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The tables below show the minimum requirements for each individual quest in Old School RuneScape, as well as the toughest monsters that needs to be defeated.

Total level: 1511
Attack 50 Hitpoints 50 Mining 72*
Strength 60 Agility 70 Smithing 70
Defence 65 Herblore 70 Fishing 62*
Ranged 60 Thieving 72 Cooking 70*
Prayer 50 Crafting 70 Firemaking 75
Magic 75 Fletching 60 Woodcutting 71*
Runecraft 60 Slayer 69 Farming 70
Construction 70 Hunter 70
Combat level 85 300 ----

An asterisk (*) indicates that a temporary boost may be used to reach that level.



Requirements Toughest
Below Ice Mountain Quest points 16 Ancient Guardian
(level 25)
Biohazard Plague City Mourner
(level 13)
Client of Kourend - -
Clock Tower - -
Cook's Assistant - -
Death Plateau - -
Demon Slayer - Delrith
(level 27)
Doric's Quest - -
Druidic Ritual - -
Dwarf Cannon - -
Eagles' Peak Hunter 27* Kebbit
(level 13)
Elemental Workshop I Crafting 20 Mining 20 Smithing 20 Earth elemental
(level 35)
Ernest the Chicken - -
Fishing Contest Fishing 10 -
Gertrude's Cat - -
Goblin Diplomacy - -
Hazeel Cult - Alomone

(level 13)

Imp Catcher - -
Jungle Potion - -
Misthalin Mystery - -
Monk's Friend - -
Murder Mystery - -
Pirate's Treasure - -
Plague City - -
A Porcine of Interest - Sourhog

(level 37)

Priest in Peril - Temple guardian
(level 30)
Prince Ali Rescue - -
Rag and Bone Man I - Giant bat
(level 27)
Recruitment Drive Quest points 12 Sir Leye
(level 20)
The Restless Ghost - -
The Ribbiting Tale of a Lily Pad Labour Dispute Woodcutting 15 Cuthbert, Lord of Dread (level 1)
Romeo & Juliet - -
Rune Mysteries - -
Sheep Herder - -
Sheep Shearer - -
Shield of Arrav - Weaponsmaster
(level 23)
Tower of Life Construction 10 -
Witch's Potion - Rat
(level 1)
X Marks the Spot - -


Requirements Toughest
Animal Magnetism Crafting 19 Ranged 30 Slayer 18 Woodcutting 35
Another Slice of H.A.M. Agility 23 Attack 15 Crafting 12 Firemaking 16 Herblore 10
Magic 33 Mining 17 Prayer 25 Thieving 25
(level 64)
The Ascent of Arceuus Hunter 12 Client of Kourend Trapped Soul

(level 30)

Big Chompy Bird Hunting Cooking 30 Fletching 5 Ranged 30 -
Black Knights' Fortress Quest points 12 -
Bone Voyage - -
Cold War Agility 30 Construction 34 Crafting 30 Hunter 10 Thieving 15 Icelord
(level 51)
The Corsair Curse - Ithoi the Navigator
(level 35)
Creature of Fenkenstrain Crafting 20 Thieving 25 Experiment
(level 51)
Death to the Dorgeshuun Agility 23 Mining 17 Thieving 23 Sigmund
(level 50)
The Depths of Despair Agility 18 Client of Kourend Sand Snake

(level 36)

The Dig Site Agility 10 Herblore 10 Thieving 25 -
Eadgar's Ruse Agility 15 Herblore 31* Troll general
(level 113)
Elemental Workshop II Crafting 20 Magic 20 Mining 20 Smithing 30 Earth elemental
(level 35)
Enlightened Journey Crafting 36 Farming 30 Firemaking 20 Quest points 20 -
The Eyes of Glouphrie Agility 25* Construction 5 Magic 46 -
Fairytale I - Growing Pains Crafting 31 Woodcutting 36 Tanglefoot
(level 111)
The Feud Thieving 30 Tough Guy
(level 75)
Fight Arena - Bouncer
(level 137)
Forgettable Tale... Cooking 22 Crafting 12 Farming 17 Firemaking 16 Fishing 10
Magic 33 Thieving 14
The Forsaken Tower Client of Kourend
The Fremennik Trials - The Draugen
(level 69)
The Garden of Death Farming 20 -
Garden of Tranquillity Farming 25 Crafting 20 Thieving 25 Experiment
(level 51)
Getting Ahead Crafting 30 Construction 26 Headless Beast
(level 82)
Ghosts Ahoy Agility 25 Cooking 20 Giant lobster
(level 32)
The Giant Dwarf Crafting 12 Firemaking 16 Magic 33 Thieving 14 -
The Golem Crafting 20 Thieving 25 -
The Grand Tree Agility 25* Black demon
(level 172)
The Hand in the Sand Crafting 49 Thieving 17 -
Holy Grail Attack 20 Black Knight Titan
(level 120)
Horror from the Deep Agility 35* Dagannoth mother
(level 100)
Icthlarin's Little Helper - Possessed Priest
(level 91)
In Aid of the Myreque Agility 25 Crafting 25 Magic 7 Mining 15 Skeleton Hellhound
(level 97)
In Search of the Myreque Agility 25 Skeleton Hellhound
(level 97)
The Knight's Sword Mining 10 -
Lost City Crafting 31 Woodcutting 36 Tree spirit
(level 101)
The Lost Tribe Agility 13 Mining 17 Thieving 13 -
Making History - -
Merlin's Crystal - Sir Mordred
(level 39)
Mountain Daughter Agility 20 The Kendal
(level 70)
Nature Spirit - (3) Ghasts
(level 30)
Observatory Quest - -
Olaf's Quest Firemaking 40 Woodcutting 50 Ulfric
(level 100)
The Queen of Thieves Thieving 20 Client of Kourend
Ratcatchers Crafting 12 Firemaking 16 Magic 33 Thieving 14 -
Scorpion Catcher Prayer 31 -
Sea Slug Firemaking 30 -
Shades of Mort'ton Crafting 20 Firemaking 5 Herblore 15 Loar Shade
(level 40)
Shadow of the Storm Crafting 30 Thieving 25 Agrith Naar
(level 100)
Shilo Village Agility 32* Crafting 20 Nazastarool
(level 93)
The Slug Menace Agility 13 Crafting 30 Firemaking 30 Mining 17 Runecraft 30
Slayer 30 Thieving 30
Slug Prince
(level 62)
A Soul's Bane - Confusion beast
(level 63)
Spirits of the Elid Magic 33* Mining 37 Ranged 37* Thieving 37* Black/Grey/White golem
(level 62)
Tai Bwo Wannai Trio Agility 15 Cooking 30 Fishing 5 Jogre
(level 53)
A Tail of Two Cats - -
Tale of the Righteous Strength 16 Mining 10 Client of Kourend Corrupt Lizardman

(level 46)

Tears of Guthix Crafting 20 Firemaking 49 Mining 20 Quest points 43 -
Temple of Ikov Ranged 40 Thieving 42* Fire Warrior of Lesarkus
(level 84)
Temple of the Eye Runecraft 10 -
The Tourist Trap Fletching 10 Smithing 20 Mercenary Captain
(level 47)
Tree Gnome Village - Khazard warlord
(level 112)
Tribal Totem Thieving 21 -
Troll Romance Agility 28 Arrg/Troll general
(level 113)
Troll Stronghold Agility 15 Troll general
(level 113)
Vampyre Slayer - Count Draynor
(level 34)
Wanted! Agility 13 Mining 17 Thieving 13 Quest points 32 Black Knight
(level 33)
Watchtower Agility 25 Herblore 14 Magic 15 Mining 40 Thieving 15 Gorad
(level 68)
Waterfall Quest - -
What Lies Below Runecraft 35 King Roald
(level 47)
Witch's House - Witch's experiment
(level 53)
Zogre Flesh Eaters Cooking 30 Fletching 5 Herblore 8 Ranged 30 Smithing 4 Slash Bash
(level 111)


Requirements Toughest
Between a Rock... Defence 30 Fishing 10 Mining 40* Smithing 50* Arzinian Avatar
(level 75-125)
Cabin Fever Agility 42 Cooking 30 Crafting 45 Farming 40* Fishing 50*
Fletching 5 Herblore 8 Prayer 47* Ranged 40 Slayer 42
Smithing 50
Evil spirit
(level 150)
Contact! - Giant scarab
(level 191)
Darkness of Hallowvale Agility 26 Construction 5 Crafting 32 Magic 33 Mining 20
Strength 40 Thieving 22
Vanstrom Klause
(level 169)
Devious Minds Agility 15 Fletching 50 Mining 17 Runecraft 50 Smithing 65*
Thieving 13
Abyssal Creatures
(level 41+)
Dragon Slayer I Quest points 32 Elvarg
(level 83)
Enakhra's Lament Crafting 50 Firemaking 45 Magic 39 Prayer 43 -
Fairytale II - Cure a Queen Crafting 31 Farming 49* Herblore 57* Thieving 40 Woodcutting 36 Gorak
(level 145)
Family Crest Crafting 40 Magic 59* Mining 40 Smithing 40* Chronozon
(level 170)
The Fremennik Isles Construction 20 Ice Troll King
(level 122)
The Great Brain Robbery Agility 42 Construction 30 Cooking 31 Crafting 45 Farming 40*
Fishing 50* Fletching 5 Herblore 8 Prayer 50 Ranged 40
Slayer 42 Smithing 50 Thieving 25
(level 190)
Haunted Mine Agility 15 Crafting 35 Treus Dayth
(level 95)
Heroes' Quest Cooking 53* Crafting 31 Fishing 53* Herblore 25* Mining 50*
Woodcutting 36 Quest points 55
Ice Queen
(level 111)
King's Ransom Agility 36 Attack 20 Crafting 25 Defence 65 Herblore 18
Magic 45 Smithing 30
Black Knight Titan
(level 120)
A Kingdom Divided Agility 54 Crafting 38 Herblore 50 Magic 35 Mining 42 Thieving 52 Woodcutting 32 Xamphur
(level 239)
Land of the Goblins Agility 38 Fishing 40 Thieving 45 Herblore 48 Strongbones
(Level 184)
Lunar Diplomacy Agility 32* Crafting 61 Defence 40 Firemaking 49 Herblore 5
Magic 65 Mining 60 Woodcutting 55
(level 111)
My Arm's Big Adventure Agility 15 Farming 29* Herblore 31* Thieving 30 Woodcutting 10 Giant Roc
(level 172)
One Small Favour Agility 36 Crafting 25 Herblore 18 Smithing 30 Nazastarool
(level 93)
The Path of Glouphrie Strength 60 Slayer 56 Thieving 56 Ranged 47 Agility 45 3 Warped Terrorbirds
(level 136)
Rag and Bone Man II Agility 35* Cooking 30 Crafting 20 Fletching 5 Herblore 8
Ranged 30 Smithing 4 Slayer 40 Thieving 25
Slash Bash
(level 111)
Regicide Agility 56* Crafting 10* Ranged 25 Tyras guard
(level 110)
Roving Elves Agility 56* Crafting 10* Ranged 25 Tyras guard
(level 110)
Royal Trouble Agility 40* Cooking 53* Crafting 31 Farming 10 [1] Fishing 53*
Herblore 35 [1] Mining 50* Slayer 40* Woodcutting 45 [1]
Giant Sea Snake
(level 149)
Rum Deal Cooking 30 Crafting 42 Farming 40* Fishing 50* Fletching 5
Herblore 8 Prayer 47* Ranged 30 Slayer 42 Smithing 4
Evil spirit
(level 150)
A Taste of Hope Agility 45 Attack 40 Crafting 48 Herblore 40 Slayer 38 Ranis Drakan
(level 233)
Throne of Miscellania Cooking 53* Crafting 31 Farming 10 [1] Fishing 53* Herblore 35 [1]
Mining 50* Woodcutting 45 [1]
Ice Queen
(level 111)
Underground Pass Ranged 25 Doomion/Othainian/Holthion
(level 91)
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Possibly less, depends on how you choose to gain support. Click here for more information.


Requirements Toughest
Beneath Cursed Sands Agility 62 Crafting 55 Firemaking 55 Champion of Scabaras
(level 379)
Desert Treasure I Agility 15 Firemaking 50 Fletching 10 Herblore 10 Magic 50
Ranged 40 Slayer 10 Smithing 20 Thieving 53
(level 174)
Dream Mentor Agility 32* Crafting 61 Defence 40 Firemaking 49 Herblore 31*
Magic 65 Mining 60 Woodcutting 55 Combat level 85
The Inadequacy
(level 343)
The Fremennik Exiles Crafting 65 Slayer 60 Smithing 60 Fishing 60 Runecraft 55 The Jormungand
(level 363)
Grim Tales Agility 59* Farming 45* Herblore 52* Thieving 58* Woodcutting 71* Glod
(level 138)
Legends' Quest Agility 50 Cooking 53* Crafting 50 Fishing 53* Herblore 45
Magic 59* Mining 52 Prayer 42 Ranged 25 Smithing 50
Strength 50 Thieving 50 Woodcutting 50 Quest points 107
(level 187)
Making Friends with My Arm Agility 68* Construction 35* Firemaking 66 Mining 72* Mother

(level 198)

Monkey Madness I Agility 25* Jungle Demon
(level 195)
Mourning's End Part I Agility 56* Cooking 30 Crafting 10* Fletching 5 Ranged 60
Thieving 50*
Tyras guard
(level 110)
Mourning's End Part II Agility 56* Cooking 30 Crafting 10* Fletching 5 Ranged 60
Thieving 50*
Tyras guard
(level 110)
A Night at the Theatre - Verzik Vitur
(level 459)
Secrets of the North Agility 69 Thieving 64 Hunter 56 Strange Creature
(level 368)
Sins of the Father Agility 52 Attack 50 Crafting 56 Fletching 60 Magic 49 Slayer 50 Woodcutting 62 Vanstrom Klause
(level 413)
Swan Song Agility 36 Cooking 62* Crafting 40 Farming 25 Firemaking 42
Fishing 62* Herblore 18 Magic 66* Smithing 45* Thieving 25
Quest points 100
Sea Troll Queen
(level 170)


Requirements Toughest
Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire Firemaking 75 Magic 75 Thieving 70 Herblore 62 Runecraft 60 Construction 60 The Leviathan

(level 577)

Dragon Slayer II Agility 60 Construction 50 Crafting 62 Hitpoints 50 Magic 75

Mining 68 Smithing 70 Thieving 60 Quest points 200


(level 608)

Monkey Madness II Agility 55 Construction 5 Cooking 70* Crafting 70 Farming 30
Firemaking 60 Herblore 14 Hunter 60 Magic 46 Mining 40
Slayer 69 Thieving 55
(level 378)
Song of the Elves Agility 70 Construction 70 Farming 70 Herblore 70 Hunter 70 Mining 70
Smithing 70 Woodcutting 70
Fragment of Seren
(level 494)
While Guthix Sleeps Agility 66 Farming 65 Herblore 65 Hunter 62 Magic 67 Thieving 72 Balance Elemental
(Level 524)


Requirements Toughest
Recipe for Disaster Agility 48 Cooking 70* Crafting 40 Firemaking 50 Fishing 53*
Fletching 10 Herblore 25* Magic 59* Mining 50* Ranged 40
Slayer 10 Smithing 40 Thieving 53 Woodcutting 36 Quest points 175
Black dragon
(level 227)


Requirements Toughest
Alfred Grimhand's Barcrawl - -
Architectural Alliance Crafting 30 Mining 42 -
Bear Your Soul - -
Curse of the Empty Lord Agility 15 Firemaking 50 Fletching 10 Herblore 10 Magic 50
Ranged 40 Slayer 10 Smithing 20 Thieving 53
Troll general
(level 113)
Daddy's Home - -
The Enchanted Key - Temple guardian
(level 30)
Enter the Abyss - -
Family Pest Crafting 40 Magic 59* Mining 40 Smithing 40* Chronozon
(level 170)
The Frozen Door Agility 70 Hitpoints 70 Ranged 70 Strength 70 K'ril Tsutsaroth
(level 650)
The General's Shadow Agility 15 Firemaking 50 Fletching 10 Herblore 10 Magic 50
Ranged 40 Slayer 10 Smithing 20 Thieving 53
(level 160)
His Faithful Servants - Barrows brothers
(level 98 & 115)
Hopespear's Will Prayer 50 Strongbones
(level 184)
In Search of Knowledge - Undead Druid
(level 105)
Into the Tombs - Elidinis' & Tumeken's Wardens
(level 489)
Lair of Tarn Razorlor Agility 15 Crafting 35 Slayer 40 Treus Dayth
(level 95)
Mage Arena I Magic 60 Kolodion
(level 112)
Mage Arena II Magic 75 Justiciar Zachariah
(level 348)
Skippy and the Mogres Cooking 20 -

Overall Requirements List

  1. ^ Only required if you make the unspiced stews yourself.
  2. ^ This requirement can be bypassed - see below)
  3. ^ Climbing the trellis to begin the quest requires 18 Agility.
  4. ^ This requirement can be bypassed if another player mines the rock.
  5. ^ Level 65 is required if you wish to catch the Raw karambwan yourself.
  6. ^ Entering the Mountain Camp initially requires 10 Agility.
  7. ^ Adding the sapphire lens to a Bullseye lantern (unf) is boostable, but Bullseye lantern (empty) and Bullseye lantern is not boostable.
  8. ^ The level 22 Thieving requirement to begin the quest is boostable, but unhooking the latch in Meiyerditch requiring 22 Thieving is not boostable.
  9. ^ The level 26 Agility requirement to begin the quest is boostable, but the unboostable obstacles within Meiyerditch only require 25 Agility. Therefore, 25 Agility is the lowest level possible to complete the quest.
  10. ^ Needed to cut thatches and repair the fence for Tai Bwo Wannai favour, otherwise you will have to kill monsters spawned by other players (or nearby jungle spiders)
  11. ^ 30 Crafting can be boosted to start the quest and to make the penguin suit, but crafting the drums requires unboosted 30 Crafting. The agility course can be unlocked before this is required.
  12. ^ Only required to fix the bridges later in the quest
  13. ^ A prerequisite quest, Cabin Fever, requires 45 Crafting.
  14. ^ If boosting, note that there are two skill checks.

See also