Skilling equipment

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Skilling equipment increase the experience gained in a specific skill or provide other skill-boosting benefits when worn. These items can be obtained in a number of ways. For skills that have an experience-boosting set, when every part of the set is worn, it provides a 2.5% experience boost. This boost does not apply to certain experience rewards, such as quest experience rewards or finishing a round of Wintertodt.

List of outfits

Note: all outfits come with four pieces except for Graceful (6) and Rogue's (5).

Skill Set Effect(s) Source(s)
Agility Agility Purchased with 260 marks of grace from Grace's Graceful Clothing
Construction Construction
  • 2.5% experience boost
Purchased with a total of 2000 points from the Mahogany Homes Reward Shop
Farming Farming
  • 2.5% experience boost
Purchased with a total of 400 points from the Tithe Farm
Firemaking Firemaking
  • 2.5% experience boost
Obtained from opening supply crates after subduing the Wintertodt with at least 500 points
Fishing Fishing
  • 2.5% experience boost
Purchased with spirit flakes and a corresponding angler's outfit piece from Gita Prymes
Hunter Hunter
  • 2.5% bonus to catch rate
  • 5% increased chance to obtain a Rare Creature Part when hunting Rumours
Obtained from completing Rumours for the Hunter Guild
Mining Mining
  • 2.5% experience boost
Purchased with golden nuggets from Prospector Percy's Nugget Shop
Obtained by using a star fragment on each piece of the regular prospector kit
Prayer Prayer Obtained by looting gold chests within the Shade Catacombs
Runecraft Runecraft
  • 60% more runes when Runecrafting
Purchased with a total of 1350 Abyssal pearls from the Guardians of the Rift Temple Supplies shop
Smithing Smithing Purchased with a total of 15,000 Foundry Reputation from the Giants' Foundry
Thieving Thieving Obtained from looting the safe at the end of the Rogues' Den minigame
Woodcutting Woodcutting
  • 2.5% experience boost
Purchased with Anima-infused bark, various noted Logs, and a corresponding Lumberjack outfit piece from the Forestry Shop
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 20% chance per piece, with the full set guaranteeing the effect.

Individual items

Individual gear pieces that are not part of a set but provide an experience boost or other skill-boosting effect.

Skill Item Effect(s) Source(s)
Agility Agility
  • Once per day, restores 100% run energy and provides the effect of a stamina potion for one minute
  • Acts as a graceful cape
Purchased for 99,000 coins after achieving 99 Agility
  • Doubles the regeneration and time of stamina potions while worn and charged (immediately removes doubling effect on ring removal)
  • Passively reduces run energy drain by 15% with 500 or more charges (does not stack with active stamina potion buff)
Obtained from the Grand Hallowed Coffin in the Hallowed Sepulchre
Cooking Cooking Reward from Family Crest/Pest
Purchased for 99,000 coins after achieving 99 Cooking
Farming Farming
  • Provides a 25% chance to use only one seed instead of three when planting in allotment patches, consuming 1 charge of 10 total.
  • Created by enchanting an opal amulet using the Lvl-1 Enchant spell
  • Purchased from another player or from the Grand Exchange for 794 coins
Partial completion of Fairytale I - Growing Pains
Purchased for 99,000 coins after achieving 99 Farming
Fishing Fishing

Created by combining:

Rada's blessing
  • Gives a 2/4/6/8% chance to catch two fish at once everywhere when equipped (no additional XP is given), excluding Tempoross
Reward for completing tiers of the Kourend & Kebos Diary
Herblore Herblore
  • Has a 5% chance when mixing a potion to create 4 doses rather than the typical 3 doses, consuming one charge of five total. This does not grant extra experience.
  • Has a 15% chance when mixing a potion to create 4 doses rather than the typical 3 doses, consuming one charge out of a maximum of 5000, and is recharged with Amulets of chemistry. This does not grant extra experience.
Obtained as a reward from Mastering Mixology
  • Grants a 10% chance to save a secondary ingredient when mixing potions.
Obtained as a reward from Mastering Mixology
  • Allows grimy herbs to be used in creating unfinished potions, giving the experience of cleaning the herb
  • Zahur in Nardah will create unfinished potions for 200 coins each
  • Can be searched for a pestle and mortar
Purchased for 99,000 coins after achieving 99 Herblore
Hunter Hunter
Mining Mining Increases the chance of obtaining uncut gems while mining and increases the speed of mining gem rocks.
  • Gives an invisible +4 boost to Mining
  • When charged, gives a 1/10 chance of giving an extra ore when mining rocks up to adamantite, granting experience for both ores mined
Purchased from Dusuri's Star Shop for 2000 stardust

Same as celestial ring; in addition:

Created by combining:

Requires 70 Smithing and 70 Crafting

Mining gloves
  • Gives a chance to prevent rocks from becoming depleted after mining an ore from them[b]
Purchased with unidentified minerals from Mining Guild Mineral Exchange

Varrock armour Reward from completing tiers of the Varrock Diary
  • Gives a 5% chance of receiving an extra ore while mining ore up to adamantite, granting experience for both ores mined[d]
Purchased for 99,000 coins after achieving 99 Mining
Runecraft Runecraft
Purchased for 99,000 coins after achieving 99 Runecraft
Slayer Slayer

Slayer equipment See the main page on Slayer equipment for information on the various tools and weapons used when fighting Slayer monsters. Various sources
Smithing Smithing Reward from Family Crest/Pest

Varrock armour Reward from completing tiers of the Varrock Diary
Purchased for 99,000 coins after achieving 99 Smithing
Thieving Thieving
  • 25% chance of not getting hit and stunned when unsuccessfully pickpocketing an NPC
Purchased for 99,000 coins after achieving 99 Thieving
Woodcutting Woodcutting Kandarin headgear
  • Grants 1 extra logs while wearing with no additional experience
Reward from completing tiers of the Kandarin Diary
  • Increases the drop rate of egg nests from 3/100 to 3/95. This is done by removing 5 seed nest rolls; the seed nest rate therefore decreases from 65/100 to 60/95.[2] As such, players who value seed nests should not wear this necklace while woodcutting.
  • Additional 10% chance of a bird nest falling while chopping trees
Purchased for 99,000 coins after achieving 99 Woodcutting
  1. ^ Stacks with the magic secateurs.
  2. ^ Standard mining gloves affect silver, coal, and gold. Superior mining gloves affect mithril, adamantite, and runite. Expert mining gloves combine the effects of standard and superior gloves, while also affecting amethyst crystals.
  3. ^ Varrock armour 1 affects rocks up to gold, as well as tephra. Varrock armour 2 affects rocks up to mithril, as well as lovakite, sandstone, and granite. Varrock armour 3 affects rocks up to adamantite, as well as soft clay. Varrock armour 4 affects all standard rocks, including amethyst crystals.
  4. ^ Percentage chance stacks with Varrock armour.
  5. ^ Varrock armour 1 affects bars up to steel. Varrock armour 2 affects bars up to mithril. Varrock armour 3 affects bars up to adamantite. Varrock armour 4 affects all bars.
  6. ^ Does not stack with the completion of the medium and hard Ardougne Diaries. Completion of the medium diary causes the gloves to become ineffective and to not degrade within Ardougne; likewise, completion of the hard diary does the same in all of Gielinor, and makes the gloves completely obsolete.
  7. ^ Stacks with the completion of the easy, medium, and hard Ardougne Diaries.


  1. ^ "Collection Log Improvements and The Last of Poll 74". RuneScape News. Jagex. 7 April 2021. Archived from the original.
  2. ^