuntus is only recommended for players who do not wish to enter the Wilderness. Using the dragon bones on the Ectofuntus earns 288 Prayer experience per bone.

Players will need to have completed Ghosts Ahoy for the ectophial and free access to Port Phasmatys. Players will also need to have access to a decent Magic spell. Iban's Blast is the best option at lower levels, however this requires having the Iban's staff (u). Having level 70 Agility for the pipe shortcut is strongly recommended, as without the shortcut this method would be a lot slower. The fastest way to get to the Taverley Dungeon is to have the player-owned house in Taverley, cast Teleport to house, and then run south. Alternatively, Falador Teleport provides a slightly slower access to the Taverley Dungeon through the shortcut in Falador's west wall.

With the optimal inventory setup, this method goes as follows:

  1. Kill 14 blue dragons in Taverley Dungeon for 14 dragon bones. After finishing the trip, empty the ectophial to teleport to the Ectofuntus.
  2. Grind 7 dragon bones into bonemeal upstairs, and put 1 extra bone into the hopper.
  3. Drop the remaining dragon bones on the floor upstairs. There is a very small chance other players see the bones and take them, but there are rarely other players upstairs so it is fairly safe to drop them.
  4. Enter Port Phasmatys and run east to the charter ship.
  5. Sell 1 law rune to the charter ship, and buy 14 buckets of slime. Hop Worlds to get all 14, and hop back to the world you were on previously.
  6. Drop the coins, and empty the ectophial.
  7. Worship the Ectofuntus to use up your bonemeal, and drop the empty buckets.
  8. Quickly pick up the dragon bones you dropped earlier, and grind them into bonemeal.
  9. Worship the Ectofuntus to use up your bonemeal once more, drop the empty buckets, and repeat the process.
Experience rates will vary depending on the type of spell used. When using Iban's Blast, players can expect to gain around 20,000 Prayer experience per hour; with weaker spells players can expect to gain around 10,000–15,000 Prayer experience per hour.

Another low-level training option is to kill hill giants. They drop ensouled giant heads at a rate of 1 in 25, which can be reanimated on the spot for 650 Prayer experience each. Hill giants also drop big bones every kill, which can be buried for 15 Prayer experience each. While this is a slightly slower method than the ones above, this method also grants some passive Melee experience, which can be valuable for some players.

Players will need to have level 41 Magic and be on the Arceuus spellbook (requires 60% Arceuus favour) to cast Adept Reanimation, so players can reanimate the ensouled heads as they get them on the spot. Players will also need decent Melee equipment to kill the hill giants, and food to heal themselves. Having access to fairy rings is strongly recommended, as this gives relatively fast access to the Dark Altar to switch spellbooks, and to the hill giants near the fairy ring DJR.

Experience rates vary depending on the player's equipment and stats. Players can gain up to somewhere around 10,000–12,000 Prayer experience per hour, as well as gaining a fair amount of passive Melee and Magic experience in the process.


A player reanimates an ensouled head.

Slayer training can offer a lot of passive Prayer experience from reanimating ensouled heads, casting offering spells on bones and demonic ashes, using the ash sanctifier, and using the bonecrusher.

The Arceuus spellbook and all of its reanimation spells can also be used. Saving up an inventory of ensouled heads during Slayer or combat training and reanimating them at the Dark Altar is an excellent way to passively gain Prayer experience while actively training other skills. The easiest way to reach the Dark Altar is by using the fairy ring CIS.

High-level players who have the occult altar in their player-owned house can opt to stay on the Arceuus spellbook during Melee tasks which give ensouled heads. This allows for quick reanimation of monsters in the location where they were killed, making it an even more efficient method of training.

Offering spells require wrath runes, which effectively requires completion of Dragon Slayer II. Wrath runes can be crafted at level 95 Runecraft. Players who do not have the Runecraft cape will need to get a wrath talisman, which is commonly dropped by Vorkath or Hat of the Eye with attuned catalytic tiara storable in the magic wardrobe of a costume room. Obtaining wrath runes from drops is generally not feasible, as they are dropped in relatively low quantities.

The ash sanctifier will automatically purify demonic ashes dropped from demonic creatures.

There are also a number of bosses that can be killed on task for noted bones, which can be later used at the Chaos Altar in the Wilderness. The Alchemical Hydra and Vorkath commonly drop noted dragon bones. Dagannoth Kings drop their bones after completion of the elite Fremennik Diary.

Killing green dragons in the Wilderness

Killing green dragons in the Wilderness and offering the bones at the Chaos Altar becomes the fastest viable Prayer training method after completing the elite Wilderness Diary. The diary reward makes the dragon bones drop in noted form, which allows players to do long trips at a time and offer the bones later. Players will also need to deathpile their items to keep them safe from player killers.

To speed up deathpiling, it is strongly recommended to have the respawn point and the player-owned house in Prifddinas, and have the locator orb to lower the Hitpoints faster. This requires completion of Song of the Elves and partial completion of Dragon Slayer II. Having relatively few items is also helpful.

It is recommended to use easily obtainable equipment the player does not mind potentially losing. Using a dragon scimitar along with Strength- and Prayer-boosting equipment is optimal. Players can optionally use the abyssal whip for better damage output, as it is relatively fast to obtain, however doing so is at the player's own risk.

Experience rates for the whole process vary depending on the weapon used and amount of player killers. With the dragon scimitar, players can gain up to around 85,000 Prayer experience per hour. When using the abyssal whip, it is possible to gain up to 95,000 Prayer experience per hour.

Method without the elite Wilderness Diary

File:Dwarven rock cake.png

Players who do not have the requirements for the elite Wilderness Diary can still kill green dragons in the Wilderness. This method is slower, but it has fewer requirements. It can be useful for getting level 70 Prayer early on to unlock Piety.

Since this method involves spending a significant amount of time in the Wilderness, dying to player killers is inevitable. For this reason, the player will need to prepare extra sets of gear ahead of time. Each gear setup costs about 10,000 coins. Alternatively, if you have completed Dragon Slayer I, then you could buy a green d'hide body from Oziach. This costs a bit more and takes a bit more time to get, but gives more attack than the studded body.

For this method, it is recommended to have the following:

To start off, set up deathpiles.

  1. Deathpile in the Lumbridge Basement. Use the dwarven rock cake to get your health down, then the bugs will kill you.
  2. Pick up coins, the dwarven rock cake, rune pouch, air, earth, fire, and law runes from the deathpile. Put 3 of the runes into the rune pouch.
  3. Teleport to Varrock. Buy 5 Studded bodies from the Horvik's Armour Shop, and Maple shortbows and 375 Steel arrows from the Lowe's Archery Emporium. Hop worlds for more stock if needed. Equip a bow and a body.
  4. Walk south to the Champions Guild. Buy 5 coifs, green d'hide chaps, and green d'hide vambraces from Scavvo's Rune Store. upstairs. Equip 1 of each item.
  5. Go to Draynor Manor. Buy 5 Ava's accumulators from Ava, and equip one.
  6. Return to the Lumbridge Castle basement. Deathpile all of these items, on a different tile than your other items to make it easier.
  7. Reset your other items deathpile timer by picking them up and dying again with them.

After the deathpiles have been set up, this method goes as follows:

  1. Pick up a ranged set (shortbow, coif, body, champs, vambraces, Ava's accumulator) from the deathpile in the Lumbridge Castle basement.
  2. Minigame teleport to Clan Wars. If the teleport is on cooldown, get an axe from the Woodsman tutor and take a Waka canoe to Ferox Enclave.
  3. Buy 350 adamant arrows from the Last Man Standing shop. Buy more if you run out before dying.
  4. Safespot green dragons north of the Ferox Enclave for their bones. You will likely get a looting bag before your inventory is full. Pick it up, then fill it with bones as well.
  5. Head north-west to the Chaos Altar in level 38 Wilderness. Use the bones in the inventory at the altar. Destroy the looting bag and pick up the bones to use them.
  6. Return to the green dragons for more bones. Repeat until you die or are close to your 1 hour death pile timer running out.
  7. If you do not die to a pker and need to reset your death piles, simply suicide to a green dragon. You can then return after resetting the piles and your gear will still be by the dragons (so you don't need to get a new set).

Players can optionally use blighted manta rays from the Last Man Standing shop as food. This will give the player a better chance at surviving a player killer, but the manta rays take up inventory space and cost LMS points.

Players may want to move away from the Chaos Altar before destroying their looting bag. This reduces the risk of having to hop worlds before picking up all your bones from the ground and likely losing them.

Players can also do this method using higher level weapons such as a rune crossbow, magic shortbow, dragon scimitar, abyssal whip or even crystal bow. They could also prepare black dragonhide armour. These setups would kill the dragons faster, but have much higher requirements to obtain. Additionally they are only worthwhile if the player does not die often, as the extra time to obtain the gear will quickly outweigh the faster kills.

With 67 Ranged, basic gear, and no deaths this method provides around 40,000 Prayer experience per hour. This will be dramatically reduced by dying though, especially at the Chaos Altar with all of your bones.

With 99 Ranged, a crystal bow, black dragonhide armour, and flicking Rigour it is possible to gain up to 60,000–70,000 Prayer experience per hour depending on performance, green dragon location used, and amount of food brought.

Killing green dragons in the Myths' Guild Dungeon

Killing green dragons in the Corsair Cove Dungeon under Myths' Guild is a slightly slower but still relatively fast alternative to killing green dragons in the Wilderness. Having a dragon hunter lance is strongly recommended for this method, as it has much higher damage output compared to other weapons. This method is significantly worse without the dragon hunter lance, so players who do not have one should consider killing green dragons in the Wilderness instead as it offers much faster experience.

For this method, players need to have completed Dragon Slayer II to access the Myths' Guild part of the Corsair Cove Dungeon. Players will also need a sizeable amount of wrath runes for casting Sinister Offering. This effectively requires having level 95 Runecraft to craft them, as obtaining them through other means is very slow. Being able to cast Sinister Offering also requires completion of A Kingdom Divided and level 92 Magic. Players will also need antifire potions to negate dragonfire damage.

When using Sinister Offering, players can gain up to 70,000–75,000 Prayer experience per hour. Rates can vary depending on the equipment.


Players who cannot easily obtain wrath runes can offer the bones at a gilded altar instead. This requires marrentills for using the gilded altar to gain extra experience per bone. However, using the gilded altar is more click-intensive and requires more preparation than using Sinister Offering. Due to much shorter trips, having less inventory space for the bones lowers the rates considerably.

By using the mythical cape teleport and the Teleport to House spell, a player can quickly travel between the green dragons in the guild's dungeon and a gilded altar in their player-owned house. To use this method, the player should kill green dragons until they have only two inventory spots open, after which they should use Camelot Teleport to get to the Seers' Village bank in order to unnote two marrentill. Then, cast Teleport to House, light the braziers around the gilded altar, and use the bones on the altar.

With level 99 Construction, the teleport runes can be replaced with the Construction cape. This allows the use of Master Reanimation from the Arceuus spellbook on the ensouled dragon heads to further increase Prayer experience rates. This also necessitates another way to unnote the marrentills for the altar, such as a bank near to a POH portal (like the one in Prifddinas), using a Jewellery box to teleport to a bank, unnoting at Phials at Rimmington, or using the Rada's blessing 4 to unnote atop Mount Karuulm.

Experience rates vary depending on the player's equipment and setup. With the Construction cape and when using the dragon hunter lance, it is possible to gain up to 70,000–75,000 experience per hour. When including the time to gather marrentills, the effective experience rate goes down to around 65,000–70,000 Prayer experience per hour. Without the Construction cape, players can expect to gain up to around 55,000–65,000 Prayer experience per hour.

Using noted bones at the Chaos Altar

The Chaos Temple in level 38 Wilderness has an altar which grants the same experience as a gilded altar with two burners lit, but also gives a 50% chance for the bone not to be consumed. This effectively doubles the amount of experience received per bone, which is very good for Ultimate Ironmen as gathering the bones can be very time-consuming. While bones can be processed faster at the gilded altar, the extra experience given per bone makes the Chaos Altar much better for using up noted bones for Prayer experience. Additionally, players do not have to gather marrentills to use the bones.

For this method to be viable, players will need to have completed Song of the Elves to be able to have the respawn point and player-owned house in Prifddinas, and Dragon Slayer II (partially) for the locator orb to suicide much faster. Players will also need to have house portals to Draynor Manor and Ghorrock. Alternatively, players who do not have the Magic level for the Ghorrock portal can use the Cemetery portal instead, which is slightly slower.

Noted dragon bones can be obtained from killing green dragons in the Wilderness (see above) after completion of the elite tasks in the Wilderness Diary. Noted dragon bones are also commonly dropped by Zulrah, Vorkath, and Alchemical Hydra. After completion of the elite tasks in the Fremennik Diary, Dagannoth Kings drop the dagannoth bones in noted form.

Players can gain up to around 320,000 Prayer experience per hour with noted dragon bones, not including the time gathering the bones and assuming players are not interrupted often. This equates to around 630 bones used per hour.


As bringing noted bones into the Wilderness is not viable for Ultimate Ironmen due to high risk, players have to only bring 1 inventory of bones at a time to the altar. Having access to 2000 or 2200 total worlds is recommended to have a smaller chance of getting attacked by player killers.

To start off, you will need to set up multiple deathpiles as follows:

  1. Deathpile your items on the ground near the respawn point in Prifddinas.
  2. Talk to Ava to get a full inventory of locator orbs, and deathpile them near the respawn point to a different square.
  3. Pick up the noted bones and 1 locator orb from the ground.
  4. Unnote 26 bones at the bank north of the respawn point. While running to the bank, lower your Hitpoints with the locator orb.
  5. Run back to the respawn point, and pickpocket an elf nearby to suicide to a different square your previous deathpiles are at.

You should now have three different deathpiles on different squares: one with all your items, one with multiple locator orbs, and one with noted and unnoted bones. After setting up the deathpiles, this method goes as follows:

  1. Pick up the noted bones and 1 locator orb from the deathpile that also has 26 unnoted bones.
  2. Unnote 26 bones at the bank north of the respawn point. While running to the bank, lower your Hitpoints with the locator orb.
  3. Run back to the respawn point, and pickpocket an elf nearby to suicide. When suiciding, make sure you stand in a different square than one of your existing deathpiles is at.
  4. Pick up 26 unnoted bones from the deathpile that does not have noted bones in it.
  5. Pick up 1 locator orb from the deathpile with multiple locator orbs. Go to your player-owned house and use the Ghorrock portal (or Cemetery portal) to enter the Wilderness.
  6. Head to the chaos temple, and manually use all your bones in your inventory at the altar. After you have used up all your bones, lower your Hitpoints with the locator orb, and suicide to the nearby wine of zamorak.
  7. Repeat the process. Get more locator orbs from Ava whenever needed, and deathpile your items again every 45–50 minutes to prevent them for despawning.


Pest Control

Participating in the Pest Control minigame and spending the points on Prayer experience is a slow but fairly low-effort training method. However, it does not require much inventory space or gearing up, which makes it a feasible option while training Farming and Fletching.

It is recommended to have at least level 100 combat for the veteran boat, and some Melee equipment for decent enough damage output. Dragon dagger special attacks can be used to quickly get the activity bar full; alternatively, players can use the dragon battleaxe special attack for a free Strength boost every game.

The experience per point scales depending on the Prayer level, and players can expect to gain around 125 commendation points per hour in the veteran boat (100 and 75 points in the intermediate and novice boats, respectively). Each combat achievement tier completed up to hard will grant the player one additional point per game equating to an approximately 25 more points per hour per tier completed, for a total maximum of about 200 points per hour on the veteran boat with the hard combat achievement rewards.

Players should always spend 100 points at a time, as this grants a 10% bonus to the amount of experience received. It is best to spend the points at higher Prayer levels to get the most experience out of them. Up to 4,000 points can be stored, which would take around 32 hours to get.

The below table shows the amount of Prayer experience gained per point at each Prayer level range. The experience rate assumes players complete 24 veteran boat games per hour and spend the points 100 at a time for the extra experience.

Prayer level Base XP/point XP/point (+10%) XP/h XP/h (Easy tasks) XP/h (Medium tasks) XP/h (Hard tasks)
25–34 18 19.8 2,400 2,880 3,360 3,840
35–42 36 39.6 4,800 5,760 6,720 7,680
43–48 54 59.4 7,100 8,520 9,940 11,360
49–54 72 79.2 9,500 11,400 13,300 15,200
55–59 90 99 11,900 14,280 16,660 19,040
60–64 108 118.8 14,300 17,160 20,020 22,880
65–69 126 138.6 16,600 19,920 23,240 26,560
70–73 144 158.4 19,000 22,800 26,600 30,400
74–77 162 178.2 21,400 25,680 29,960 34,240
78–81 180 198 23,800 28,560 33,320 38,080
82–84 198 217.8 26,100 31,320 36,540 41,760
85–88 216 237.6 28,500 34,200 39,900 45,600
89–91 234 257.4 30,900 37,080 43,260 49,440
92–94 252 277.2 33,300 39,960 46,620 53,280
95–97 270 297 35,600 42,720 49,840 56,960
98–99 288 316.8 38,000 45,600 53,200 60,800

For more information, see Ultimate Ironman Guide/Fletching and Ultimate Ironman Guide/Farming.

Killing red dragons in the Forthos Dungeon

The Scorched Grotto.

Killing red dragons in the Forthos Dungeon is a viable Prayer training method due to the self-contained nature of the dungeon. This method is considerably slower than other methods, but it has relatively few requirements and offers decent profit from processing the hides.

Once unlocked, players can offer bones obtained from killing the dragons at the Sacred Bone Burner, which gives triple Prayer experience per bone. Players can use the nearby altar to top up on Prayer points while killing dragons, and grubby keys can be used to restock on food and other supplies.

With level 73 Crafting, players should bring a needle and some thread, as the nearby tanner Eodan can turn red dragonhide drops into red dragon leather. Crafting red dragonhide armour pieces and alching them can add a bit of Crafting experience and gold to this training method. Completion of the Kourend & Kebos Diary will lower Eodan's tanning costs, depending on the level of diary completion.

Experience rates vary depending on combat level and equipment. Players can gain up 20,000 Prayer experience per hour, assuming the player is also processing the hides for profit. This would also give around 6,000 Crafting experience and 250,000 coins per hour. Ignoring the hides and focusing solely on the dragons will improve experience rates, while killing baby dragons will lower experience rates.

Fossil Island fossils

The mycelium pool interface.

Various activities on Fossil Island will reward the player with Fossil Island fossils. These can be used with the Mycelium pool on the island to create enriched bones, which can in turn be exchanged for Prayer experience. Popular sources for these fossils include tracking the herbiboar, training underwater, fighting ammonite crabs, and chopping sulliusceps.

For more information, see Ultimate Ironman Guide/Hunter.


With completion of the hard tasks in the Morytania Diary, the bonecrusher can be used in combat to automatically bury any bones for some passive Prayer experience. The bonecrusher is charged with ecto-tokens, rewarded for using bonemeal at the Ectofuntus. Each ecto-token gives 25 charges for the bonecrusher.

The best way to maintain bonecrusher charges is to claim the daily bonemeal and slime from Robin. The player can either bring whatever bones they may have on hand, or simply kill undead chickens nearby to quickly collect bones. The Ectofuntus can be quickly travelled to with the Ectophial, which can be easily purchased from Perdu in Lumbridge.

Having the bonecrusher is strongly recommended for training Ranged with chinning, as players can gain a lot of passive Prayer experience from that. It is also useful in the Catacombs of Kourend, where it will restore a small amount of Prayer points as well.

For more information, see Ultimate Ironman Guide/Ranged.

Blessed Bone Shards

Blessed bone shards are used to make sacrifices at the libation bowl at the Teomat. To make sacrifices, the libation bowl must be filled with jugs of blessed wine, and the player must have at least 2 Prayer points to perform it.

Each bone shard sacrificed gives 5 Prayer experience, and can be increased to 6 per shard by using a jug of blessed sunfire wine in place of regular blessed wine. Zealot's robes can be used when sacrificing shards, the preservation chance is calculated for an individual shard, rather than the entire set of 100 for every action.

Up to 100 shards can be sacrificed per action at the libation bowl. Each jug of blessed (sunfire) wine poured into the libation bowl allows for 400 shards to be sacrificed.

Blessed bone shards can be obtained from various activities in Varlamore, such as breaking down sun-kissed bones and blessed bone statuettes, mining calcified rocks, blessing bones at the exposed altar, and you have a chance at getting some when opening Hunters' loot sack's after completing a Hunters' Rumours.