Guide:Ultimate Ironman Walkthrough Guide In Progress
Hello! Welcome to the Ultimate Ironman Walkthrough Guide. This guide provides a complete step-by-step walkthrough for Ultimate Ironmen to complete the Song of the Elves quest, starting from account creation. Completing this quest allows access to the city of Prifddinas which has many extremely useful features such as The Gauntlet, carnivorous chinchompas, a sawmill, shops, Zalcano, soft clay rocks, a house portal with respawn location nearby, and more. These benefits, along with the high skill requirements of the quest, make completion of Song of the Elves a significant milestone for any Ultimate Ironman account and will leave the player with a solid foundation moving forward.
- Some general notes on the guide
This walkthrough serves as a guiding light for new ultimate ironman players. It will show you a quest and skilling order that minimizes wasted time and backtracking. For any new UIM player, following this guide will save you countless hours by avoiding mistakes the author learned the hard way. However, it is not without limitations. As you begin your journey, you should know that the best route for any given UIM account is unique. Each player will have different skills, experience, time, playstyle, resources (such as alts), and very importantly, goals. Throughout the guide there are many instances in which alternative options are presented, and there are countless more options that are not presented. As you go through these steps, remember that this is your account and you are welcome to deviate from the path as you would like. The most important thing is to enjoy your account and your own journey!
More help can be found from the nice UIM Discord community: Ultimate Ironman Discord
Route Rework
This section is for brewing a new route overhaul that rushes the Wilderness Agility Course at the start of the account.
Wilderness Agility Course |
Getting Started
Starting an Ultimate Ironman can be overwhelming. This section provides a detailed step-by-step path for beginning your journey.
Once finished, you will have many important starter quests complete and a solid foundation moving forward.
At the end of this section there is an overview that covers everything that was completed. This can be helpful if you are not starting the guide from the very beginning.
This section is by-far the most impactful for a new UIM player. It is highly recommended to at least follow through to the end of this section before branching out.
Early Protection Prayers |
Unlike the previous guide version, this walkthrough assumes that the player obtains 43 prayer at the start of their account.
Doing this allows the route to do some quests that it otherwise could not, and provides a much safer journey for new players who may be less capable of setting up some of the tricky safespots. However, it is completely possible to go through the guide without protection prayers if you just don't feel up for it. The playthrough videos include examples of how to safespot relevant bosses, but ultimately it will be up to you to manage not having these prayers if you choose to skip them. Method Options:
Fresh Off the Boat | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
<youtube width="" height="">nVkdUNnYEmY</youtube>
Back Around the Loop Again | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
<youtube width="" height="">eG59jc7TktI</youtube>
Into Ardougne and Plague City | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
<youtube width="" height="">RBjlKvVdrlI</youtube>
White Knights and Waterfall | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
<youtube width="" height="">nfvkYeF9aDA</youtube>
Tourist Trap and The Grand Tree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
<youtube width="" height="">bw-JEIr92_k</youtube>
Thieving and Varlamore |
Final Check | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Giants' Foundry
Phew! That was a lot of questing! Now it's time to settle in and get cozy because up next is a series of skilling grinds.
First on the list is Giants Foundry. You will train your smithing until level 60 using iron/steel plate bodies. This will lock in the level for Blast Furnace later, while also profiting a tidy sum of coins.
If you are coming from the Getting Started section, you should be all ready to go with a clean inventory, coins, and a chronicle. <youtube width="" height="">pZy8-Gw21OY</youtube> The method is very simple and goes as such:
- Chronicle teleport.
- Run North to Horvik's Armour Shop.
- Purchase 12 Iron platebodies and 16 steel platebodies. Equip one of the iron platebodies to fit them in.
- Minigame teleport to Giants Foundry.
- Make 4 swords using 3 iron and 4 steel platebodies for each. Use the bucket spawn to cool them by filling it with water from the waterfall. Drop the bucket after the last sword.
- Chronicle teleport back and start over.
Players who have alternate accounts can speed up the buying process by selling platebodies to the shop so you don't have to hop worlds. If you find yourself waiting on the minigame timer, run a lap or two of the Varrock Rooftope Course.
It is worth noting that the new Varlamore shop is not usable for this because you are unable to unlock the transport landing site at this time.
Agility: Barbarian Fishing and Wilderness Course
Now that you are done hammering away at swords, it is time to reel in some big ones with Barbarian Fishing! Then brave the PKers at the Wilderness Agility Course!
You will first be aiming for level 52 Agility from barbarian fishing. Then you will train all the way to level 70 at the wilderness agility course.
This will lock in the level requirement needed for Song of the Elves, while also setting yourself up well for the future.
How much fishing do you actually need to do?
This section introduces our first relatively long grind, and not all players are going to be that interested in doing barbarian fishing all the way to 52 Agility. This section is going to discuss some options to consider if you are itching to stop early.
Regardless of where you decide to stop early, all of the missing experience to reach level 52 will come from doing the Brimhaven Agility Arena. Make sure to jump over spike traps between tickets for extra xp. Buy food at the store in Brimhaven.
The missing strength xp can be made up at Sand Crabs, but is less important than the Agility experience.
58 Fishing/60 Cooking: The first place you could stop is simply after getting 58 fishing and 60 cooking. This means no barbarian fishing for Agility or Strength, but you still get the cooking experience for later. It is not advised to stop earlier than this.
62 Fishing: This is the highest quest requirement in the game currently for Swan Song, and is a reasonable place to stop. It also allows you to boost for Tai Bwo Wannai Trio if you end up needing to.
70 Fishing: This unlocks Leaping sturgeon and sets yourself up to train herblore using the Caviar to make Barbarian mixes later for extra experience. This method is commonly known as "Barblore".
Why not Sepulcher to 70?
A common question is likely going to be "Why not wait and do Sepulcher to 70?". This was actually the original path for the guide, but after testing it, doing the Wilderness course early on is just a better option for the average player. This is because for this level range, the experience rates for both methods are nearly identical. However, the wilderness course can be done right now while Sepulcher has very high requirements to unlock. Getting 70 Agility now means you will be able to take advantage of it much earlier. You will have faster run restore, access to shortcuts you wouldn't otherwise, and a much higher success rate for annoying quest obstacles. You also generally don't want to loot floor 2 of the Sepulcher anyway, so they both don't give any loot. Finally, the wilderness course is just vastly easier to do for the same experience rates. All that said, this does assume you are not multiskilling while you train. If you are the type of gamer who wants to multiskill while doing Sepulcher, then doing that is more efficient as you can't effectively multiskill at the Wilderness course due to the threat of PKers. This falls into the same category as tick manipulation though, where it is more efficient if you want to do it but isn't expected by the guide.
- Chronicle teleport.
- Purchase 300 mind runes from Aubury.
- Head to Varlamore.
- Purchase 10 bread from the bakery stall.
- Return to Varrock.
- Buy a staff of air from Zaff.
- Head to the Grand Exchange and take the spirit tree to The Gnome Stronghold.
- Purchase a premade blurb' sp from the Blurberry Bar.
- Home teleport.
- Purchase a steel axe from Bob.
- Purchase a Tinderbox from the general store.
- Walk west to Port Sarim.
- Purchase raw sardines at the fishing shop. Chop a nearby tree and burn the logs for a fire.
- Cook sardines until you reach 15 cooking.
- Drop the axe and tinderbox.
- Purchase a fly fishing rod and 25,000 feathers.
- If you plan to stop around 70 fishing then buy 15,000 feathers.
- If you plan to just go to 58 Fishing for the cooking xp, buy 5,000 feathers.
- Minigame teleport to clan wars.
- Hop to a free to play world.
- Leave the enclave and head north-west. Pick up an iron bar and return to enclave.
- Use the tunnel to get to Edgeville.
- Head south to the fishing spot in Barbarian Village.
- Fly fish and cook trout until your minigame teleport is back.
- Collect 10 cooked trout along with your other items.
- Minigame teleport to the Burthorpe Games Room.
- Complete Death Plateau.
- Complete Troll Stronghold.
- If you don't have protection prayers, you should probably put off doing this quest until you get 44 Agility for the shortcuts to avoid the throwing trolls. Make you also bring some food with you.
- Drop any extra mind runes, the staff of air, law talisman, and steel claws.
- Minigame teleport back to clan wars and return to fishing like before.
- Fish until you reach level 58 fishing. Cook and drop all the fish you catch on the fire nearby.
- Minigame teleport to Barbarian Assault, then head south.
- Start Barbarian Training and unlock Barbarian Fishing. You don't need to do the other training.
- Get a heavy rod from under the bed and start Fishing.
- Fish until you reach level 52 Agility, or whatever milestone you decide to go to.
- Put you extra coins in the coffers at LMS, then train at the Wilderness Agility Course until level 70 Agility.
- Use the wilderness lever to get to Ardougne and steal cakes for food.
- The damage taken from failing steps on this course is based on your current hitpoints. Keep your HP low to stretch out your food longer.
- NOTE: If anyone happens to be following the guide at this time, please know that the wilderness course is going to be moved to after Wintertodt, and you will be encouraged to try to actually loot at the agility course. You will use LMS/Blackjacking to pay the initial entry fees until you get enough money from the course to pay using that. This change is happening because the loot from the agility course is just so good that it is worth risking the money on.
Gambling for loot at the Wilderness Agility Course
Do you feel like a gambling ultimate iron person? Does that potential 20k gp per lap after 60 laps make you drool with just how much time blackjacking it would save? Well, if you are willing to take a risk then you could choose to scrap together 150k and invest it into an entry fee at the wilderness course. This would allow you to actually collect loot, and if things go well, you could end up with a very tidy profit by the end of this grind. It would also increase your xp rates by allowing you to stay at the course and not make food trips. However, this is not safe money. There are PKers that prowl this arena who can attack you. Even if you tried to stay a lower combat level, many PKers have low level alts they will log into and kill you after scouting you on their main.
If you are interested in trying this, then you can go back to Giant's Foundry and train until you have the required dough. Then, risk it all and hope you don't die right away. If you are able to get even 30-45 minutes or so of laps in then you will make enough profit to fund several future attempts. You can minigame teleport to Burthorpe and sell the armor to the general store in the Rogues' Den (it gives better prices than a normal general store), then you can home teleport, get an axe from the woodsman tutor, then take the canoe transport to barbarian village to get near the LMS coffers and wildy lever. How long you stay each trip is up to you. You probably should not worry much about trying to keep the noted blighted supplies, as deathpiling to save them each hour would really cut into potential loot as you wouldn't really be ever able to get into the 60 lap streaks much. For obvious reasons, the guide does not assume you do this. However on average it is probably more likely to work out for you than not given it only takes less than an hour or so to build up a decent backup stack. If you do go bust, then you can go back to Giant's Foundry, or possibly just wait until after Wintertodt so you can have the total levels to do LMS for another stack of chips. Good luck!
Well now, with all that fishing you probably have a burning desire to do something else! Next on the chopping block is Wintertodt.
You will do solo Wintertodt until you reach 50 Construction. This allows you to build some useful rooms in your house, do teak contracts at Mahogany Homes, get some loot from the searches, and train several other skills on the way.
You can optionally go all the way to 99 Firemaking, or if want to split the difference, then 60 woodcutting would allow you access to a Rune axe easily when you start construction.
Overall, this grind will continue to boost your total level and set up a foundation for the future in an efficient way. However, if you simply don't want to do this grind, you can just skip it and go straight to Guardians of the Rift.
You will NOT search your reward pulls at this time. For now, just leave them be and we will come back for them later.
How much Wintertodt do you actually need to do?
Similar to before with barbarian fishing, many players might not be interested in sticking with the solo Wintertodt grind all the way to level 50 construction or beyond. This section will cover a few options to stop early.
40/42 Construction: At level 40, you can build a costume room with a boost from tea using the Wooden shelves 3. This will also let you make an Oak magic wardrobe to store your Forestry kit. If you stop here, you won't be able to get the Rogue equipment.
44/46 Construction : At level 44 you can boost to make the Oak armour case. This will let you store the Rogue equipment needed for thieving for money. Continuing on to level 50 just lets you start doing teak contracts at Mahogany Homes right away.
- Clean out your inventory and equipment to just your coins, Chronicle, and any extra feathers you have.
- Head south from your fishing spot to the farming shop north of Ardougne.
- Buy a spade.
- Head back north and dig up the Clue hunter gloves and boots.
- Drop the spade.
- Head to Catherby.
- Buy 3400 iron arrow tips from the archery shop.
- Chronicle Teleport.
- Head north-west and obtain a Rainbow jumper from Gilbert.
- Head into Varrock and purchase a hammer and tinderbox from the general store.
- Head to the Blue Moon Inn and buy a normal beer.
- Head north to Marlo and pick up the saw spawn.
- Fishing Trawler minigame teleport.
- Head north and complete the Tower of Life.
- Drop the saw, keep the hammer and tinderbox.
- Home Teleport.
- Buy a steel axe from Bob.
- Pick up a knife in the kitchen.
- Head west to Port Sarim and buy feathers until you have 3400, using any extras you might still have.
- Head back to Draynor Village.
- Buy a Rainbow scarf from Diango.
- Speak to the Friendly Forester and get a Forestry Kit.
- Hop to a Forestry world. World 444 worked well during testing, but you can try others.
- Chop normal trees and fletch them into 1000 arrow shafts.
- Turn these into headless arrows, you need level 15 fletching.
- Chop oak trees, fletch them into arrow shafts to match your feathers and arrow tips.
- Do any Forestry Events that show up.
- Fletch your 3400 arrows now or save them to do while walking in the future if you want to be more efficient.
- Drop the arrows once finished.
- Chop and burn oak logs in the area until 35 Woodcutting and 35 Firemaking.
- Do all Forestry events that show up.
- Minigame teleport to Clan Wars.
- Put your money in the coffer by LMS.
- Take the tunnel to Soul Wars.
- Walk all the way to the north side of the isle to the teak trees.
- Chop and burn teak logs until you reach 50 Firemaking.
- Do all Forestry events you encounter.
- If you manage to get 5000 Anima-infused bark, then you can stop doing Forestry events.
- Home Teleport to Lumbridge, then walk to Port Sarim.
- Speak to Veos and take the boat to Kourend.
- Head to Wintertodt.
- Solo Wintertodt until you reach 50 Construction, or your other desired milestone.
- You will use the rejuvenating potions as food.
- How much you fletch is up to you.
- You can use an alt to help set up and manage games for faster xp rates.
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Wilderness Agility Course
Guardians of The Rift
This section will set up the player for Guardians of the Rift, including some quests, varrock easy, Rogue Outfit, and a rune pouch from LMS.
Once ready, the player will do GOTR until 65 Runecraft, stopping to wait for death runes to be unlocked.
This will provide the player a large number of runes, as well as (hopefully) enough pearls to obtain a Ring of the Elements. If the player is short on pearls, they will just continue until they do get enough.
Additionally, it will provide a lot of early crafting/mining xp.
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Mage Training Arena
Players will then be asked to use their newly acquired runes for magic training at mage training arena. The goal will be to unlock bones to peaches plus a few extra for later quest needs. This lands the player over 55 Magic for high alch and lots of teleports.
Money Making
Now the player will setup and blackjack for a lot of money needed to do the next construction grind. This will use the rogues outfit from before to Blackjack for this money.
Alternatively, players who are very good at LMS (or boosting) can do LMS for money instead.
Players may optionally train to level 65 Thieving using Artifacts before transitioning to Blackjacking.
Players will also go ahead and loot their Wintertodt searches for some extra money, and will use the noted logs to get a log basket. It will also give a chance for a Tome of Fire and a Dragon Axe, which will be helpful in the upcoming construction grind if you get them.
Notable Items to keep:
- Pure Essence
- Marrentil
- Logs
- Seeds
- Diamonds
- Herbs
Fairy Rings, Teak Mahogany Homes to 77 Construction, Jewelry box.
Fairy Tale Part 1:
- Priest in Peril
- Nature Spirit
The player will now set up for more construction training, using teak mahogany homes to reach 77 Construction using the Ring of the Elements. This will allow the player to create a basic jewelry box, as well as other nice things later such as a mounted digsite pendant. They will purchase a rune axe to use for this grind using the 60 woodcutting from before. The player will also now fill out the rest of their POH with some useful portal rooms and other features.
Players will use their log basket with teak trees located near fairy ring ajp.
Players who would like may also do 1.5t teaks at Fossil Island, using the Ring of Elements to get there. This is more efficient, but higher effort.
Idea to add a flame pit trap for people who stop at 70 construction.
This video shows the general method for that.
If they choose to do this, they do not need to get fairy rings.
Rune Pouch Air, Earth, Law. If Tome of Fire use that for fire runes.
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Route Outline
Questing: Ava's, Fossil Island, Herblore, Melee Setup, Ranged, Farming, Etc.
Now that the player has overheads, a very large number of teleports available, and quick access to run restore (notable because graceful was skipped), it is time to start questing. This section will take the player through a very large number of quests needed to progress the account. This section will obtain things such as fairy rings, Herblore, Ava's, Fossil Island, Farming, Ranged, Melee gear, and so on. The aim will be to complete quests that are not impacted by being a lower combat level or not having prayer potions.
Questing Setup:
Rune Pouch: Law, Earth, Death.
Teleports that require Fire and Water runes will be in your house. The Tome of Fire would be nice to have though.
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Ardougne Easy Diary
Ardougne Easy Diary
Fossil Island:
Bone Voyage
- The Dig Site
- 100 Kudos ( 50 from finds, 28 from Quiz, 5 From Hazeel Cult, 5 from Rune Mysteries, 5 from Priest in Peril, 5 from Demon Slayer, 5 from The Grand Tree).
- Build Fossil Island Camp
Ranged Setup:
Ava's Device:
- Animal Magnetism
- Wanted
- Ernest the Chicken
- Priest in Peril
Bone Crossbow:
-The Lost Tribe
Amulet of Accuracy
- Imp Catcher
All other gear is purchased from shops.
Ranged starter XP
- Shadow of The Storm
-- The Golem
- Horror From the Deep
- Death to the Dorgeshuun
- Temple of Ikov
Melee Setup
Berserker Helm
-Fremenik Trials
Amulet of Strength
- 50 Crafting
Dragon Scimitar
- Monkey Madness 1
Fighter Torso
- Boost or do Barbarian Assault when comfortable
Rune Gloves
-Recipe For Disaster
Melee Starting XP
- Holy Grail
-Olaf's Quest
- Do The Garden of Death to get 30 Farming and allow players to farm Willow seeds from birdhouses.
- Will need to get a bit of ultracompost.
Combat Training with birdhouses.
Using the combat gear and levels obtained in the previous questing, the player will settle in at ammonite crabs for a lot of combat training. While they do so, they will be expected to do birdhouse runs until at least 43 hunter, but preferably 60+.
These birdhouses will also provide tree seeds that can be grown to get farming moving. Finally, the guide assumes that the player gets at least some ranarr weeds or seeds to produce a handful of prayer potions for upcoming quests.
The player will be asked to obtain stats needed to defeat Vanstrom Klause later down the line. This is a lot of training, but has to be done eventually so might as well do it now.
Optionally Alch Rune Arrows or Volcanic Ash during this grind.
Goal Training Setup
Questing: Elven Questline, Vampire Questline, Other quests, Slayer Setup/starter xp.
Once the player is done beefing up, they will now be able to much more easily complete a lot of quests that have notably challenging combat encounters. Additionally, they will have access to a small supply of prayer potions for when those are needed.
This will focus on rounding out the rest of the elven and vampire questlines, and set up for a slayer grind.
Questing Setup:
Rune Pouch: Law, Earth, Death.
Teleports that require Fire and Water runes will be in your house. The Tome of Fire would be nice to have though.
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- Jungle Potion
- Shades of Morton
- Zogre Flesh Eaters
- Choice XP
-Eadgar's Ruse
-My Arm's Big Adventure
-Silo Village
This should reach at least level 40 for A Taste of Hope.
Add Noted Prayer Potions to the inventory setup.
- Making History
- Underground Pass
- Regicide
- Roving Elves
- Mourning's End Part 1
- Mourning's End Part 2
-Setup for slayer boosting
- Boost 100 tasks, doing every 10th at Konar.
- After finishing slayer boosting, complete Dragon Slayer 1 and Heros Quest for a Dragon Battle Axe (If not already very close to 50 slayer after the 10 tasks)
- Grind to level 50/55 Slayer. 55 Slayer if using broad arrows for fletching.
- Consider options for getting 62 Agility for the wall climb.
- Complete Slug Menace
- Get a Dragon Defender
- Runes for Bones to Peaches.
- Between Tasks the player can optionally use up any ensouled heads they got.
Slayer Setup:
Rune Pouch: Law, Earth, Air.
Teleports that require Fire and Water runes will be in your house. The Tome of Fire would be nice to have though.
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Calcite Rocks:
- Start Perilous Moons and do Calcite Rocks to level 70 Prayer.
- In Search of the Myreque
- In Aid of the Myreque
- Darkness of Hallowvale
- A Taste of Hope
- A Night at the Theater
- Sins of the Father (60 Fletching needed too).
Final Skill grinds
Finally, the player will be tasked with rounding out any of their missing level 70 skills.
Agility: Sepulcher
Construction: Done
Farming: Passively through seeds and herb growing, and Tithe Farm.
Herblore: Many options. Slayer, Master Farmers, quest/choice xp, new minigame.
Hunter: Salamanders, but other options are up to the player. Possibly Hunter Rumours.
Mining: Done
Smithing: Gold or Giants' Foundry
Woodcutting: Done
This section will be a bit drawn out, as it will include a lot of time waiting on herbs to grow. The player is free to do whatever they would like during this time.
If planning to use Ancients for the Fragment of Seren Fight, complete Desert Treasure before Song of The Elves.
Song of the Elves
After everything, the player will simply need to complete Song of the Elves and conclude the guide.
This will pave the way for the future of their account, whatever direction they wish to go.
It should be noted that the guide intentionally doesn't aim to go all the way to maxing. There are many reasons for this, but most fundamentally is that this guide is for an average player.
Most average players are not aiming to rush to max as fast as possible, they want to enjoy the journey and engage in PvM (which isn't efficient for maxing).
Additionally, any player who is actually trying to rush max is going to be experienced enough to figure a lot of things out themselves. It pretty much boils down to "get a quest cape, and train every skill using efficient methods".
Not even He Box Jonge followed his own guide. He forged his own path, speedrunning based on in-game time, using alts, and many other differences. By this point in the guide, hundreds of hours of grinding in, the player just has to figure it out themselves.
Feedback and Ideas Being Tracked
This section features feedback items I am currently tracking and need to look into further. There is a dedicated discussion channel on the UIM Discord called uim-walkthrough-feedback for those who would like to contribute Ultimate Ironman Discord
- Boneyard Prayer: There is a lot of debate on whether doing boneyard or other methods for early protection prayers is worthwhile. There are a lot of tradeoffs for this, as even though the experience rates are low, having protection prayers early is very valuable. Additionally, the method is admittedly very tedious. This point will need to be looked into further.
- (UPDATE: Raising cats for money has been cut from the route) Raising cats for money: There has been a disagreement with using cats for early money. Currently the guide would expect the player to raise a handful of cats to get enough money to afford feathers for barbarian fishing and afford a rune pickaxe for early mining training. While this method has very low requirements, it also does not provide any experience. It takes time to trade in the cats and get new ones. Additionally, it requires getting the Ardy easy diary early, which then requires you to use your xp lamp on something less optimal since you don't have level 30 herblore. Currently, alternative options for starter cash are being looked into. Historically, this money would come form Wintertodt, but this route intends to take advantage of being able to delay searches there so alternative sources of money are going to be required.
-(UPDATE: The route has been changed to use blackjacking as the main method for money) LMS for money. Some players have disagreed with using LMS for money. Realistically, this is a difficult topic because how effective LMS is depends greatly on how good you are at it. Currently the guide assumes LMS is used for a large amount of early GP, however it is likely this will be rerouted to make LMS a secondary option rather than the main path. This does mean alternative sources of bulk GP will be needed. Blackjacking is a top idea, but that runs into questions on whether it is worth doing over artifact multiskilling.
-(UPDATE: The guide has changed to use Teaks) Construction: Currently the guide uses oak Mahogany Homes, however players have presented the idea for Teak Mahogany Homes instead using the Log Basket. With the addition of new teak trees near fairy ring ajp the guide will likely be changed to use the teak method.
-Hunter Rumors: There is discussion over whether hunter rumors are a good idea, and if so, what level they should be started. This will be figured out over time but isn't a major point at the moment. Hunter is not really a limiting factor for the guide, so likely it will just be left up to the player to decide what to do after they get done with birdhouses.