Dragon Slayer II

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Dragon Slayer II (#136)
Released 4 January 2018 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest series Dragonkin, #3
Lead developer(s) Mod Ed

Dragon Slayer II: The Legacy of Elvarg is a quest that was released on 4 January 2018. It was announced during RuneFest 2017, and is a sequel to the original Dragon Slayer I quest, which was released in 2001. Following the player's defeat of Elvarg, Crandor is now (fairly) safe to investigate; one such researcher, Dallas Jones, seeks to investigate Elvarg's lair in hopes of uncovering the mystery behind her attack on the island.


Start pointMap icon Speak to Alec Kincade outside the Myths' Guild. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="2870" x="2457" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2457.5,2868.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 2457,2868

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyGrandmaster
Official lengthVery Long
Description30 years prior to the fateful day a mighty adventurer awakened Elvarg from her slumber, Crandor was a thriving and very much alive island, with a great tradition of mages and adventurers. The history of Crandor is a bold one, enough so that many a Crandorian earned the right to be part of the Champions' Guild! The Crandor we know today is very different from that of the past and there are so many questions that remain unanswered - your chance to uncover the secrets of the past starts with Dragon Slayer II.
Items required
Enemies to defeat
League notes

Unlocking Fremennik Fremennik will auto-complete the quest

Starting off

Items needed: Pickaxe (Can be obtained during quest)
Items recommended: Amulet of glory, 600 coins (to travel to Corsair Cove on a charter ship), Digsite pendant, weapons and armour

To start the quest, first speak to Alec Kincade outside the Myths' Guild. A quick way there is using the Spirit tree to Feldip Hills. He will let you join the guild if you can discover an ancient secret, and tells you to meet up with Dallas Jones at Karamja Wines, Spirits, and Beers on Musa Point. The fastest way to get to him is use the Karamja teleport on an Amulet of Glory and walk south. Another quick way is to use the TzHaar Fight Pit minigame teleport. You can also use fairy ring DKP then travel south, over the log then north, then use the shortcut (mithril grapple required).

A hidden laboratory found near Elvarg's lair.

Speak to Dallas Jones, who will realise you are the Hero of Crandor after learning that you slew Elvarg. He tells you to meet him in her old lair. You can get back to Crandor by travelling through the caves in the volcano on Karamja, the opposite direction as if you were going to Mor Ul Rek. Once inside, you will have to climb over the wall. Speak to Dallas Jones again, and then use a pickaxe on a covered up wall at the north-eastern corner (there is a rock with a bronze pickaxe embedded in it just outside of Elvarg's lair). When the wall crumbles, enter the tunnel to find an ancient laboratory.

Inspect the machinery to the east for some old notes, then attempt to inspect the ancient mural. A Level 100 spawn will burst out from the nearby strange egg and attack you; kill it. Once it is killed, inspect the mural again, which illustrates dragons and fungi with the word "Lithkren". Dallas recalls an old settlement on Fossil Island with similar architecture as the laboratory, with one of the many books he found there mentioning a place called Lithkren. He will ask that you make your way to the House on the Hill to meet him there.

Note: Goutweed is required later on, if you do not already have one it can be obtained by stealing it from the Troll Stronghold kitchen which is cheap and faster, or it can be farmed in a herb patch using gout tuber, requiring 29 Farming and takes 80 minutes, but is not recommended due to their extremely high market value.

The House on the Hill

Items needed: None.
Items recommended: 7+ free inventory spaces.
Optional: 24 free inventory spaces will minimise walking.

The quickest way to reach the House on the Hill is with an enchanted digsite pendant; this requires having travelled to the House at least once. If players have not done so, they must reach the House by climbing the hill to the south-west using the bridge.

Once inside, climb down the trapdoor and speak to Dallas. He will tell the player that he had read through the ancient books again, and determines that the grid on the floor is a map of the island. He will ask you to find 24 map pieces, which are found near or around the House; don't go past the bridges, as there's nothing there. As you find pieces, you can return them to Dallas to look after, so you don't need enough inventory space to hold them all at once.

  • There are five scraps in the open chest at the same floor as you.
  • There are three more scraps in the open chest at the top floor.
  • There are seven scraps in a hook briar south of the house.
The completed map of Fossil Island
  • There are five in a mushtree just east of the house, near the strange stone.
  • There are four in the fungi next to the west staircase, outside.

Once all map parts are given to Dallas, the map now must be completed. The map consists of 24 tiles, five of which will be stuck to the board, signifying that's their final position. The free pieces must be rotated and dragged around the interface in order to make progress. If the puzzle looks correct but does not automatically close, check the rotation of the pieces, specifically the top-left piece.

Once all the map tiles have been correctly positioned, the puzzle will automatically close and appear on the floor, with Dallas determining the north-westernmost island to be Lithkren. Dallas will then ask you to look for Jardric for a boat, since he does not wish to ask the Museum expedition for it, as it requires a lot of paperwork and time to do so. Jardric can be found by the General Store within the Museum Camp.

To Lithkren!

Items needed: A hammer, saw, 8 oak planks, 10 swamp paste, 12+ nails of any kind (bring more to be safe).
Items recommended: Digsite pendant.
Building the rowboat to Lithkren.

Speak to Jardric. You will ask on Dallas Jones's behalf for a boat, but he tells you that all the boats around the island are owned by the Varrock Museum, so he suggests that you build one instead. He will tell you that you will need eight oak planks, 10 swamp paste, 12 nails of any kind (note: extra nails are recommended, in case some bend), a saw, and a hammer.

Once these materials have been obtained, players should make their way north-west to the coast just west of the task only Wyvern Cave entrance in the Mushroom Forest and build the rowboat. It is suggested that players unlock the Magic Mushtree for quick-access to the boat for future use. This is located just north-east of the rowboat at the transportation icon . With the enchanted digsite pendant, this is the fastest way to Lithkren.

Lithkren, an ancient dragonkin fortress.

After the rowboat has been built, players can freely travel to and from the island.

Take the boat to Lithkren. Head north, then go up the stairs on the eastern side of the south-western building. Go down the trapdoor to the south, down the stairs to the north, then follow the path. Meet Dallas at the bottom. He tells you that he found these ancient doors but can't open them.

Search the nearby burnt skeleton along the east wall for Aivas' diary. Read it to discover that a battle took place on Lithkren, led by none other than Robert the Strong, a hero who lived during the Fourth Age, well known for defending humanity against the dragonkin. Speak to Dallas again, telling him that Robert the Strong was reincarnated into Bob the cat. While finding the notion absurd, he asks you to track down Bob while he processes this new information.

Bob the Cat

The Sphinx grants the player the ability to speak to cats without the catspeak amulet.

Find Bob, who can be located in a large array of places. Using your catspeak amulet (e) from A Tail of Two Cats will prove very useful here (to operate the catspeak amulet(e) you must press the whiskers to rotate the dial and go in the general direction indicated by the eyes lighting up). Bob begins in Burthorpe when the servers reset and has the largest wander radius in the game, but a few common places he can be found are listed below:

These are some locations, refer to the A Tail of Two Cats quest guide to find a full list of locations.

(Make sure you have your amulet of catspeak to understand him. A very quick way to find Bob is to go to Varrock west bank anvils and hop worlds until you find him.)

With your amulet of catspeak equipped, speak to Bob. You tell Bob about you needing his memories as Robert the Strong, which he can't remember. You suggest to talk to the Sphinx again, to which he agrees.

Travel to Sophanem, and speak to the Sphinx. Before asking for her help, the Sphinx will grant you the ability to speak with cats without the amulet of catspeak, as you've proven yourself to be a friend of the felines. Tell the Sphinx of your problems; unfortunately, she can't help you, as she can't enter Bob's mind and choose specific memories of his life. However, you then remember the Oneiromancer, who may be more capable to help you and Bob. Head to Lunar Isle, and make sure you bring your seal of passage if you haven't completed the Fremennik Elite Diaries yet! Note: You can still use the bank booth operated by 'Bird's-Eye' Jack even without a seal of passage.

Robert the Strong

Items needed: Seal of passage, tinderbox, goutweed, 1 astral rune, hammer, pestle and mortar, fighting equipment (good ranged defensive armour and food) Note: Ranged attacks are ineffective. 100,000 coins and teleport to Lunar Isle per death (recommended for safety).

Head to the Oneiromancer, who is near the Astral Altar, and ask her about unlocking Bob's memories. She will tell you that you must make another dream potion. She will give you a dream vial. Fill it with water, and use your goutweed on it. Next, use a hammer on an astral rune, and use the resulting astral rune shards on a pestle and mortar, and use the ground astral rune on the dream vial to finish the dream potion. Once you make the potion, light the ceremonial brazier to the building at the far west and use the dream potion on it.

A player faces Robert the Strong.

Entering Bob's dream, Not Bob tells you that the guardian needs to be defeated to bring back Bob's memories. You must fight Robert the Strong. He is level 224 and uses Ranged. Prayer can be used during this fight; however, he is able to hit through prayer; it's highly recommended to bring food as he is quite accurate and his normal attacks can hit in the 20's. Crush attacks work the best, as his crush defence is the lowest. Make sure to maximise your Ranged Defence and crush attack. Using Verac the Defiled's equipment can be a great option due to its crush bonuses alongside having a 25% chance to ignore Robert's defences. For players with lower levels (less than 70 Defence and Attack), granite equipment with a leaf-bladed battleaxe or Sarachnis cudgel can be a good alternative. Alternatively, for those on a budget, the four specs of a dragon mace can also be a surprisingly powerful budget option with the potential to max 40-60s (depending on the player's stats and gear) with the spec and then finishing off the remaining hp with a few more hits.

Robert's special attack occurs after he says Let's see if you can hide from this! and a lightning bolt strikes his bow, which occurs approximately every twenty-five seconds. He fires a purple arrow at the player, which will deal 50+ damage and deactivate any current prayer(s) if it hits. Hide behind any of the four pillars to dodge the attack. Make sure you are completely behind the pillar, and not standing on the sides, as it is possible to get hit by the arrow if not. While running to and hiding behind the pillar, it is recommended to heal and restore Prayer if necessary to save time spent during the fight. If you do not run back out to fight him, Robert will teleport you back to him, telling you to Face me you coward!, though it does not deal damage or have any other effect. Wait until he teleports you to attack, as clicking before will cause your character to path away from Robert before attacking. Repeat until he is defeated. If your Magic level is 94+ you can use vengeance to inflict large amounts of damage back.

Aivas, Tristan, Odysseus, Robert the Strong, and Camorra confronting a dragonkin on Lithkren.

Bob will then remember everything now that the guardian is killed. A cutscene ensues, with Aivas, Tristan, Odysseus, Robert the Strong, and Camorra confronting a dragonkin in the dungeon beneath Lithkren.

If you and Robert kill each other at the same time, talking to Bob and saying "I'm ready" will take you to the cutscene where Bob remembers everything.

If you leave the dream you do NOT have to remake the dream potion. You can re-enter the dream by talking to Bob.

The Dragon key

Bob tells you that he hid several key pieces around the world after the incident.

(Using fairy rings and teleport tablets will reduce some of the time of the trip. One example of quickly getting to the Kharazi Jungle is to use a Brimhaven teleport and taking the cart to Shilo Village)

Karamja key piece

Items needed: Axe and machete if below 79 Agility
Items recommended: Food, energy restoration (stamina potions and Saradomin brews recommended), and prayer potions

Note: Players with 79 Agility can access a vine shortcut into the Kharazi Jungle without needing an axe or machete. <mapframe align="left" text="Location of the maze entrance." plane="0" width="200" y="2900" x="2946" height="200" zoom="1" mapID="0">


X/Y: 2946,2900



Bob tells you that he hid the Karamja key on the south coast of Karamja; the Kharazi Jungle. Head towards the south-eastern area of the shore, where there is a large mossy staircase leading into a cave. This takes you to the Karamjan Temple, a maze with the key piece in the centre.

You have to navigate the maze, with traps consisting of spike and man traps. The spikes can be disabled through Thieving, and many traps leapt over with Agility. Note that toggling running off while leaping over the traps seems to improve the chance of success. To make matters worse, there are also multiple level 124 stone guardians wandering the area in a multi-combat environment. Each stone guardian only uses one combat style (indicated by the colour on them), so pray accordingly. It is recommended to disable auto-retaliate.

The route to reach the centre of the temple.

Follow the route as indicated on the map to the right. The traps will do more damage than the guardians, so be on the lookout for wall traps. Additionally, players may take a detour to the blue route to search a skeleton and obtain Malumac's journal, which provides some insight into the history of the Temple.

Once you reach the centre, grab the dragon key piece from the plinth. The plinth also activates a two-way transport between the entrance and centre.

Morytania key piece

Location of the Census records.
Canifis fairy ring is CKS (not CKR)
A map of possible key piece locations, which splits Mort Myre Swamp into 6 sections, starting at the BKR fairy ring, then further subdivides sections past that.

Note: The effects of swamp decay and Ghasts are nullified with an active Fire of Dehumidification with 50 Construction and completion of the quest Making Friends with My Arm. You should still bring food because the device will damage you while searching for the key, and food is cheaper than brews.

Bob tells you that Tristan held onto this dragon key piece. Go to the Varrock Palace Library, and speak to Reldo regarding this. He'll tell you of a book containing census records, and that he doesn't remember where it was, but knows that it had a red cover. Look for the bookcase that has a red book on it and search it to find the Varrock census records. Bring it back to Reldo for further inquiry. According to the records, it appears Tristan's descendants may have settled in Port Phasmatys, as that is where most Morytania migrants settle.

Make your way to Port Phasmatys, and make sure you have your ghostspeak amulet equipped. Speak to the ghost villagers, and they'll lead you to Sarah in the house with a range just west of the bank. Alternatively, you may go straight to Sarah as well. Speak to her about the key; she buried it in the swamp to prevent the vampyres from obtaining it, and does not wish for it to be found, as she believes it is safer that way.

You'll remark about a device that may find it, so head to Draynor Manor and speak to Ava. She can make you the device if you make her a locator orb, from two pieces of molten glass and a cut dragonstone with a glassblowing pipe. Make an inert locator orb, then give it to her. After some adjustments, she will give you a locator orb.

The orb acts much like similar items, damaging the player when used in return for telling you where it is. The key piece will be located in 1 of 24 locations within Mort Myre Swamp. Make sure you have some food, taking 12-20 lobsters to last the trip; be wary of ghasts as they may rot your food. While you can't die from the orb's damage directly, the ghasts in the Mort Myre Swamp can sometimes deal 1-3 hitpoints of damage if you have no food or druid pouches in your inventory.

A quick way to find the key piece is to start at the fairy ring code BKR and feel the locator orb, then using the map to narrow down the possible locations:

  • For example, if you get north-east, it will always be the lone purple spot that you need to cross the bridge to get to.
  • If you get south-west, south, or south-east, go to the centre of the subdivided area and scan again. For example, if you got west, go to the centre of the blue subdivision and scan there again. If you get west again, you've narrowed it down to a single dig spot.
  • If you're unable to see the message provided by the orb, try changing your game chat filter from "on" to "filtered".

Once you find the exact location, use your spade to dig it up.

Ungael key piece

Items needed: Melee or ranging equipment, two types of dragonfire protection, venom protection, food, prayer potions
Items recommended: Salve amulet (ei), runes for Crumble Undead, a divine super combat potion or divine bastion potion, 100,000 coins and a teleport to Rellekka in the bank to reclaim items from Torfinn if you die

Note: Vorkath is a boss with multiple mechanics and attack styles. It is highly advised to read the section below in its entirety before taking him on.

Note: Unlike the post-quest boss fight, the quest version of Vorkath will wake up and start attacking immediately after entering his arena. While doing the quest, prepare your equipment and drink your potions before entering.

A player faces Vorkath.

Bob tells you that he hid another key in an abandoned dragonkin fortress north-west of Rellekka. Talk to Brundt the Chieftain about this fortress, and he tells you that a deadly beast has slain many of his warriors who went there. He'll give you permission to fight the dragon, and that Torfinn will take you there. In order to pass through, you will have to slay Vorkath, an undead blue dragon. You will want to bring venom immunity items, as both Vorkath and the spiders in the dragonkin laboratory are capable of envenoming the player.


File:Vorkath - deadly dragonfire.mp4 Vorkath's dragonfire attacks deal heavy damage without two layers of dragonfire protection. Certain combinations of protection are more effective than others. Specifically, the dragonfire's max hit is reduced to 20 if using a regular antifire potion (or its extended version) AND Protect from Magic, it is reduced to 10 if using a regular antifire potion AND an anti-dragon shield (or better), it is also reduced to 10 if using a super antifire potion (or its extended version) AND Protect from Magic, and it is reduced to 0 if using a super antifire potion AND an anti-dragon shield. It is recommended to use the strongest antifire protection available.

Vorkath has numerous attacks, but uses a predictable attack pattern. He will use 6 standard attacks in a row (in a random order) followed by one of his two special attacks. He will then use 6 more standard attacks, then the other special attack, and repeat this pattern.

His standard attacks are:

  • A melee attack that hits up to 32.
  • A ranged attack which looks like a spiky ball, and hits up to 28.
  • A magic attack which looks like a blue projectile, and hits up to 30.
  • Orange dragonfire that deals damage (two layers of dragonfire protection are required).
  • Green dragonfire that can inflict venom if unprotected.
  • Pink dragonfire that deactivates prayers (they can be turned back on immediately using quick prayers).
  • An orange fireball fired onto the player's position that deals extreme damage. This absolutely must be avoided by moving two tiles away. Dragonfire protection has no effect. Always watch out for Vorkath spitting a fireball in an arc upwards into the air, and move immediately. Standing only one tile away when it hits will result in half damage, but this can still hit 60+.

His special attacks are:

  • Vorkath will spit acid everywhere, which will fall on random tiles in the arena; do not stand on these tiles as they deal damage and heal Vorkath. Turning off run is strongly recommended to navigate the poison spots. After this attack, Vorkath will rapidly barrage the player with fire attacks. The player must then walk (not run) throughout the rest of the attack to avoid the fire barrage. Be careful to avoid the poison spread out by his earlier attack, and always keep moving during the dragonfire barrage, or you will incur heavy damage rapidly. One trick to avoid the fire barrage is to find a clear straight path avoiding the poison splashes, then continue walking back and forth in that path until the barrage ends. Players can use the time spent walking during this attack to heal and drink potions (and optionally turn off prayer to save points).
  • Vorkath will shoot a freezing projectile at the player, freezing them in place, and then shoot another projectile somewhere else in the arena, where a Zombified Spawn will appear. Quickly use Crumble Undead on the spawn to kill it or else it will explode near you and deal 30+ damage.

Longer-lasting potions such as anti-venom+ and extended super antifire will allow you to spend less time keeping up protection and more time focusing on the fight. They are well worth the cost, if possible.

Order of importance

Mechanic Order of importance Notes
Special attacks Highest See above
Orange fireball Highest As soon as you see him launch the aerial dragonfire attack, you MUST move out of the way, or face an extremely high chance of getting hit for your full hp. There will be several ticks after the attack that you can use to drink any potions needed or heal up.
Dragonfire Very High If using a two-handed weapon such as the toxic blowpipe, it is imperative that magic is prayed against at all times. If not, ranged prayers may be used. Set quick-prayers to protect from magic, and keep an eye out for the purple dragonfire attack. As soon as you see it, be prepared to turn your prayers back on via the quick-prayer interface.
Hitpoints High Keep an eye on your hitpoints, and do not let them drop below 32 at any point in time. If walking during the poison attack section, it's possible to let them drop further, as the main objective is now to avoid the magic attacks by walking away. If several squares ahead are open, you can use the walking time before your next click to heal up then. You will not be attacked by any of his other attacks at this time.
Venom Medium Drink an anti-venom potion as needed.
Melee attacks Lowest Stand a tile or more away from Vorkath to avoid melee damage altogether.
Poison attack Special When the poison attack comes on, you will only be attacked by his rapid fire attacks, which can only be mitigated by walking. For this reason, it no longer becomes necessary to pray magic or have any other protection. If you can get the timing, this is a good time to re-pot and eat back to full hp.
Zombified Spawn Special When you see a white dragonfire attack, you will be frozen, and a Zombified Spawn will appear several tiles away. As soon as you see the fire attack, click on your spellbook, select Crumble Undead, and look to see where Vorkath shoots the Spawn (marked by a visible projectile). As soon as the Spawn appears, cast Crumble Undead on it. You will have a few ticks after this to eat, so use this time to drink potions or heal if necessary.

The fight

See Vorkath/Strategies.

Vorkath has 460 hitpoints and is weak to stab and ranged. Dragonbane weapons are ideal, but are expensive and Vorkath can be defeated without them. If using melee, an Abyssal dagger or better is recommended, along with using Protect from Magic.

If using ranged with a crossbow and anti-dragon shield or dragonfire ward, Protect from Missiles can be used. Another method is to wear high damage output equipment (Toxic blowpipe with adamant or better darts, Karil the Tainted's equipment or better), using Protect from Magic and Extended or normal Super Antifire potions. If the player has access to a Salve amulet(ei) then it should also be used for increased damage against the boss.

During the fight, the highest priority is to watch out for and dodge the fireball attacks, and the two special attacks. Learning the attack patterns will help the player stay alive long enough to kill Vorkath.

After the fight

Inside the Ungael laboratory.

Once he is defeated, move past him to the north-west to find a Dragonkin laboratory. Small level 35 spiders are here that can inflict venom, so make sure to bring an anti-venom potion. Inside the laboratory, you can inspect various Ancient Machinery, Equipment and Incubators scattered throughout the room to find Old Notes which detail the progress of experiments done within the lab. A total of 6 exist. To progress, pull a lever in the south-west with at least 15% run. Once that lever is pulled, run to the locked room in the east for a dragon key piece and an ancient key. Make sure to grab both of these before leaving! If you forget one of these items, you will need to return; fortunately, you do not need to fight Vorkath again.

Kourend key piece

Items needed: Magic and Ranged protective armour, food, prayer potions, a light source, a tinderbox and a dramen staff (recommended).

Bob tells you that Camorra hid her dragon key piece in a land far west. Note: Players can directly visit Amelia in her house south of the archery shop in Shayzien. The next two paragraphs are optional should the player wish to read additional dialogue.

Make your way to Port Piscarilius and speak to Veos (or Cabin Boy Herbert if A Kingdom Divided has been started), asking him about Camorra. One fast way to reach him is to use Kharedst's memoirs/Book of the Dead to teleport to Piscarilius and running south to the piers. He will recommend that you go to the Library Historical Archive, where you may be likely to find your answer. You can also teleport a short run south-east from the Grand Library using the memoirs.

Head to the Arceuus Library and have Archeio teleport you to the Library Historical Archive. There, speak to Imerominia about Camorra. As Shayzien and Hosidius were founded during the Dragonkin Conflicts, she will direct you to two historians specialising in the history of those two cities: Amelia of Shayzien and Jonathan of Hosidius.

The correct historian to visit is Amelia, so make your way to her house south of the archery shop in Shayzien. Players can use the Xeric's Lookout teleport on Xeric's talisman for the quickest route, running a short distance north-west. Alternatively, Kharedst's memoirs/Book of the Dead teleports the player a fair distance north-west of Amelia's house. If neither of these options are available, fairy ring code DJR may be used with a long run south-east.

While you are at it, grab a tinderbox and a light source from the bank if you haven't already. Speak to her, and she will tell you to go to the Shayzien Crypts, whose entrance is found in the south-western part of the Graveyard of Heroes.

Map of the crypt.

There are three levels in the crypt, and you will need to make your way to the bottom level. Activate Protect from Magic, as there are multiple high-levelled zombies and skeletons (level 132) in a multi-combat environment. The zombies and skeletons use Ranged, Magic or Melee, so run past them as fast as you can until you reach the crypt. From the upper level, take the ladder in the north-east corner down to the middle level. Then, make your way to the far east ladder to get to the bottom level. Once you reach the bottom level, head to the centre, and enter the southern doors.

A player in Camorra's tomb in the Shayzien Crypts.

Inspect Camorra's tomb and solve a riddle. Grab the four busts of Robert, Camorra, Tristan, and Aivas from the corners and place them accordingly on the plinths, based on what the puzzle states.

The puzzle can be solved in a few steps (fill in with table):

"The one from [Location] sat at the north of the table": Place this statue north.

"... opposite the one with [Weapon]": Place this statue south.

"The one with [Weapon] asked the .....": Place this statue west.

Place the leftover statue east.

Person Weapon Location
Aivas Crossbow Zartharim
Camorra Axe Saranthium
Robert Bow Arkney
Tristan Sword Karville

Note: If you get the puzzle wrong, you'll be teleported back to the top floor, and the puzzle resets and changes.

Once you unlock the crypt, take the dragon key piece inside.

Reforging the key

Items needed: All four key pieces, hammer or imcando hammer, ancient key, runes for 3 Fire Wave or 3 Fire Surge spells, dragonfire protection.
Items recommended: Food, armour, anti-dragon shield or dragonfire shield AND antifire potion, Barbarian Outpost teleport, stamina potion, Digsite pendant
A player lighting the dragon forge.

Travel to the Ancient Cavern through the whirlpool south of Barbarian Assault. You may optionally talk to Dallas and Bob on Lithkren for context first. It is essential that you have completed the first Firemaking part of the Barbarian Training miniquest, and then obtained instruction from Otto on how to create Pyre ships to gain access to the Ancient Cavern, or you will end up failing to gain entry and will thus be washed up at the shore to the south.

Ancient dragon forge.

Once on the floor with the brutal green dragons, follow the east wall until you reach stairs leading to the mithril dragons. Once up the stairs, travel west to a door on the northern wall (southern-facing) of the central rock formation and open the mithril door with the ancient key. Go inside. Use Fire Wave or Fire Surge on the three dragon head structures. Go back out and travel east and down the stairs. Run to the south-west corner where the barbarians are and go up the stairs. Continue to the end and forge the four pieces together by using one of the several anvils.

Once you have the Dragon Key, go back to the dragon door, which is located on Lithkren using the boat on the west coast of Mushroom Forest on Fossil Island, and place the key into it.

The Ultimate Weapon

Enter through the ancient doors and continue down the hallway. Talk to Dallas or Bob, a cutscene will then play. You, Bob and Dallas will find a live dragon, before a Dragonkin approaches. The Dragonkin, Zorgoth, reveals its name as Galvek, the Dragonkin word for "Fate". Zorgoth notices that Robert has changed forms, and reveals that the attempt on his life by Robert had failed. He somehow recognises the player, but not Dallas, who will then ask Zorgoth about Elvarg, and why she attacked Crandor.

Zorgoth, a dragonkin, appears before you, Bob, and Dallas.

Zorgoth reveals that as their numbers were dwindling, the dragonkin required a new weapon to turn the tide against the humans. Elvarg was the first of these dragons intended to destroy humanity, but remarks that it was a failure, and continued experimenting on various other creatures in various laboratories, including the one on Lithkren, where they began working on the ultimate weapon: a dragon that can control the minds of other dragons. However, Robert had launched an assault on the island, forcing him to seal the laboratory, with himself in it, in hopes that his kind will reopen the ancient doors to resume their work. However, due to Robert's actions, this never happened.

Zorgoth will state that being sealed in here has given him hundreds of years to perfect his creation, the dragonkin's salvation. Dallas will interrupt, asking why he intends to annihilate humanity. Zorgoth answers by saying that they were defending themselves from the humans, while Robert argues that they were the ones being attacked. Zorgoth continues, saying that only a handful of dragonkin who gave in to the curse of the Stone attacked the humans, but they were not willing to distinguish the aggressive dragonkin from the peaceful ones, and neither will he, stating humanity is a disease. He calls Galvek out of the incubation chamber, and Galvek launches fireballs at the group, killing Dallas. You grab Bob and narrowly avoid them.

Outside, Jardric will investigate and find Zorgoth and Galvek. He fires a shot at Galvek, before being knocked away by Zorgoth. Galvek smashes through the roof and flies off with Zorgoth, who is preparing to organise the dragons for the assault on humanity.

A World United

Items recommended: Ardougne teleport, Varrock teleport x2, Falador teleport, transportation to Rellekka

Jardric and Bob suggest that you should get King Roald's aid, so go to Varrock and tell him of the threat. Roald trusts your judgement, so he asks you to get the other kingdoms and nations to work together; King Lathas (or King Thoros), Sir Amik Varze and Brundt the Chieftain, while his advisor Aeonisig Raispher attempts to reach out to other people, as they will need all the help they can get.

The kingdoms of Gielinor meet to discuss the dragonkin threat.

Once all three have made their way to Varrock, head back to the castle and speak to Roald, who has organised a meeting in the dining room, and have agreed to launch an assault on Ungael, where the dragons are gathering. Regardless of what you say of the plan, Bob will ask to speak with you outside.

Bob will tell you that dragonkin are immune to most weapons, and that the assault will not cease until Zorgoth himself is dealt with. Since Zorgoth mentioned that Galvek has the ability to influence the minds of other dragons, Bob deduces that killing Galvek will cause Zorgoth's dragon army to dissolve, which would end the assault.

After talking to Bob, head to Rellekka.

The Assault

Items needed: 4 free inventory spaces, dragonfire protection, combat gear, plenty of food.
Items recommended: Antidote++, ranged gear, toxic blowpipe, 2 super antifire potion, stamina potion, insulated boots, summer pie or agility potion.

The combined fleet will make its way towards the Dragonkin Fortress on Ungael to stop Zorgoth. Zorgoth will send his own powerful dragon army to counter the advance. Checkpoints are listed as parts and phases.

Completing each part acts as a "checkpoint", so you are free to teleport out after completing a part if you are low on supplies and will not have to restart from the beginning. Moonclan teleport tablets may be a useful emergency teleport option and method of resupplying using the bank booth with 'Birds-Eye' Jack then interacting with any adjacent banker without a Seal of passage to be teleported to north Rellekka, which is in very close proximity to Torfinn in order to quickly rejoin the fleet, or retrieve lost items.

Part I

Note: Ensure you have four free inventory spaces for acquired items (Revitalisation potion, hammer, water container, swamp paste).

Defending Brundt's ship from the dragon's assault.

Speak to Torfinn in Rellekka who is on the dock north of the market. You will be placed on Brundt's ship, and will need to repel a dragon assault for four minutes. The dragons will launch dragonfire towards the ship, either causing leaks, damaging the masts, wounding the rowers, or causing fires. There are several crates containing items to repair the ship and maintaining its integrity. If the ship's integrity falls to 0%, you will need to start over.

When you are nearing the end of the 4 minutes you will notice that the frequency of damage to the ship will increase significantly and it will be impossible to have the ship cleared of all damage. The best tactic here is to always repair damage / heal the warrior closest to you. A stamina potion could be useful here.

Part II

Crossing the shipwrecks.

What remains of the army advances onward, while the rest take their time to catch up. Before navigating through the shipwrecks, make sure you have full dragonfire protection, as there are several dragons, which will launch dragonfire at you throughout the area. You will want to bring a lot of food, as you can fail some of the obstacles and take damage. There are several fancier ships, which act as "milestones". Several of the leaders will be fighting a lone dragon; you will need to kill it to proceed. The first "fancy" ship has a red dragon, the second has an iron dragon, and the last has a brutal green dragon.

The Dragons

The following table will run down each dragon that you will face. The table assumes you are ranging, using Protect from Melee or Magic, and standing out of melee distance. Thralls cannot be summoned on the ships to aid in the fights.

Ship Dragon Level Attack styles Special attacks Tricks Weak to
One Red dragon 152 Melee only Dragonfire Stay out of melee range Ranged, Stab, Water Spells
Two Iron dragon 189 Melee only Dragonfire Stay out of melee range Earth Spells
Three Brutal green dragon 227 Melee, Magic Dragonfire Stay out of melee range Ranged, Stab, Water Spells

Part III

Help the Varrock guard fight several dragons on Varrock's grand ship. This consists of two green dragons and blue dragons. The dragons fight the guards, but will shift their aggression towards you when you get near.

The Dragons

The following table will run down each dragon that you will face, in order from top to bottom. The table assumes you are ranging and either using Protect from Melee or standing out of melee distance.

Dragon Level Attack styles Special attacks Tricks Weak to
Green dragon 79 Melee only Dragonfire Stay out of melee range Ranged, Stab, Water Spells
Blue dragon 111 Melee only Dragonfire Stay out of melee range Ranged, Stab, Water Spells

Part IV

Items Recommended: Ranged or Magic Combat equipment, prayer potions, food (however, the entirety of wave 1 does not necessitate food if using prayer.

Bob jumps in the way of Galvek's attack, sacrificing himself to save you.

Once these four dragons are killed, Zorgoth and Galvek board the ship. Galvek launches dragonfire, which kills four Varrock guards. He then launches dragonfire at you. However, Bob jumps in front of you, sacrificing himself to save your life.

High damage fire attack.
High damage fire attack.

Warning: During the following waves, Galvek will periodically launch fireballs that can kill you instantly. These work similarly to Vorkath's fireballs, with Galvek shooting a fireball into the air and the fireball landing on the player's position a few ticks later. They can deal up to 115 damage on direct hit and 57 if the player is within one tile; dragonfire protection has no effect. Keep Galvek on the screen at all times to look out for the animation, or listen for the sound cue (a long rumbling noise), as you must move two tiles away quickly to avoid instant death. There are two waves of dragons to deal with in this part, each containing three dragons fought one at a time. There is a checkpoint after the first and second wave, so if you teleport out or die in wave 2 you will not have to complete wave 1 again.

At the start of Wave 2, the player's allies will appear and assist you in battling the dragons, and will do a fair amount of damage. It may be helpful to leave to change gear and restock after wave 1. You should teleport out, because the debris you can use to escape has a confirmation that may be difficult to click on during combat.

The Dragons

The heroes aid you in a fight against a rune dragon.

The following table will run down each dragon that you will face, one by one.

Wave Dragon Level Attack styles Special attacks Tricks Weak to
One Black dragon 227 Melee only Dragonfire Stay out of melee range Stab, Ranged, Water Spells
Steel dragon 246 Melee only Dragonfire Stay out of melee range Earth Spells
Brutal red dragon 289 Melee, Magic Dragonfire Stay out of melee range, Use Protect from Magic Stab, Ranged, Water Spells
Two Mithril dragon 304 Melee, Magic, Ranged Dragonfire Stay out of melee range Earth Spells
Adamant dragon 338 Melee, Magic, Ranged Dragonfire, Poison bomb Use an antidote++, stay lower hp (40-50) Earth Spells, Stab
Rune dragon 380 Melee, Magic, Ranged Dragonfire, Electric strike Switch to insulated boots, stay high hp Earth Spells, Stab[a]
  1. ^ Using Ranged with enchanted diamond bolts is a viable alternative if you only have access to low-level gear or spells.

Magic is effective for both waves, especially wave 2. Remember to pay attention to Galvek at all times to avoid his insta-kill fireballs.

Damage can be avoided entirely during wave 1 except for when fighting the black dragon by staying out of melee range for the brutal red dragon and steel dragon while using Protect from Magic. However, the black dragon can hit up to 21 using their Melee attacks so Protect from Melee is advised.

In wave 2, the adamant dragon's poison attack and rune dragon's electricity attack can both be avoided by moving out of the way; however, it may be hard to do this alongside dodging Galvek's fireballs (which should take priority). For this reason, using antipoison and insulated boots is recommended as a backup.

One strategy to make wave 2 much easier is to stand underneath the adamant and rune dragons, as they will back into a corner and be unable to move or attack the player, allowing the allies to deal most of the damage. When Galvek prepares a fireball, run out from under the dragon and activate prayer (Protect from Missiles is best if using magic gear), then return back under the dragon once the fireball has landed. There will then be time to eat and use potions. Alternatively, since the dragons are so large it is possible to avoid the fireball by moving two tiles while staying under the dragon, preventing all damage.

Part V

Items recommended: Ruby dragon bolts (e) or Ruby bolts (e), Diamond bolts (e), Stamina potion, Extended antifire potion, Anti-dragon shield or better, an emergency teleport, Ranging potion, the remaining slots should be filled with Super restores (or Menaphite Remedy) and Saradomin brews in 1:3 ratio. Note: The effects of super antifire potion do not work against Galvek's special attacks. Galvek is also immune to Ring of recoil's effect.

Galvek will finally confront you for a fight. The dragon has 1,200 Hitpoints and four phases. Two brutal black dragons will then drop down, but the leaders will hold them off for you so you can deal with Galvek.

In addition to using all three forms of combat, high-damage dragonfire, and purple dragonfire that deactivates prayer, Galvek uses the following abilities.

Galvek's fire traps during phase 1.
  • Phase 1 (1200-900 HP): Galvek can place fire traps in set positions, which if touched, will deal up to your max health in damage in a 3x3 area. They automatically explode after a set amount of time or if Galvek is forced into the next phase. Players should remain on a line running north-to-south in front of Galvek, between the east and west fire traps. Pray Magic during this phase.
Galvek's hurricane attack during phase 2.
  • Phase 2 (900-600 HP): Galvek will harness the power of air on the west side, and begins to use Ranged attacks. He can launch a hurricane that will drain stats, especially run energy. Pray Ranged from this phase on. Drinking a dose of stamina potion during or after this wave is recommended to restore run.
Galvek's tsunami attack during phase 3.
  • Phase 3 (600-300 HP): Galvek will harness the power of water on the east side. He can launch a tsunami, which will sweep across the ship from north to south or south to north, and must be avoided by standing in the one-tile gap as the wave passes. The tsunami can deal up to 109+ damage if you are hit. After launching the tsunami, he will follow up with the launched fireball attack, which must be avoided alongside dodging the wave. Warning: Turn Auto Retaliate off, otherwise there's a chance you'll walk into a tsunami when he attacks you.
Galvek's rock tomb attack during phase 4.
  • Phase 4 (300-0 HP): Galvek will harness the power of earth, landing on the middle of the ship. He will launch earth projectiles that look like slow-moving rock balls at the player which entomb the player in stone if they are hit. These must be avoided by moving one tile away, otherwise the player may be unable to dodge the next fireball. If you are hit, it is possible to survive if a fireball is not fired. However, if it is fired while you are stuck it is best to immediately teleport out.

For this fight, it's highly recommended to use Ranged, as while he is weakest against stabbing attacks, he is just as weak against Ranged. His high health pool means that Ruby bolts (e) can deal up to 100 damage, which significantly speeds up the battle. Once he is below 150 health, players should switch to Diamond bolts (e).

If the player is having trouble with Ranged, it is possible to defeat Galvek entirely with Melee, provided the player has high melee stats (90+ in Attack, Strength, and Defence). Players with 90+ Attack and high Stab bonuses will consistently hit Galvek, reducing his health rather quickly, and at a much more consistent rate than utilising Ruby bolts (e). Another advantage to a Melee attempt is that Galvek's own Melee attack is far less accurate than any of his other standard attacks, provided the player has a high Defence level. Players should equip a Zamorakian hasta and Dragonfire shield and have Protect From Magic and Piety active for the entirety of the fight, and should equip tank armour.

This fight can take multiple tries at a low level because of the randomness of the Ruby bolts (e) that do the majority of the damage. It's highly likely that in the player's first few tries, they may need to teleport out in the event of food shortage. Using Super restores alongside Saradomin brews in a 1:3 ratio will prolong the fight and give players a better chance of defeating him.

If both the player and Galvek die at the same time, he doesn't need to be fought again. When you go to the fleet, the cutscene of Galvek dying will play.

End of the Battle

Once Galvek reaches zero health, he spirals out, falling to the ground. With his last, dying (dragon)breath, which shoots backwards, Zorgoth is completely incinerated. With Galvek slain and the Dragonkin menace defeated, the battle has been won.

You will be brought back to Burthorpe, where you, Unferth, and Neite will mourn Bob's death. Make your way back to Alec and inform him of your achievements; he will be impressed and initiate you as a member of the Myths' Guild.

The story kin-tinues

If you have completed While Guthix Sleeps before completing Dragon Slayer II, an extra cutscene will play before the quest is completed.

Meanwhile, back in the Lithkren Vault, three DragonkinStrisath, Sithaph, and Sakirth — will break free from their stasis chambers, noting that Zorgoth is dead and someone has used the Stone, and agree to bring terror to the mortals who wish to claim its power.

Congratulations, Quest Complete!



This article on a quest has an associated dialogue page.
Click here for a transcript of possible conversations encountered throughout the quest.

Music unlocked

Name Unlock details Music track
Relics Unlocked after discovering the Crandor dragonkin laboratory File:Relics.ogg
Lucid Dream Unlocked upon entering Bob's Dream World File:Lucid Dream.ogg
Lucid Nightmare Unlocked during the fight with Robert the Strong File:Lucid Nightmare.ogg
On Thin Ice Unlocked during the fight with Vorkath File:On Thin Ice.ogg
The Walking Dead Unlocked upon entering the Shayzien Crypts File:The Walking Dead.ogg
The Forsaken Unlocked upon entering the Lithkren Vault File:The Forsaken.ogg
Oncoming Foe Unlocked during Zorgoth's assault File:Oncoming Foe.ogg
The Dragon Slayer Unlocked during the fight with Galvek File:The Dragon Slayer.ogg
The Kin Unlocked during the epilogue if While Guthix Sleeps has been completed File:The Kin.ogg
Mythical Unlocked upon entering the Myths' Guild File:Mythical.ogg


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:10 July 2024| |0}} {{#explode:10 July 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:10 July 2024| |2}}]]

A new epilogue cutscene now plays after being inducted into the Myths' Guild if the player had completed While Guthix Sleeps beforehand.

[[{{#explode:22 February 2023| |0}} {{#explode:22 February 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:22 February 2023| |2}}]]

The quest received some changes with the quest's beta phase in Quest Speedrunning released:

  • A large amount of dialogue text was altered, with the majority being grammatical changes to improve sentence structure.
  • The plot point of Galvek and Zorgoth being linked has been severed. As a result, when Jardric attacks Galvek during the escape, Zorgoth no longer takes damage alongside him. Bob's dialogue about this after the meeting is also altered to fit.
  • Bob's death is now no longer the player's fault. Previously, the player moves out of the way and Galvek's attack hits Bob instead, who was directly behind you. Now, Bob is next to you when Galvek attacks, and jumps in the way to take the hit instead of the player.
[[{{#explode:30 November 2022| |0}} {{#explode:30 November 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:30 November 2022| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

The following skill experience rewards have increased:

[[{{#explode:2 February 2022| |0}} {{#explode:2 February 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:2 February 2022| |2}}]]

Fixed an issue where Galvek's waves were killing safe players as he changed phases.


The log in screen upon the release of the quest.
  • A log in screen competition was held around 2 weeks before release to use a player-made log in screen to commemorate release of the quest. The winner of the competition, Runezilla, was awarded an "exclusive Old School goodiebag!".
  • The first player to complete the quest on the day of release was Rambo The 3 in a time of 2 hours and 55 minutes.[1]
  • When the player first meets Zorgoth, he addresses the player as if they've already met before ("Ah, I see you [Robert] brought your friend with you. I'm surprised to see you here after all this time. Curious...") While initially believed to have implied that he was addressing the player as someone Robert the Strong knew in his past life, it was later confirmed by Mod Ed, who wrote the quest, that Zorgoth was referring to the player themselves, not someone else.[2]
  • When telling Juna a story about the quest, the player says "... so I slew the dragon which killed the dragonkin as well. Not everyone survived the fight though." to which she responds "The dragonkin once brought this world to the brink of ruin. It is good you stopped them from doing so again."
  • The dialogue in Bob's memory of Robert the Strong confronting the Dragonkin: "Now it begins" "No, now it ends" is a reference to the Tower of Joy battle scene in the television show Game of Thrones.
  • The spawn that appears in the Crandor laboratory, along with Vorkath's zombified spawn, are a reference to Facehuggers from the movie Alien.
  • When Amelia tells the player that the Shayzien Crypts are overrun by the undead, the player says "I ain't afraid of no ghosts". This is a reference to the film Ghostbusters.
  • If players use a spade on Bob's grave after completing the quest, a message will appear in the chatbox stating "You would desecrate Bob's grave? You monster!"
  • While speaking to King Roald for help to defeat the dragonkin, if players have completed the quest Darkness of Hallowvale, Aeonisig tries to recommend against military action. King Roald will interrupt him, stating that the situation is completely different from Morytania's and needs to be acted upon. Immediately afterwards, the player also objects to King Lathas' assistance referencing the events of Regicide.
  • If the player has completed the quest Song of the Elves King Roald will instead ask the player to visit King Thoros for assistance
  • When telling Dallas Jones Robert the Strong was reincarnated to Bob, Dallas responds "Just think once before you speak please!" This could be in reference to a popular RuneScape meme.


  1. ^
  2. ^ "Q&A Summary 07/04/2022". RuneScape News. Jagex. 12 April 2022. Archived from the original. "Zorgoth was referring to the player. He did not make any mistakes there; he recognised the player. As for what that means, the answer's in a future quest. But not a quest that is planned for anytime soon."