Greater abyssal demon

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Greater abyssal demon
Released15 September 2016 (Update)
Combat level342
ExamineA greater denizen of the Abyss.
League regionKourendMisthalinMorytaniaWilderness
Combat info
XP bonus+5%
Max hit31
Attack styleStab
Attack speed4 ticks (2.4 seconds)
Slayer info
Slayer level85
Slayer XP4,200 xp
CategoryAbyssal Demons
Assigned by File:Konar chathead.png
Combat stats
Aggressive stats
Monster attack bonusMonster strength bonusMonster magic strength bonusMonster ranged strength bonus
Melee defence
Magic defence
No elemental weakness
+0No elemental weakness
Ranged defence
PoisonNot immune
Advanced data
Monster ID7410

The greater abyssal demon is a superior variant of the normal abyssal demon. It has a chance of spawning when an abyssal demon is killed if the player has purchased the unlock Bigger and Badder for 150 Slayer reward points from any Slayer master.

The greater abyssal demon has a special attack, like other high levelled superior slayer monsters. It will increase its attack speed to 1 and quickly attack four times in succession, teleporting around the player on each attack. These attacks will always hit regardless of the player's defensive bonuses and is guaranteed to hit well over 20 damage for each attack if not using Protect from Melee. Unlike its normal brethren, it will not teleport itself or the player at random outside of the special attack.

Like all demons, the greater abyssal demon is weak against demonbane weapons.


In addition to 100% drops and tertiary drops, superior slayer monsters will always roll 3 additional items, of which only 1 roll may be from the superior unique table. The other rolls are performed on the regular counterpart's table; their displayed drop chances represent a single roll.

Drop rates estimated based on 1,142,066 samples from the Drop Rate Project, unless otherwise cited.


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Abyssal ashes.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Abyssal ashes with rarity Always in quantity 1Abyssal ashes1Always2,1071
Ensouled abyssal head.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Ensouled abyssal head with rarity Always in quantity 1Ensouled abyssal head1Always5,265351
Brimstone key.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Brimstone key with rarity Always in quantity 1Brimstone key1Always[d 1]Not soldN/A
  1. ^ Brimstone keys are only dropped if killed on a Slayer task given by Konar quo Maten.

Weapons and armour

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Black sword.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Black sword with rarity 4/128 in quantity 1Black sword14/128367374
Steel battleaxe.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Steel battleaxe with rarity 3/128 in quantity 1Steel battleaxe13/128151390
Black axe.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Black axe with rarity 2/128 in quantity 1Black axe12/128889230
Mithril kiteshield.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Mithril kiteshield with rarity 1/128 in quantity 1Mithril kiteshield11/1281,0531,326
Rune chainbody.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Rune chainbody with rarity 1/128 in quantity 1Rune chainbody11/12829,54730,000
Rune med helm.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Rune med helm with rarity 1/128 in quantity 1Rune med helm11/12810,99411,520
Abyssal whip.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Abyssal whip with rarity 1/512 in quantity 1Abyssal whip11/512[1]1,325,97272,000
Abyssal dagger.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Abyssal dagger with rarity 1/32,000 in quantity 1Abyssal dagger11/32,000[2]2,228,45269,000


There is a 19/128 chance of rolling the herb drop table.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Grimy guam leaf.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Grimy guam leaf with rarity 1/26.9 in quantity 1Grimy guam leaf11/26.93267
Grimy marrentill.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Grimy marrentill with rarity 1/35.9 in quantity 1Grimy marrentill11/35.93988
Grimy tarromin.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Grimy tarromin with rarity 1/47.9 in quantity 1Grimy tarromin11/47.93799
Grimy harralander.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Grimy harralander with rarity 1/61.6 in quantity 1Grimy harralander11/61.66769
Grimy ranarr weed.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Grimy ranarr weed with rarity 1/78.4 in quantity 1Grimy ranarr weed11/78.46,70918
Grimy irit leaf.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Grimy irit leaf with rarity 1/107.8 in quantity 1Grimy irit leaf11/107.81,47210
Grimy avantoe.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Grimy avantoe with rarity 1/143.7 in quantity 1Grimy avantoe11/143.73,26310
Grimy kwuarm.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Grimy kwuarm with rarity 1/172.5 in quantity 1Grimy kwuarm11/172.53,57412
Grimy cadantine.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Grimy cadantine with rarity 1/215.6 in quantity 1Grimy cadantine11/215.62,98713
Grimy lantadyme.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Grimy lantadyme with rarity 1/287.4 in quantity 1Grimy lantadyme11/287.41,86113
Grimy dwarf weed.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Grimy dwarf weed with rarity 1/287.4 in quantity 1Grimy dwarf weed11/287.42,03614


The overall chance of rolling a coin drop is 58/128 with an average value of 130.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Coins_100.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Coins with rarity 35/128 in quantity 132Coins13235/128132132
Coins_100.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Coins with rarity 9/128 in quantity 220Coins2209/128220220
Coins_25.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Coins with rarity 7/128 in quantity 30Coins307/1283030
Coins_25.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Coins with rarity 6/128 in quantity 44Coins446/1284444
Coins_250.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Coins with rarity 1/128 in quantity 460Coins4601/128460460


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Air rune.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Air rune with rarity 8/128 in quantity 50Air rune508/128250100
Chaos rune.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Chaos rune with rarity 6/128 in quantity 10Chaos rune106/1281,020540
Pure essence.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Pure essence with rarity 5/128 in quantity 60 (noted)Pure essence60 (noted)5/12860120
Blood rune.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Blood rune with rarity 4/128 in quantity 7Blood rune74/1281,4981,680
Lobster.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Lobster with rarity 2/128 in quantity 1Lobster12/12815842
Adamantite bar.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Adamantite bar with rarity 2/128 in quantity 1Adamantite bar12/1281,921384
Law rune.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Law rune with rarity 1/128 in quantity 3Law rune31/128381432
Cosmic talisman.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Cosmic talisman with rarity 1/128 in quantity 1Cosmic talisman11/1282592
Chaos talisman.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Chaos talisman with rarity 1/128 in quantity 1Chaos talisman11/1283092
Defence potion(3).png: Greater abyssal demon drops Defence potion(3) with rarity 1/128 in quantity 1Defence potion(3)11/12838972

Rare and Gem drop table

There is a 2/128 chance of rolling the rare drop table. There is also a 5/128 chance of rolling the gem drop table.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
This does not exist.NothingN/A1/44.78; Never[d 1]N/AN/A
Coins_1000.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Coins with rarity 1/390.1 in quantity 3000Coins3,0001/390.13,0003,000
Loop half of key.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Loop half of key with rarity 1/361.58 in quantity 1Loop half of key11/361.58; 1/324.68[d 2]11,91960
Tooth half of key.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Tooth half of key with rarity 1/361.58 in quantity 1Tooth half of key11/361.58; 1/324.68[d 2]11,92560
Uncut sapphire.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Uncut sapphire with rarity 1/96.38 in quantity 1Uncut sapphire11/96.38; 1/48.94[d 2]23815
Runite bar.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Runite bar with rarity 1/1,638.4 in quantity 1Runite bar11/1,638.412,4673,000
Nature rune.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Nature rune with rarity 1/2,730.67 in quantity 67Nature rune671/2,730.677,1697,236
Rune 2h sword.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Rune 2h sword with rarity 1/2,730.67 in quantity 1Rune 2h sword11/2,730.6737,88538,400
Rune battleaxe.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Rune battleaxe with rarity 1/2,730.67 in quantity 1Rune battleaxe11/2,730.6724,30024,960
Uncut emerald.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Uncut emerald with rarity 1/192.75 in quantity 1Uncut emerald11/192.75; 1/97.88[d 2]46330
Law rune.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Law rune with rarity 1/4,096 in quantity 45Law rune451/4,0965,7156,480
Death rune.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Death rune with rarity 1/4,096 in quantity 45Death rune451/4,0967,2004,860
Steel arrow.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Steel arrow with rarity 1/4,096 in quantity 150Steel arrow1501/4,0962,7001,050
Rune arrow.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Rune arrow with rarity 1/4,096 in quantity 42Rune arrow421/4,0962,35210,080
Adamant javelin.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Adamant javelin with rarity 1/4,096 in quantity 20Adamant javelin201/4,0961,1401,920
Rune sq shield.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Rune sq shield with rarity 1/4,096 in quantity 1Rune sq shield11/4,09622,55123,040
Dragonstone.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Dragonstone with rarity 1/4,096 in quantity 1Dragonstone11/4,09611,5806,000
Silver ore.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Silver ore with rarity 1/4,096 in quantity 100 (noted)Silver ore100 (noted)1/4,0966,5004,500
Uncut ruby.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Uncut ruby with rarity 1/385.51 in quantity 1Uncut ruby11/385.51; 1/195.76[d 2]98860
Rune kiteshield.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Rune kiteshield with rarity 1/8,192 in quantity 1Rune kiteshield11/8,19232,13132,640
Dragon med helm.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Dragon med helm with rarity 1/8,192 in quantity 1Dragon med helm11/8,19259,00660,000
Rune spear.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Rune spear with rarity 1/7,423.55 in quantity 1Rune spear11/7,423.55; 1/759.24[d 2][d 3]11,87112,480
Shield left half.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Shield left half with rarity 1/14,847.09 in quantity 1Shield left half11/14,847.09; 1/1,518.48[d 2][d 3]65,39466,000
Nature talisman.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Nature talisman with rarity 1/1,028.02 in quantity 1Nature talisman11/1,028.02; 1/522.04[d 2]3282
Dragon spear.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Dragon spear with rarity 1/19,796.13 in quantity 1Dragon spear11/19,796.13; 1/2,024.64[d 2][d 3]38,85437,440
Uncut diamond.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Uncut diamond with rarity 1/1,542.02 in quantity 1Uncut diamond11/1,542.02; 1/783.06[d 2]2,142120
Rune javelin.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Rune javelin with rarity 1/3,084.05 in quantity 5Rune javelin51/3,084.05; 1/1,566.12[d 2]9501,200
  1. ^ The "nothing" drop is removed while wearing a ring of wealth.
  2. ^ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 The drop rate is increased while wearing a ring of wealth due to the "nothing" drop being removed.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Slightly reduced chance of dropping if Legends' Quest has not been completed.


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Clue scroll (hard).png: Greater abyssal demon drops Clue scroll (hard) with rarity 10/128 in quantity 1Clue scroll (hard)110/128[d 1][1][3]Not sold12
Clue scroll (elite).png: Greater abyssal demon drops Clue scroll (elite) with rarity 1/120 in quantity 1Clue scroll (elite)11/120[d 2][1][3]Not sold12
Abyssal head.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Abyssal head with rarity 1/6,000 in quantity 1Abyssal head11/6,000[1]Not sold7,200
  1. ^ The hard clue scroll drop rate increases to 1/12 after unlocking the hard Combat Achievements rewards tier.
  2. ^ The elite clue scroll drop rate increases to 1/114 after unlocking the elite Combat Achievements rewards tier.

Catacombs tertiary

The following drops are only accessible while killing the Catacombs of Kourend variants.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Ancient shard.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Ancient shard with rarity 1/66 in quantity 1Ancient shard11/66Not sold122
Dark totem base.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Dark totem base with rarity Always in quantity 1Dark totem base1Always[d 1]Not sold123
Dark totem middle.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Dark totem middle with rarity Always in quantity 1Dark totem middle1Always[d 1]Not sold123
Dark totem top.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Dark totem top with rarity Always in quantity 1Dark totem top1Always[d 1]Not sold123
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 One totem piece dropped per kill.

Wilderness Slayer Cave tertiary

The following drops are only accessible while on a Slayer task given by Krystilia.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Larran's key.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Larran's key with rarity Always in quantity 1Larran's key1Always142,8951
Slayer's enchantment.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Slayer's enchantment with rarity 1/80 in quantity 1Slayer's enchantment11/801,686720

Superior Slayer tertiary

The chance to spawn a superior creature is 1/200.[d 1]

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Mist battlestaff.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Mist battlestaff with rarity 1/101 in quantity 1Mist battlestaff11/10152,8939,300
Dust battlestaff.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Dust battlestaff with rarity 1/101 in quantity 1Dust battlestaff11/10116,8689,300
Eternal gem.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Eternal gem with rarity 1/352 in quantity 1Eternal gem11/3528,682,4035,700
Imbued heart.png: Greater abyssal demon drops Imbued heart with rarity 1/352 in quantity 1Imbued heart11/352105,502,562300,000
  1. ^ The superior creature spawn rate increases to 1/150 after unlocking the elite Combat Achievements rewards tier.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:8 May 2024| |0}} {{#explode:8 May 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:8 May 2024| |2}}]]

Superior slayer monsters are now guaranteed to drop brimstone keys when on a task from Konar.

4 June –
10 November 2021

The word "abyss" in its examine text was changed to "Abyss."

[[{{#explode:16 June 2021| |0}} {{#explode:16 June 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:16 June 2021| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

Greater abyssal demons now drop abyssal ashes in place of regular ashes.

[[{{#explode:23 February 2017| |0}} {{#explode:23 February 2017| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:23 February 2017| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

The greater abyssal demon was given a graphical update to be more distinguishable from their regular variant.

Gallery (historical)

15 September 2016 –
23 February 2017
23 February 2017 –


  • The graphical update to the greater abyssal demons made them smaller than normal abyssal demons.


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Envision. "Drop Rates V2." 29 July 2014. Old School RuneScape Forums.
  2. ^ Jagex. Update: Item Incinerator. Retrieved 10 March 2019.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Jagex. Update: Superior Slayer Encounters. Retrieved 10 March 2019.