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NormalSlayer task
Released26 January 2005 (Update)
Combat level115
ExamineAn evil death demon.
Combat info
XP bonus+0%
Max hit11
Attack styleCrush
Attack speed4 ticks (2.4 seconds)
Slayer info
Slayer level80
Slayer XP105 xp
Assigned by File:Konar chathead.png
Combat stats
Aggressive stats
Monster attack bonusMonster strength bonusMonster magic strength bonusMonster ranged strength bonus
Melee defence
Magic defence
No elemental weakness
+0No elemental weakness
Ranged defence
PoisonNot immune
VenomNot immune
CannonsNot immune
ThrallsNot immune
Advanced data
Monster ID8

Nechryael are demonic Slayer creatures, which require a Slayer level of 80 in order to harm. They are found in the Slayer Tower, and their stronger variant, Greater nechryael, can be found in the Catacombs of Kourend, Iorwerth Dungeon, and the Wilderness Slayer Cave. Nechryael are known for their rune boots drop, which are one of the few boots to provide a Strength bonus when worn. They are also known for their frequent drop rates of seeds and combat runes.

Commonly, nechryael summon death spawns to aid them, up to a limit of two each per nechryael. Death spawns have semi-inaccurate attacks with a max hit of 2, and their attacks can hit through Protect from Melee. Auto-retaliate does not work on them, so you will have to click the death spawn to attack it. Death spawns will not be summoned if the nechryael is unable to attack the player back (such as when being safespotted). The death spawns will stop attacking any player who moves more than 7 tiles away from them, which is useful when fighting the more powerful nechryarch.

Arclight can be very effective against nechryael, as they are considered to be demonic creatures. Their stronger variant, greater nechryael, are more commonly killed with Ice Burst or Ice Barrage in the Catacombs of Kourend.


Location Levels Members Spawns Map League region
Slayer Tower Top Floor115Members11<maplink mapID="0" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="2" y="3569" x="3441" group="pins" zoom="2"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[3433.5,3570.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"0","providerID":0,"group":"pins","icon":"redPin","plane":"2","description":"

X/Y: 3433,3570


X/Y: 3435,3574


X/Y: 3437,3566


X/Y: 3439,3570


X/Y: 3441,3574


X/Y: 3443,3570


X/Y: 3444,3566


X/Y: 3445,3560


X/Y: 3446,3574


X/Y: 3447,3563


X/Y: 3449,3572

"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Morytania Morytania
Slayer Tower Basement115Members12<maplink mapID="14" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="9964" x="3413" group="pins" zoom="2"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[3403.5,9968.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"14","providerID":0,"group":"pins","icon":"redPin","plane":"0","description":"

X/Y: 3403,9968


X/Y: 3406,9961


X/Y: 3406,9971


X/Y: 3407,9957


X/Y: 3411,9961


X/Y: 3412,9969


X/Y: 3413,9965


X/Y: 3414,9954


X/Y: 3417,9959


X/Y: 3417,9970


X/Y: 3424,9960


X/Y: 3424,9969

"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Morytania Morytania

Nechryaels located in the Slayer Tower Basement can only be attacked whilst on a Slayer task.


In the Slayer Tower there are many tables and buckets, which can easily be used to safespot Nechryael. Safespotting Nechryael prevents them from summoning death spawns and makes the task very easy.


Drop rates estimated based on 387,181 samples from the Drop Rate Project, unless otherwise cited.


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Malicious ashes.png: Nechryael drops Malicious ashes with rarity Always in quantity 1Malicious ashes1Always1,1221

Weapons and armour

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Adamant platelegs.png: Nechryael drops Adamant platelegs with rarity 4/116 in quantity 1Adamant platelegs14/1163,4883,840
Rune 2h sword.png: Nechryael drops Rune 2h sword with rarity 4/116 in quantity 1Rune 2h sword14/11637,88538,400
Rune full helm.png: Nechryael drops Rune full helm with rarity 3/116 in quantity 1Rune full helm13/11620,53321,120
Adamant kiteshield.png: Nechryael drops Adamant kiteshield with rarity 2/116 in quantity 1Adamant kiteshield12/1162,9233,264
Rune boots.png: Nechryael drops Rune boots with rarity 1/116 in quantity 1Rune boots11/1167,4677,500


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Chaos rune.png: Nechryael drops Chaos rune with rarity 8/116 in quantity 37Chaos rune378/1163,7741,998
Death rune.png: Nechryael drops Death rune with rarity 6/116 in quantity 5Death rune56/116800540
Death rune.png: Nechryael drops Death rune with rarity 6/116 in quantity 10Death rune106/1161,6001,080
Law rune.png: Nechryael drops Law rune with rarity 5/116 in quantity 25-35Law rune25–355/1163,175–4,4453,600–5,040
Blood rune.png: Nechryael drops Blood rune with rarity 4/116 in quantity 15-20Blood rune15–204/1163,210–4,2803,600–4,800


There is a 18/116 chance of rolling the rare seed drop table. When the rare seed table is rolled, it is rolled twice: for example, the "true" rate of Toadflax seeds is about 1/16.2. Additionally, limpwurt seeds are dropped separately, with no special mechanics.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Limpwurt seed.png: Nechryael drops Limpwurt seed with rarity 6/116 in quantity 1Limpwurt seed16/116167
Toadflax seed.png: Nechryael drops Toadflax seed with rarity 2 × 1/32.4 in quantity 1Toadflax seed12 × 1/32.41,4066
Irit seed.png: Nechryael drops Irit seed with rarity 2 × 1/47.5 in quantity 1Irit seed12 × 1/47.5633
Belladonna seed.png: Nechryael drops Belladonna seed with rarity 2 × 1/49.1 in quantity 1Belladonna seed12 × 1/49.1175106
Poison ivy seed.png: Nechryael drops Poison ivy seed with rarity 2 × 1/69.1 in quantity 1Poison ivy seed12 × 1/69.11699
Avantoe seed.png: Nechryael drops Avantoe seed with rarity 2 × 1/69.1 in quantity 1Avantoe seed12 × 1/69.12,4864
Cactus seed.png: Nechryael drops Cactus seed with rarity 2 × 1/72.4 in quantity 1Cactus seed12 × 1/72.46759
Potato cactus seed.png: Nechryael drops Potato cactus seed with rarity 2 × 1/101.4 in quantity 1Potato cactus seed12 × 1/101.41284
Kwuarm seed.png: Nechryael drops Kwuarm seed with rarity 2 × 1/101.4 in quantity 1Kwuarm seed12 × 1/101.43,8206
Snapdragon seed.png: Nechryael drops Snapdragon seed with rarity 2 × 1/152.1 in quantity 1Snapdragon seed12 × 1/152.141,65936
Cadantine seed.png: Nechryael drops Cadantine seed with rarity 2 × 1/217.3 in quantity 1Cadantine seed12 × 1/217.33,9874
Lantadyme seed.png: Nechryael drops Lantadyme seed with rarity 2 × 1/304.2 in quantity 1Lantadyme seed12 × 1/304.24515
Snape grass seed.png: Nechryael drops Snape grass seed with rarity 2 × 1/380.2 in quantity 3-6Snape grass seed3–62 × 1/380.222,698–45,396168–336
Dwarf weed seed.png: Nechryael drops Dwarf weed seed with rarity 2 × 1/507 in quantity 1Dwarf weed seed12 × 1/5078833
Torstol seed.png: Nechryael drops Torstol seed with rarity 2 × 1/760.4 in quantity 1Torstol seed12 × 1/760.46,38142


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Coins_1000.png: Nechryael drops Coins with rarity 13/116 in quantity 1000-1499Coins1,000–1,49913/1161,000–1,4991,000–1,499
Coins_1000.png: Nechryael drops Coins with rarity 10.5/116 in quantity 1500-2000Coins1,500–2,00010.5/1161,500–2,0001,500–2,000
Coins_1000.png: Nechryael drops Coins with rarity 6/116 in quantity 2500-2999Coins2,500–2,9996/1162,500–2,9992,500–2,999
Coins_1000.png: Nechryael drops Coins with rarity 3/116 in quantity 3000-3500Coins3,000–3,5003/1163,000–3,5003,000–3,500
Coins_250.png: Nechryael drops Coins with rarity 2.5/116 in quantity 500-999Coins500–9992.5/116500–999500–999
Coins_1000.png: Nechryael drops Coins with rarity 1/116 in quantity 5000Coins5,0001/1165,0005,000


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Soft clay.png: Nechryael drops Soft clay with rarity 4/116 in quantity 25 (noted)Soft clay25 (noted)4/1162,72525
Tuna.png: Nechryael drops Tuna with rarity 3/116 in quantity 1Tuna13/11611824

Rare and Gem drop table

There is a 1/116 chance of rolling the rare drop table. There is also a 5/116 chance of rolling the gem drop table.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
This does not exist.NothingN/A1/43.33; Never[d 1]N/AN/A
Coins_1000.png: Nechryael drops Coins with rarity 1/707.05 in quantity 3000Coins3,0001/707.053,0003,000
Loop half of key.png: Nechryael drops Loop half of key with rarity 1/590.23 in quantity 1Loop half of key11/590.23; 1/492.41[d 2]11,91960
Tooth half of key.png: Nechryael drops Tooth half of key with rarity 1/590.23 in quantity 1Tooth half of key11/590.23; 1/492.41[d 2]11,92560
Uncut sapphire.png: Nechryael drops Uncut sapphire with rarity 1/89.99 in quantity 1Uncut sapphire11/89.99; 1/45.7[d 2]23815
Runite bar.png: Nechryael drops Runite bar with rarity 1/2,969.6 in quantity 1Runite bar11/2,969.612,4673,000
Nature rune.png: Nechryael drops Nature rune with rarity 1/4,949.33 in quantity 67Nature rune671/4,949.337,1697,236
Rune 2h sword.png: Nechryael drops Rune 2h sword with rarity 1/4,949.33 in quantity 1Rune 2h sword11/4,949.3337,88538,400
Rune battleaxe.png: Nechryael drops Rune battleaxe with rarity 1/4,949.33 in quantity 1Rune battleaxe11/4,949.3324,30024,960
Uncut emerald.png: Nechryael drops Uncut emerald with rarity 1/179.98 in quantity 1Uncut emerald11/179.98; 1/91.39[d 2]46330
Law rune.png: Nechryael drops Law rune with rarity 1/7,424 in quantity 45Law rune451/7,4245,7156,480
Death rune.png: Nechryael drops Death rune with rarity 1/7,424 in quantity 45Death rune451/7,4247,2004,860
Steel arrow.png: Nechryael drops Steel arrow with rarity 1/7,424 in quantity 150Steel arrow1501/7,4242,7001,050
Rune arrow.png: Nechryael drops Rune arrow with rarity 1/7,424 in quantity 42Rune arrow421/7,4242,35210,080
Adamant javelin.png: Nechryael drops Adamant javelin with rarity 1/7,424 in quantity 20Adamant javelin201/7,4241,1401,920
Rune sq shield.png: Nechryael drops Rune sq shield with rarity 1/7,424 in quantity 1Rune sq shield11/7,42422,55123,040
Dragonstone.png: Nechryael drops Dragonstone with rarity 1/7,424 in quantity 1Dragonstone11/7,42411,5806,000
Silver ore.png: Nechryael drops Silver ore with rarity 1/7,424 in quantity 100 (noted)Silver ore100 (noted)1/7,4246,5004,500
Uncut ruby.png: Nechryael drops Uncut ruby with rarity 1/359.95 in quantity 1Uncut ruby11/359.95; 1/182.79[d 2]98860
Rune kiteshield.png: Nechryael drops Rune kiteshield with rarity 1/14,848 in quantity 1Rune kiteshield11/14,84832,13132,640
Dragon med helm.png: Nechryael drops Dragon med helm with rarity 1/14,848 in quantity 1Dragon med helm11/14,84859,00660,000
Rune spear.png: Nechryael drops Rune spear with rarity 1/11,786.32 in quantity 1Rune spear11/11,786.32; 1/1,106.79[d 2][d 3]11,87112,480
Shield left half.png: Nechryael drops Shield left half with rarity 1/23,572.64 in quantity 1Shield left half11/23,572.64; 1/2,213.58[d 2][d 3]65,39466,000
Nature talisman.png: Nechryael drops Nature talisman with rarity 1/959.87 in quantity 1Nature talisman11/959.87; 1/487.43[d 2]3282
Dragon spear.png: Nechryael drops Dragon spear with rarity 1/31,430.19 in quantity 1Dragon spear11/31,430.19; 1/2,951.44[d 2][d 3]38,85437,440
Uncut diamond.png: Nechryael drops Uncut diamond with rarity 1/1,439.81 in quantity 1Uncut diamond11/1,439.81; 1/731.15[d 2]2,142120
Rune javelin.png: Nechryael drops Rune javelin with rarity 1/2,879.61 in quantity 5Rune javelin51/2,879.61; 1/1,462.3[d 2]9501,200
  1. ^ The "nothing" drop is removed while wearing a ring of wealth.
  2. ^ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 The drop rate is increased while wearing a ring of wealth due to the "nothing" drop being removed.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Slightly reduced chance of dropping if Legends' Quest has not been completed.


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Brimstone key.png: Nechryael drops Brimstone key with rarity 1/77 in quantity 1Brimstone key11/77[d 1]Not soldN/A
Clue scroll (hard).png: Nechryael drops Clue scroll (hard) with rarity 1/128 in quantity 1Clue scroll (hard)11/128[d 2][1]Not sold12
  1. ^ Brimstone keys are only dropped if killed on a Slayer task given by Konar quo Maten.
  2. ^ The hard clue scroll drop rate increases to 1/121 after unlocking the hard Combat Achievements rewards tier.

Treasure Trails


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:16 June 2021| |0}} {{#explode:16 June 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:16 June 2021| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

Nechryaels now drop malicious ashes in place of regular ashes.

[[{{#explode:23 August 2018| |0}} {{#explode:23 August 2018| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:23 August 2018| |2}}]]

The drop of 15 limpwurt roots (added in the previous drop table rebalance) was changed to a single limpwurt seed to balance the influx of limpwurt roots coming into the game.

[[{{#explode:15 September 2016| |0}} {{#explode:15 September 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:15 September 2016| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

The drop table was improved to include more valuable drops and give two seeds instead of one.

[[{{#explode:28 April 2016| |0}} {{#explode:28 April 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:28 April 2016| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

More Nechryael spawns have been added to the Slayer Tower.

[[{{#explode:24 March 2016| |0}} {{#explode:24 March 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:24 March 2016| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

A nechryael spawn has been moved to prevent them wandering out of the nechryael room.

5 July –
19 September 2005

The NPC's examine was changed from "An evil undead demon." to "An evil death demon."


  • The model of the nechryael has an inverted pentagram on its chest, this orientation is considered a symbol of evil and is associated with the triumph of matter over spirit.


  1. ^