Unlockable content

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This page contains a list of all notable unlockable content in Old School RuneScape. The content includes access to armour, locations, and quality-of-life improvements that enhance gameplay.

The content below is not listed in any particular order and is not an exhaustive list.

Achievement Diaries


Content Members Requirements Notes
Ancient mace 1
Another Slice of H.A.M. quest Special attack that drains an enemy player's prayer and recharges the user's prayer by 100% of the damage dealt.
Ava's accumulator 1
Animal Magnetism quest Level 50 Ranged version of Ava's device for the cost of 75 Steel arrows and either Ava's attractor or 999 coins.
Ava's assembler 1
Animal Magnetism and Dragon Slayer II quests Level 70 Ranged version of Ava's device for the cost of Vorkath's head, 75 Mithril arrows, and either Ava's accumulator or 4,999 coins.
Ava's attractor 1
Animal Magnetism quest Level 30 Ranged version of Ava's device.
Dragon dagger 1
Lost City quest
Dragon battleaxe 1
Heroes' Quest quest
Dragon longsword 1
Lost City quest
Dragon mace 1
Heroes' Quest quest
Dragon platebody 1
Dragon Slayer I quest
Dragon scimitar 1
Monkey Madness I quest
Elemental shield 1
Elemental Workshop I quest
Elite Void Knight equipment 1
Pest Control minigame and completion of hard Western Provinces Diary 200 Commendation points each to upgrade the Void knight top/Void knight robe to their elite counterpart.
Excalibur 1
Merlin's Crystal quest Special attack that increases the player's Defence level by 8.
Fighter hat 1
Barbarian Assault minigame 275 honour points in each role.
Fighter torso 1
Barbarian Assault minigame 375 honour points in each role.
Fire cape 1
TzHaar Fight Cave minigame
Green d'hide body 0
Dragon Slayer I quest
Healer hat 1
Barbarian Assault minigame 275 honour points in each role.
Initiate armour 1
Recruitment Drive quest
Infernal cape 1
Inferno minigame Requires a one time payment of a Fire cape to enter.
Keris 1
Contact! quest Deals 33% more damage to Kalphites with a 1/51 chance to deal triple damage.
Lumberjack outfit 1
Temple Trekking minigame Grants a 2.5% increase in Woodcutting experience when the full set is worn.
Mind helmet and Mind shield 1
Elemental Workshop II quest
Penance gloves 1
Barbarian Assault minigame 150 honour points in each role.
Penance skirt 1
Barbarian Assault minigame 375 honour points in each role.
Proselyte armour 1
Slug Menace quest
Pyromancer outfit 1
Wintertodt minigame Grants a 2.5% increase in Firemaking experience when the full set is worn.
Ranger hat 1
Barbarian Assault minigame 275 honour points in each role.
Rogue equipment 1
Rogues' Den minigame Grants double loot from pickpocketing while wearing the full outfit.
Rune platebody 0
Dragon Slayer I quest
Runner boots 1
Barbarian Assault minigame 100 honour points in each role.
Runner hat 1
Barbarian Assault minigame 275 honour points in each role.
Silverlight 0
Demon Slayer quest Deals extra damage to Vampyres and Demons.
Void Knight equipment 1
Pest Control minigame Each combat style set costs 850 Commendation points.
Void knight mace 1
Pest Control minigame 250 Commendation points.
Wolfbane 1
Priest in Peril quest Prevents NPCs inside Canifis from turning into a werewolf.


For more information on Agility shortcuts, a complete list can be found on the shortcuts article.

Content Members Unlocked Notes
Graceful outfit 1
Purchased with Mark of grace from Rooftop Agility Courses Weight-reducing equipment that consists of a hood, top, legs, gloves, and cape. The full set provides a passive effect that improves a player's run energy restoration by 30%.
Boots of lightness 1
Started Temple of Ikov
Spotted cape 1
40 Hunter to wear Weight-reducing cape that can be bought or made from spotted kebbit fur at the fancy-dress shop owner in Varrock.
Spottier cape 1
66 Hunter to wear Weight-reducing cape that can be bought or made from dashing kebbit fur. It is considered the improved version of spotted cape.
Goblin Village wall shortcut 1
Completed easy Falador Diary Provides a shortcut between Burthorpe and the Chaos Temple.
Observatory cliff grapple shortcut 1
Completion of Observatory, 23 Agility, 28 Strength, 24 Ranged The Observatory is one possible location for medium Treasure Trail clues. This shortcut saves a lot of time by bypassing the underground dungeon to enter the Observatory. Players need only bring a crossbow and mithril grapple for the first trip.
Draynor Village to Port Sarim underwall tunnel shortcut 1
42 Agility Allows easier travel from Draynor Village and Port Sarim.
Deep Wilderness Dungeon narrow shortcut 1
Completed medium Wilderness Diary, 46 Agility Shortcut to fire giants of the Deep Wilderness Dungeon and the wine of Zamorak spawn.
Motherlode Mine wall shortcut 1
Completed medium Falador Diary, 54 Agility Fastest access between the bank deposit box and Motherlode Mine deposits.
Miscellania docks stepping stone shortcut 1
55 Agility Provides a quick way to navigate from Miscellania to Etceteria
Access to God Wars Dungeon 1
60 Agility Either 60 Agility or 60 Strength is required to navigate pass the boulder blocking access to the entrance to God Wars Dungeon.
Lumbridge Swamp to Kharidian Desert stepping stone shortcut 1
66 Agility Provides quick access to the Kalphite Lair
Heroes' Guild tunnel shortcut 1
Completed hard Falador Diary, 67 Agility Provides quicker access to the Fountain of Heroes.
Access to Saradomin section of God Wars Dungeon 1
70 Agility
Al Kharid Palace southern window shortcut 1
70 Agility Quick passage between the Al Kharid Palace and the Shantay Pass.
Troll Stronghold roof shortcut 1
73 Agility Player can directly climb the shortcut to access the herb patch on the roof of Troll Stronghold.
Lava Dragon Isle stepping stone shortcut 1
74 Agility This shortcut is a quick way to access the Lava Dragon Isle south side. Players can use this to escape player-killers who do not have the necessary requirements to traverse this shortcut.
Zul-Andra stepping stone shortcut 1
Completed Regicide, 76 Agility Players using the fairy ring code BJS to teleport to the nearby island can navigate the stepping stones with 76 Agility. This is the fastest method of reaching Zul-Andra without using the expensive Zul-andra teleport scrolls.
Kharazi Jungle vine climb shortcut 1
Completed Legends' Quest, 79 Agility Quickly access Kharazi Jungle without having to bring a machete and axe to navigate through the jungle.
Brimhaven Dungeon eastern stepping stones 1
56 Agility Shortcut to the red dragons.
Kalphite Lair wall shortcut 1
Completed elite Desert Diary, 86 Agility Direct passage to the Kalphite Queen's entrance.
Hallowed Sepulchre private instances 1
Purchased with 200 Hallowed marks Unlocks the option of creating private instances within the Hallowed Sepulchre


Content Members Unlocked Notes
Magic secateurs 1
Fairytale I - Growing Pains quest Increases yield from herbs, allotments, grape vines, and hops by 10% when worn.
Farmer's outfit 1
Purchaseable from Tithe Farm minigame The outfit grants a 2.5% bonus to Farming experience when worn.
Ardougne cloak teleports 1
Completed medium Ardougne Diary Ardougne cloak 2 or better provides teleports to the Ardougne Monastery bush patch and the Ardougne Farm patches. The medium tier cloak provides unlimited teleport to the Ardougne Monastery and 3 teleports to the Ardougne Farm per day. The Ardougne Farm teleports can be increased to 5 and unlimited teleports per day with the completion of the hard and elite tasks.
Explorer's ring teleport 1
Completed medium Lumbridge & Draynor Diary The explorer's ring teleports the player to the Falador Farm cabbage patch just south of the farming patches. Completion of the medium tier provide 3 teleports per day. Unlimited teleports per day is unlocked once the player has completed the hard tasks for the diary.
Auto-weed farming patches 1
Purchased from Tithe Farm Auto-weed farming patches prevents new weeds from growing in your Farming patches. This perk can be purchased from Tithe Farm for 50 points and can be toggled on or off.
Access to farming patches in Morytania 1
Completed Priest in Peril Morytania can only be accessed after the completion of the Priest in Peril quest. The farming patches include a mushroom farming patch in addition to the standard allotment, flower, and herb patches.
Access to disease-free farming plots in Hosidius 1
Completion of the easy Kourend & Kebos Diary The Hosidius farming patches include the standard allotment, flower, and herb patches. The plots are accessible without the easy Kourend & Kebos Diary, however they will not be disease-free.
Access to disease-free farming plots in Varlamore 1
Champion rank (16,000 Glory) at the Fortis Colosseum The Varlamore farming patches include the standard allotment, flower, and herb patches. The plots are accessible without Glory, however they will not be disease-free.
Access to Troll Stronghold herb patch 1
Completed My Arm's Big Adventure Disease-free herb patches.
Access to Weiss herb patch 1
Completed Making Friends with My Arm Disease-free herb patch when the fire of nourishment is constructed in the fire pit.
Access to Harmony Island herb patch 1
Completed elite Morytania Diary
Access to Lletya's fruit tree patch 1
Started Mourning's End Part I Players need to start Mourning's End Part I until they have access to Lletya.
Access to Farming Guild's fruit tree patch 1
85 Farming The fruit tree patch is located in the north wing of the Farming Guild which can only be accessed if the player has 85 Farming.
Access to Fossil Island's hardwood tree patchs 1
Completed Bone Voyage quest Teak and mahogany trees can only be grown on Fossil Island.
Access to Farming Guild's tree patch 1
65 Farming The Farming Guild tree patch, located in the west wing, can only be accessed if the player has 65 Farming.
Access to Farming Guild's celastrus tree patch 1
85 Farming Celastrus tree can be farmed in the northern wing of the Farming Guild. Players can harvest a fully grown tree for celastrus bark which can be fletched into battlestaves.
Access to Farming Guild's redwood tree patch 1
90 Farming Players can grow their own redwood tree with 90 Farming in the northern wing of the Farming Guild.
Disease-free Falador tree patch 1
Completed elite Falador Diary Completion of the elite Falador Diary requires as 94 Farming along with a variety of other skills.
Ability to plant Spirit trees 1
83 Farming Players with 83 Farming can plant only 1 Spirit tree. This is increased to 2 Spirit trees with 91 Farming. At 99 Farming, players can plant an unlimited spirit trees at a time.
Ability to grow and kill Hespori 1
Access to Farming Guild and 65 Farming Players can plant hespori seeds that grow into the Hespori farming boss. Killing Hespori provides anima seeds which provides three different global Farming perks. Hespori also has a chance to drop white lily seeds and the bottomless compost bucket.
Ability to grow anima seeds 1
Access to Farming Guild and 76 Farming Anima seeds can be only obtained from killing Hespori. There are three types of anima seeds: kronos, iasor, and attas seed. Anima seeds provide global farming passive effects depending on the planted seed.
  • Kronos seed - chance for farming patches to skip a growth stage.
  • Iasor seed - will decrease the chance of farming patches becoming diseased during growth.
  • Attas seed - increase the yield of farming patches.
Ability to grow Zamorak's grapes 1
75,000 coins paid to Bologa and 50 Prayer Unlocks the ability to purchase Bologa's blessing from Tithe Farm. The blessing allows players to pick Zamorak's grapes instead of grapes from the Vinery, consuming one blessing per grape picked.


Content Members Requirements Notes
Angler's outfit 1
Fishing Trawler minigame The angler's outfit provides a 2.5% bonus in Fishing experience when the full set is worn. Fishing Trawler requires level 15 Fishing to participate in the minigame. Wearing the outfit requires level 34 Fishing.

'Note: Pieces of the outfit can also be purchased from with Molch pearls from aerial fishing. This is not recommended due to the time required to obtain the pearls.

Dragon harpoon 1
61 Fishing and 60 Attack and to wield The dragon harpoon provides the player 20% faster catch rate compared to the regular harpoon. However, the harpoon is more commonly used for the special attack which grants a visible +3 Fishing boost.
Wieldable fishing rods 1
Purchaseable using Molch pearls obtained on from aerial fishing Molch pearls can be used to purchase wieldable normal fishing rods, fly fishing rods, and barbarian rods. The wieldable oily fishing rod can be created by using blamish oil on a pearl fishing rod.
Ability to catch Minnows in the Fishing Guild 1
Completed Fishing Contest, full Angler's outfit Catching minnows requires level 82 Fishing. Minnows provide fast experience and can be traded for raw sharks.
Learn heavy rod fishing 1
Completed Barbarian Fishing Training Barbarian heavy rod fishing is the fastest Fishing experience available. Catching leaping fish gives players Fishing, Agility, and Strength experience.
Learn bare-handed fishing 1
Completed Barbarian Fishing Training Players can now catch tuna, swordfish, and sharks without a harpoon. Catching fish with their bare-hands awards players Fishing and Strength experience.
Ability to catch monkfish 1
Completed Swan Song Catching monkfish requires level 62 Fishing. Monkfish can only be found inside the Piscatoris Fishing Colony.
Ability to catch karambwan 1
Completed Tai Bwo Wannai Trio Catching raw karambwanji are used as bait inside a Karambwan vessel.
Access to infernal eels 1
Access to the inner city of Mor Ul Rek Requires an oily fishing rod, ice gloves, and bait to catch along with 80 Fishing.
Ability to catch anglerfish 1
None Catching anglerfish requires level 82 Fishing. Anglerfish allows players to overheal their max hitpoints.
Access to sacred eels 1
Partial completion of Regicide (Access to Tyras Camp), and permission from High Priestess Zul-Harcinqa Catching sacred eels requires 87 Fishing. Sacred eels can be dissected to extract Zulrah's scales with 72 Cooking.


Content Members Unlocked Notes
Champions' Guild 0
32 Quest points
Cooks' Guild 0
32 Cooking Must wear a Chef's hat or Cooking cape to enter.
Crafting Guild 0
40 Crafting Must wear a Brown apron or Crafting cape to enter.
Prayer Guild 0
31 Prayer
Fishing Guild 1
68 Fishing
Heroes' Guild 1
Heroes' Quest quest
Legends' Guild 1
Legends' Quest quest
Mining Guild 0
60 Mining
Myths' Guild 1
Dragon Slayer II quest
Ranging Guild 1
40 Ranged
Warriors' Guild 1
Combined total of 130 between Attack and Strength OR 99 Attack/Strength
Wizards' Guild 1
66 Magic
Woodcutting Guild 1
60 Woodcutting
Hunter Guild 1
46 Hunter


Animation Overrides


Content Members Unlocked Notes
Abyss 1
Enter the Abyss miniquest Gives access to obtain more essence pouch drops from killing the creatures inside.
Corsair Cove Resource Area 0
Dragon Slayer I quest
Crandor 0
Partial completion of the Dragon Slayer I quest. Including the northern portion of the Crandor and Karamja Dungeon.
Dorgesh-Kaan 1
Death to the Dorgeshuun quest
Elemental Workshop 1
Elemental Workshop I quest
Fossil Island 1
Bone Voyage quest
God Wars Dungeon 1
Partial completion of the Troll Stronghold quest

and having talked to the the dying knight.

Grotesque Guardians 1
Used a Brittle key on the roof entrance on the top floor of the Slayer Tower Obtained as drop from Gargoyles
Jatizso 1
The Fremennik Trials quest
Kharazi Jungle 1
Legends' Quest Partial completion with Radimus notes
Lunar Isle 1
Lunar Diplomacy quest
Miscellania and Etceteria 1
The Fremennik Trials quest Complete the Throne of Miscellania quest to unlock the Managing Miscellania.
Morytania 1
Priest in Peril quest
Mos Le'Harmless 1
Cabin Fever quest
Neitiznot 1
The Fremennik Trials quest
Tirannwn 1
Started Regicide quest
Upper level of Motherlode Mine 1
Purchased with 100 golden nuggets from Prospector Percy
Zanaris 1
Lost City quest
Iceberg 1
Partial completion of the quest Cold War Penguin base can be accessed if wearing a clockwork suit
Prifddinas 1
Song of the Elves quest
Varlamore 1
Children of the Sun quest


Content Members Unlocked Notes
Ancient Magicks 1
Desert Treasure I quest
Arceuus spellbook 1
Ardougne Teleport 1
Plague City quest
Bones to Peaches 1
Mage Training Arena minigame 200 Telekinetic, 300 Alchemist, 2,000 Enchantment, and 200 Graveyard pizazz points.
Charge 1
Mage Arena I miniquest One of the three god staves must be claimed to cast this spell.
Claws of Guthix 1
Mage Arena I miniquest Requires Guthix staff or Void knight mace to cast. This spell must be cast 100 times in the arena to use outside of the arena.
Dream 1
Dream Mentor quest
Flames of Zamorak 1
Mage Arena I miniquest Requires Zamorak staff, Staff of the dead, or Toxic staff of the dead to cast. This spell must be cast 100 times in the arena to use outside of the arena.
Harmony Island Teleport 1
The Great Brain Robbery quest Needs Arceuus spellbook unlocked.
Humidify 1
Dream Mentor quest
Hunter Kit 1
Dream Mentor quest
Iban Blast 1
Underground Pass quest Requires Iban's staff to cast the spell.
Lunar spells 1
Lunar Diplomacy quest
Monster Examine 1
Dream Mentor quest
Plank Make 1
Dream Mentor quest
Recharge Dragonstone 1
Completion of hard Fremennik Diary Level 89 Magic and Lunar spells unlocked.
Saradomin Strike 1
Mage Arena I miniquest Requires Saradomin staff or Staff of light to cast. This spell must be cast 100 times in the arena to use outside of the arena.
Stat Spy 1
Dream Mentor quest
Spellbook Swap 1
Dream Mentor quest
Tan Leather 1
Completion of hard Fremennik Diary Level 78 Magic and Lunar spells unlocked.
Ape Atoll Teleport 1
Recipe for Disaster/Freeing King Awowogei quest
Teleport to Target 1
Target teleport scroll 500 points from the Bounty Hunter Shop or 250 points from Justine's stuff for the Last Shopper Standing.
Kourend Castle Teleport 1
Client of Kourend quest
Trollheim Teleport 1
Eadgar's Ruse quest
Ultracomposted Fertile Soil 1
Ash covered tome 40,000 points in Volcanic Mine.
Watchtower Teleport 1
Watchtower quest
West Ardougne Teleport 1
Biohazard quest Needs Arceuus spellbook unlocked.
Ourania Teleport 1
Talk to Baba Yaga Requires 71 Magic while being on the Lunar spellbook


Content Members Unlocked Notes
Ability to bank on Lunar Isle without the Seal of passage 1
Dream Mentor quest
Ability to fletch Ogre arrows, cook Chompy bird, and acquire a Bowman hat 1
Big Chompy Bird Hunting quest
Ability to grow and steal Goutweed 1
Eadgar's Ruse quest
Ability to kill Cave horrors 1
Cabin Fever quest Drops the Black mask, which is used in the construction of the Slayer helmet.
Ability to make Cannonballs and use the Dwarf multicannon 1
Dwarf Cannon quest
Ability to make Clockwork suits 1
Cold War quest
Ability to smith Blurite bars 1
The Knight's Sword quest Bars can be made into Blurite limbs or Blurite bolts (unf).
Ability to smith Claws 1
Death Plateau quest
Ability to use a Scroll of redirection on a Teleport to house tablet 1
Eadgar's Ruse quest Changes the tablet to teleport to Trollheim.
Ability to use Dorgeshuun weapon Special attacks 1
Death to the Dorgeshuun quest Only applies to the Bone dagger and Dorgeshuun crossbow.
Ability to use pay-fare to and from Karamja 0
Pirate's Treasure quest
Ability to work in the Varrock Museum specimen cleaning 1
The Dig Site quest This activity gives the player the opportunity to obtain the Digsite pendant to unlock the teleport directly to the Digsite.
Access to the Combat Training Camp 1
Biohazard quest
Access to the Dondakan's mine and Ring of wealth teleport to the mine 1
Between a Rock... quest
Access to the H.A.M. Store room 1
Death to the Dorgeshuun quest The player can loot gems, jewellery, and coins from chests.
Access to the Penguin agility course 1
Cold War quest Requires the player to be shrunk into the Clockwork suit to get to.
Access to expanded stock at Ali Morrisane 1
The Feud quest Requires completion of the unmarked miniquest Rogue Trader
Access to the Smoke Dungeon 1
Desert Treasure I quest
Access to the Sorceress's Garden minigame 1
Prince Ali Rescue quest
Access to the Trouble Brewing minigame 1
Cabin Fever quest
Access to the water wheel tunnel 1
Death to the Dorgeshuun quest
Access to the Werewolf Agility Course 1
Creature of Fenkenstrain quest Located underground north of Canifis.
Access to Fairy Fixit's Fairy Enchantment shop 1
Fairytale II - Cure a Queen Fairy Fixit sells Fairy enchantment's that are used in the Superior Garden as a reagent to make the Fairy rings inside the player's house.
Access to Sophanem's bank 1
Contact! quest Located underneath the north-east temple.
Charter ship prices become halved 1
Cabin Fever quest
Cook-o-matic 100 0
Cook's Assistant quest Reduces the burn chance of cooking food. Check the Cooking/Burn level table for more information.
Corsair Cove's bank 0
The Corsair Curse quest
Crystal saw 1
The Eyes of Glouphrie quest Gives a passive +3 Construction boost for 28 uses before reverting back to a crystal saw seed.
Free passage between the Lumbridge/Al Kharid gate 0
Prince Ali Rescue quest
Ghostspeak amulet 0
The Restless Ghost quest Lets you communicate with ghosts.
Herblore skill 1
Druidic Ritual quest
Killerwatt plane 1
Ernest the Chicken quest
Purchase and wear Climbing boots 1
Death Plateau quest Can be bought from Tenzing for 12 coins.
Ring of charos 1
Creature of Fenkenstrain quest Allows the player access to persuasive chat options when talking to NPCs.
Ring of visibility 1
Desert Treasure I quest
Mining Essence 0
Rune Mysteries quest
Steel gauntlets 1
Family Crest quest Can be taken to Caleb, Avan, or Johnathon to turn the gauntlets into a pair of Cooking gauntlets, Goldsmith gauntlets, or Chaos gauntlets respectively.
White Wolf Mountain underground passage 1
Fishing Contest quest
Ability to use Box traps 1
Eagles' Peak quest
Bird houses 1
Bone Voyage quest Made using different types of logs and stuffed with seeds to catch birds.
Herbiboar 1
Bone Voyage quest, 80 Hunter
Maniacal monkey 1
Monkey Madness II quest, 60 Hunter
Barbarian Training 1
Fully completed the Barbarian Training miniquest Unlocks various new methods and quality of life improvements for training skills


Content Members Unlocked Notes
Augury 1
Arcane prayer scroll Dropped in Chambers of Xeric.
Chivalry 1
Knight Waves Training Grounds miniquest Requires 65 Defence and 60 Prayer.
Piety 1
Knight Waves Training Grounds miniquest Requires 70 Defence and Prayer.
Preserve 1
Torn prayer scroll Dropped in Chambers of Xeric.
Rigour 1
Dexterous prayer scroll Dropped in Chambers of Xeric.

Respawn Point

Content Members Unlocked Notes
Camelot 1
Knight Waves Training Grounds miniquest
Edgeville 0
5,000,000 coins paid to Krystilia in Edgeville One time fee to unlock.
Falador 1
Recruitment Drive quest
Prifddinas 1
Song of the Elves quest
Kourend Castle 1
A Kingdom Divided quest
Ferox Enclave 0
5,000,000 coins paid to Ferox in the Ferox Enclave One time fee to unlock.
Civitas illa Fortis 1
Challenger rank (5,000 glory) at the Fortis Colosseum


Content Members Unlocked Notes
Amulet of the eye 1
Traded the Tarnished locket with the Lumbridge Guide Reward from the Guardians of the Rift minigame, requiring the completion of the Temple of the Eye quest.
Andras' boat 1
Completion of Priest in Peril quest Can pay 1,000,000 coins to Andras to remove the 10,000 coin cost per trip from Port Phasmatys to Slepe
Balloon transport system 1
Enlightened Journey quest Need to unlock locations after completion of quest to travel to more locations.
Camulet 1
Enakhra's Lament quest Can pay 1,000,000 coins to Lazim to grant unlimited teleports, otherwise camel dung is needed to recharge.
Dragontooth Island 1
Partial completion of Ghosts Ahoy quest Can pay 500 ecto-tokens to the ghost captain to remove the 25 token per trip fee.
Dorgesh-Kaan–Keldagrim train system 1
Another Slice of H.A.M. quest
Eagle transport system 1
Eagles' Peak quest Need to unlock locations after completion of quest to travel to more locations.
Ectophial 1
Ghosts Ahoy quest
Enchanted lyre(i) 1
Imbue an un-enchanted lyre after completion of The Fremennik Trials by offering Fossegrimen a one-time offering of 1,000 raw sharks, raw bass, raw manta rays and raw sea turtles. Price is reduced by 200 of each per diary tier completed. Infinite teleports to Rellekka. After hard Fremennik Diary, Waterbirth Island. After elite Fremennik Diary, Jatizso and Neitiznot.
Fairy rings 1
Partial completion of the quest Fairytale II - Cure a Queen Certain fairy rings have additional requirements to unlock, see the page for full details.
Gnome glider 1
The Grand Tree quest
Royal seed pod 1
Monkey Madness II quest
Keldagrim mine cart system 1
Started The Giant Dwarf
Lovakengj Minecart Network 1
None Completion of The Forsaken Tower removes the 20 coin cost per ride.
Shilo Village cart system 1
Shilo Village quest Varying cost of travel depending on the coin amount on player.
Spirit tree 1
Tree Gnome Village quest
Goblin village sphere 1
Another Slice of H.A.M. quest Purchase from Oldak for 2 Law runes and a piece of Molten glass.
Plain of mud sphere 1
Land of the Goblins quest Purchase from Oldak for 2 Law runes and a piece of Molten glass.
Ogre boat 1
Recipe for Disaster/Freeing Skrach Uglogwee quest Requires two "Glug-glug herbies".
Canoes 1
12 woodcutting, or 57 for the wilderness station
Pharaoh's sceptre Jaltevas attunement 1
Beneath Cursed Sands quest Commune with the Obelisk in the Necropolis while having a Pharaoh's sceptre in your inventory
Xeric's Honour teleport 1
Used Ancient tablet on Xeric's talisman The tablet is obtained from the Chambers of Xeric
Slepe teleport 1
Used Slepey tablet on Drakan's medallion The tablet is obtained from Phosani's Nightmare
Ring of shadows teleports 1
Used all 4 tablets (Frozen tablet, Scarred tablet, Sirenic tablet, Strangled tablet) on Ring of shadows The tablets are obtained from each of the respective Desert Treasure II bosses
Mountain Guide 1
Talked to the Mountain Guide at the summit of Mount Quidamortem
Ring of dueling Colosseum teleport 1
Hero rank (12,000 glory) at the Fortis Colosseum
Pendant of ates Aldarin teleport 1
Obtained an icon from Villa Lucens Completing Death on the Isle quest is required to pickpocket Constantinius and loot his chest and fountain.

Area Effects

Content Members Unlocked Notes
Fire pits 1
Making Friends with My Arm Each fire pit has to be individually constructed
Removing the darkness from Zamorak's Fortress 1
Saradomin's light Dropped by Commander Zilyana
Permanent 10% buff to chance of catching fish in Camdozaal 0
2,500 Barronite shards paid to Ramarno Requires Below Ice Mountain
Permanent 10% buff to chance to prepare fish in Camdozaal 0
2,500 Barronite shards paid to Ramarno Requires Below Ice Mountain
Permanent 5 level defence buff when fighting golems in Camdozaal 0
2,500 Barronite shards paid to Ramarno Requires Below Ice Mountain
Permanent 10% buff to chance of mining barronite in Camdozaal 0
2,500 Barronite shards paid to Ramarno Requires Below Ice Mountain
Permanent 5% buff to chance to find rare items in Camdozaal 0
3,000 Barronite shards paid to Ramarno Requires Below Ice Mountain
Become permanently impervious to teleport attacks 1
Teleport anchoring scroll This only applies to elder chaos druids and abyssal demons

Doors and passages

Content Members Unlocked Notes
Crypt of the Moon 1
Used a temple coin on the stone relief Obtained from Olbertus in the Forthos Dungeon, either by trading him five cut dragonstones or by attempting to kill him
Temple Door 1
Used a temple key on one of the doors in Forthos Dungeon Obtained by offering 100 (or 200 if the player attempted to attack Olbertus while speaking to him) babydragon bones, dragon bones, lava dragon bones or superior dragon bones to the sacred bone burner found at the Crypt of the Moon
Blood rift 1
Having crafted blood runes before having used a dark essence block on the blood rift
Soul rift 1
Having crafted soul runes before having used a dark essence block on the soul rift
Northern entrance of Brimhaven Dungeon 1
1,000,000 coins paid to Saniboch 875 coins fee if not unlocked permanently
Southern entrance of Brimhaven Dungeon 1
5,000 trading sticks paid to Banisoch
Crandor Dungeon wall 0
Pass once from the Crandor to the Karamja or complete Dragon Slayer I
Stronghold of Security portals 0
For each portal, complete the subsequent floor
Fish shoal access 1
200 numulites per day Can pay 20,000 numulites to unlock permanently
Volcanic Mine access 1
30 numulites per entry Can pay 3,000 numulites to unlock permanently
Catacombs of Kourend north-western entrance 1
Unlocked by using the rope from inside the catacombs. Bring dragonfire protection and food.
Catacombs of Kourend north-eastern entrance 1
Unlocked by using the rope from inside the catacombs. Bring food if low level
Catacombs of Kourend southern entrance 1
Unlocked by using the rope from inside the catacombs. Bring food if low level
Catacombs of Kourend south-eastern entrance 1
Unlocked by using the rope from inside the catacombs. Bring food if low level


Content Members Unlocked Notes
Mystic cards 1
Redeemed code v1r354cqu1r173und0 with Diango
Altar of the Sun praying animation 1
Spoken to Knight of Varlamore after completing In Search of Knowledge and unlocking the Crypt of the Moon
Contraband Yak Produce 1
5,000 coins paid to Vanligga Gastfrihet Found in Jatizso
Castle wars accumulator or attractor effect 1
Used the device on Lanthus Found in the Castle Wars lobby
Soul Wars accumulator or attractor effect 1
Used the device on Nomad Found in the Soul Wars lobby
Ranging cape assembler effect 1
Used Vorkath's head on Ranging cape or Max cape Using it on either permanently applies the assembler effect to all applicable capes
Slayer Helmet in place of a Shayzien helm when fighting lizardman shamans 1
After completing the hard Kourend & Kebos Diary and having obtained Shayzien helm (5), spoken to Captain Cleive Found in the Lizardman Caves
Cheaper Crystal weapon seed re-enchantments 1
Recharged the Crystal weapon seed 4 times The lowest price becomes 180,000 coins for the Crystal bow or 150,000 coins for the Crystal shield or Crystal halberd
Freedom for Droalak's soul 1
Talked to Droalak after completing Making History
Freedom for Klenter's soul 1
Talked to Klenter after completing Icthlarin's Little Helper
Bigger bag in Motherlode Mine 1
Purchased with 200 golden nuggets from Prospector Percy
Hosidius-themed house style 1
Changed house-style with an Estate agent while having Hosidius blueprints in the inventory Bought from the Mahogany Homes Reward Shop
Loot key 0
1,000,000 coins paid to Skully Loot keys store the loot from players defeated in PvP in a single inventory space. After being unlocked, this behaviour can be freely toggled at Skully in the Ferox Enclave.
Knight of the Lion 1
1% to encounter while opening regular coffins in the Hallowed Sepulchre Wanders around in the lobby Hallowed Sepulchre afterwards
Knight of the Owl 1
1% to encounter while opening regular coffins in the Hallowed Sepulchre Wanders around in the lobby Hallowed Sepulchre afterwards
Knight of the Unicorn 1
1% to encounter while opening regular coffins in the Hallowed Sepulchre Wanders around in the lobby Hallowed Sepulchre afterwards
Knight of the Wolf 1
1% to encounter while opening regular coffins in the Hallowed Sepulchre Wanders around in the lobby Hallowed Sepulchre afterwards
Archpriest of the Unicorn 1
1% to encounter while opening the Grand Hallowed Coffin in the Hallowed Sepulchre Wanders around in the lobby Hallowed Sepulchre afterwards
Freedom for Darkmeyer Slave 1
Gifted the Darkmeyer Slave 100 Hallowed marks Dialogue is permanently changed when encountered in the future
Count Check Lamp 0
Asked Count Check to check your account after setting up a bank pin and linking to a Jagex Account
Doomsayer warnings 1
Triggered all 24 warnings seven times each to unlock the ability to toggle them off A full checklist can be found on the Doomsayer page
Guardians of the Rift Essence pouch repair 1
25 abyssal pearls paid to Apprentice Cordelia
Gravestone cosmetic enhancement 0
200,000 coins paid to Death in Death's Office
Museum camp utilities 1
Various construction materials at detailed on the page.
Unlimited gyr falcon access 1
500,000 coins paid to Matthias at the Piscatoris falconry area Otherwise costs 500 coins every time you want to obtain it
Extra bank space 0
Up to 888,000,000 coins to unlock all 400 extra bank slots. First 40 slots cost 1,000,000 coins, and the last 40 cost 500,000,000 coins.
Access to the Bank chest inside the Colosseum lobby 1
Brawler rank (2,000 glory) at the Fortis Colosseum